Sunday, September 9, 2012

Extemp Questions July/Aug 2012

From July / August 2012

  • Has Romney’s record at Bain turned from political asset to political liability?
  • Does American unemployment still face significant risk from offshore outsourcing?
  • How can drug related violence in Mexico be brought under control?
  • Does the rise of social entrepreneurship indicate international aid organizations and NGOs are failing the world’s poor?
  • Should the UN do more to aid African development projects?
  • Can China continue to grow its economy while addressing enviornmental protections?
  • What should be done to reform the British banking system?
  • Has Congress done enough to correct the problem of banks that are too big to fail?
  • Does the return to power of the PRI in Mexico signal a return to authoritarian power?
  • What can President Enrique Pena Nieto do to modernize and grow the Mexican economy?
  • Is new gun control legislation a possibility for Congress?
  • Is a new financial crisis in Spain inevitable?
  • Does manipulation of the LIBOR rate indicate that government oversight is incapable of effectively regulating large banks?
  • Should Congress do more to reduce America’s foreign energy dependence?
  • Should the LIBOR scandal provok further SEC investigations into US financial institutions?
  • How can Romney’s campaign win over moderate voters while keepin the conservative base?
  • Is the selection of Paul Ryan as a running mate a game-changing choice for Mitt Romney?
  • Will the selection of Paul Ryan as running mate help Mitt Romney win over moderate voters?
  • What real assets does Paul Ryan bring to the Romney campaign?
  • Will Medicare reform be a significant issue for the Presidential campaign?
  • Should Greece be forced to leave the Euro Zone?
  • Should the Fed take additional steps to bolster economic growth?
  • Will the state of Europe’s economy dampen US economic growth?
  • Is the international community doing enough to combat global poverty?
  • Should Germany push to break up the single European currenty?
  • Should the ECB do more to stabilize Euro Zone economies?
  • What does the future hold for the European Monetary Union?
  • How much will a lagging European economy continue to hinder US economic recovery?
  • Is a break-up of the Euro possible?
  • Are economic sanctions against Iran strict enough?
  • Do American gun control laws lack serious enforcement?
  • What does the future hold for Medicare?
  • Can Greece afford to stay a member of the Euro?
  • Can the Euro be dismantled without catastropic economic effects?
  • Will this election see a reversal of fortune for the Tea Party?
  • Will the negative tone of the Presidential campaigns impede the winner’s ability to govern effectively?
  • What impact do party conventions really have on the Presidential election?
  • Is additional federal economic stimulus needed?
  • How can Americans faith in government be restored?
  • How significant a role will national energy policy play in the November elections?
  • How can the Republican Party win over women voters?
  • How can Mitt Romney connect with middle-class voters?
  • Can Syria’s government continue to hold against rebel forces?
  • Is the US housing market starting to show signs of recovery?
  • Should the ECB impose specific conditional reforms before providing additional bailout funds?
  • What impact will joining the WTO have on Russia’s economy?
  • Are conditions improving in Somalia?
  • What more should the international community do to promote private investment in developing nations’ infrastructure?
  • Does a strained relationship between China and Japan pose a risk to long term economic growth in Asia?
  • Should the German government establish a contingency plan for the possible break-up of the Euro?
  • Can the Euro Zone crisis be resolved if Greece leaves the Euro?
  • Is corruption in Pakistan unresolvable?
  • Are drone attacks counter-productive to American strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan?
  • Do radical Islamic forces in the Afghan-Pakistan borderlands still pose a significant risk to coalition forces?
  • What can the US do to improve its popularity in the Muslim world?
  • Should the Pakistani government do more to bring radical Islamists into the political process?
  • Is real bi=partisanship in Congress a lost cause?