- Does Greece need additional debt relief?
- Do the forces combatting ISIS need additional support from the US?
- How important is resolution of the Greek debt crisis to the future of the EU?
- Is a plan for the Greek debt crisis critical to the future of the Euro?
- Should the Venezuelan government do more to bring inflation under control?
- Is amnesty for illegals currently residing in the US a necessary part of immigration reform?
- Is the 2016 Presidential race ripe for a third-party candidate?
- Does Donald Trump’s presidential run hurt the Republican Party?
- Should the ECB do more to ensure Greece doesn’t fall out of the Euro?
- Is America losing the fight for Cybersecurity?
- Should the Greek government seek a way to gracefully exit the Euro?
- Does American national security policy need to focus more attention on Cybersecurity?
- Should the US do more to assist Mexico in fighting the drug war?
- What more should be done to end corruption in the Mexican government?
- Should Congress impose greater restrictions on the civilian use of drones?
- Can the UN establish peace in Syria?
- What does the future hold for Malaysian politics?
- Is real democracy on the horizon for Myanmar?
- Will re-establishing diplomatic tes with Cuba give the US more leverage against the Castro government?
- Will the Iran deal lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East?
- Should the US do more to help Nigeria in combatting Boko Haram?
- Have low oil prices put the stability of Saudi Arabia at risk?
- Is Donald Trump shaping his message to run a third-party campaign in the 2016 general election?
- Are asylum seekers crossing from Africa good for Europe in the long run?
- Can the British Conservatives maintain party unity?
- Is the Pakistani government doing everything it should to combat militant Islam in the region?
- Should the international community do more to combat government corruption in Africa?
- Should the UK move up its EU membership referendum?
- Is America ripe for a populist third-party candidate?
- Doe Hillary Clinton’s campaign have a problem with authenticity?
- How can the Haitian government deal with the current refugee crisis?