- Is the Republican leadership in Washington out of touch with the GOP voter base?
- Is the Australian Parliament prepared to legalize same-sex marriage?
- What steps should Congress take to fix the National Flood Insurance Program?
- Will the first round of indictments from the Mueller investigation put a damper on President Trump’s legislative agenda?
- Can Congressional Republicans stay on track with tax reform?
- Did the separatist movement in Catalonia overplay its hand?
- What does the future hold for Iraqi Kurds?
- How much is the Mueller investigation distracting the Trump White House?
- Are social media companies failing in their civic responsibility?
- Is it time for Jared Kushner to leave the Trump Administration?
- Does Hillary Clinton still have a role in shaping the future of the Democratic Party?
- How much will President Trump’s plan for a media campaign targeted at youth help curb the opioid epidemic?
- Have the actions of the government in Madrid brought the conflict over Catalan independence closer to resolution?
- Are fraud and government corruption a solvable problem for Saudi Arabia?
- Are fraud and government corruption in sub-Saharan Africa an intractable problem?
- Is Xi Jinping able to solve government corruption in China?
- Can a strategy of military deterrence work to rein in the actions of North Korea?
- What more should the international community do to curb the spread of radical Islamic ideology around the world?
- Can President Trump find a way to balance international trade interests with concerns over North Korea on his first China trip?
- Should Jeff Sessions resign as Attorney General?
- Is it time for the Fed to start raising interest rates again?
- Is there a way for America to overcome political tribalism?
- Has the conflict in Yemen turned into a quagmire?
- Are the actions of Saudi Arabia significantly adding to regional instability?
- Is the situation in Puerto Rico improving too slowly?
- Should the US begin to cut its support to Saudi Arabia?
- Are Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s plans to expand the role of women in the workplace good for the long-term future of Japan?
- Is the Trump Presidency good for American political satire?
- Does the international community need to establish clear rules for the use of CRISPR and similar gene editing technology?
- Are “right to work” laws bad for American workers?
- How will the growth of automation and machine learning reshape the American economy in the coming decade?
- Is growing political nationalism bad for European economics?
- Should Puerto Rico consider taking steps towards statehood?
- Will Congress do more to help Puerto Rico’s economy recover?
- Can the independent Kurdish government sustain itself and its autonomy within Iraq?
- Will continued political turmoil in Kenya lead to violence?
- Will President Trump’s push to change NAFTA backfire against the American economy?
- Is the Trump Administration permanently abandoning America’s role in promoting human rights internationally?
- Should the Indian government do more to improve air quality in it’s large cities?
- Will President Trump fire Robert Mueller?
- Is budget reconciliation the wrong process for Congress to push forward with major tax reform legislation?
- Are Saudi Arabia and Iran headed towards direct armed conflict?
- Does the Democratic Party have too much internal discord to mount a united front against the GOP in the 2018 midterm elections?
- Should the international community do more to crack down on the use of international tax havens by large multinational corporations?
- Is more transparency needed for the financial ties of members of President Trump’s cabinet?
- What should be done to end the Saudi-led blockage of Yemen?
- Is Theresa May’s government falling apart?
- Is Venezuela headed towards a massive debt default?
- Can America learn to tolerate a nuclear-armed North Korea?
- Has President Trump learned how to work with America’s intelligence agencies?
- Do Trump Administration cuts to the State Department budget pose a significant national security risk for the US?
- Is the relationship between the US and China improving under President Trump?
- Will Democratic Party voters be able to stay motivated through the 2018 midterms?
- Is the real legacy of the Obama Administration a broken Democratic Party?
- Is Robert Mueller’s investigation closing in on President Trump’s inner circle?
- Will the Trump White House push to curtail or end the Mueller investigation?
- Is it possible to hold cable TV news programs to an objective standard for accuracy and truth in reporting?
- Should the UK hold a second Brexit vote after Article 50 negotiations are completed?
- Will China’s global soft power grow to rival that of the United States?
- Should the US be more vocal about the protection of human rights in China?
- Is Zimbabwe on the verge of major political change?
- Will the resignation of Lebanon’s Prime Minister increased regional instability?
- Should the federal government enact stronger protections for mothers in the workplace?
- Can President Trump keep his campaign promise of cutting the trade deficit with China?
- Are Kurdish dreams of an independent state demolished?
- What’s next for the Kurdish independence movement?
- Should the Department of Justice dedicate additional resources towards finding missing persons of color?
- Have federal law enforcement agencies failed to adequately address the threat from domestic terrorist organizations?
- Should the DoJ do more to monitor the actions of white nationalist groups?
- Is the threat of armed conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia growing?
- Is new leadership necessary to rebuild the Democratic Party?
- Are American voters having buyer’s remorse over electing Donald Trump?
- Is America ceding its international leadership role to China?
- Is the Saudi crown Prince’s consolidation of domestic power bad for regional stability?
- Will the changes to American political norms under the Trump Administration become permanent?
- Can anything be done to repair America’s growing political tribalism?
- Has Attorney General Sessions lost his credibility?
- What’s next for Zimbabwe?
- Would Roy Moore winning the Alabama special election be worse for the Republican Party than losing?
- Is real political change in Zimbabwe possible under new leadership?
- Will the addition of repealing the Obamacare mandate scuttle the Republican tax plan in the Senate?
- Should federal financial regulators impose strong controls on the secondary debt industry?
- Will Congressional Republicans be able to push through a tax bill before the end of the year?
- What steps should be taken to stabilize Syria after ISIS?
- Are American style culture wars coming to European politics?
- Should the US do more to address the civilian casualties in the fight against ISIS?
- Is this a watershed moment in the fight against sexual harassment and sexual assault?
- What’s next for Robert Mugabe?
- Should Congress reform how the military handles charges of sexual assault?
- Will the Republican tax plan backfire against the GOP in the 2018 midterms?
- What steps can be taken to curb tribalism in American political discourse?
- What more can the international community do to curb modern slavery and human trafficking?
- Can state and local governments take the place of federal policy on climate change?
- How long will Venezuela be able to hold off financial collapse?
- Can the central government in India do more to curb air pollution in major cities?
- Will the call for new elections politically weaken Angela Merkel?
- Will re-designating North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism make it more difficult for the US to final a diplomatic solution to the problem of its weapons development?
- What does Merkel’s inability to organize a governing coalition mean for the future of the EU?
- Can Theresa May get Brexit negotiations back on track?
- Will new leadership be able to turn around Zimbabwe’s economy?
- Is there more the EU can do to speed the processing of refugees seeking asylum?
- Is the EU’s handling of the migrant crisis improving?
- Will the ouster of Robert Mugabe lead Zimbabwe towards needed political and economic reform?
- Is Myanmar safe enough for the Rohingya to return?
- Will the return of Rohingya refugees to Myanmar incite further violence?
- Should the GOP tax plan do more to close the carried interest loophole?
- Does proper Internet-of-Things security require additional government regulation?
- Do federal regulators need to impose stronger controls over the practises of credit reporting agencies?
- Should African nations do more to curb the practice of animal poaching/
- Can the international community do more to curb the illegal trade in endangered animals?
- Does trophy hunting in Africa really help to preserve endangered species?
- Should Congress take up stronger net neutrality legislation?
- What should be done to deter Iran from continuing to sponsor international terrorist activity?
- Will the transition of power lead to violence and bloodshed in Zimbabwe?
Friday, December 1, 2017
Extemp Questions 2017 Nov
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Exemp Questions 2017 Oct
- Is the court system the appropriate place to have the right over partisan Gerrymandering?
- Will the regional neighbors allow the creation of an independent Kurdish state?
- Is the issue of Catalan independence pushing Spain towards a Constitutional crisis?
- Will ISIS become more dangerous as it continues to lose territory?
- Is the government of Afghanistan starting to turn the corner in the fight against the Taliban?
- Should Congress snap back the Iran sanctions?
- Will the Trump Administration take further action to undermine the Obamacare mandates?
- Will gun control proponents in Congress make any headway on new legislation?
- What more should the federal government do to help state and location government secure their election systems?
- Is a reunification between Fatah and Hamas impossible?
- Has the government in Madrid overreacted to the independence vote in Catalonia?
- Does Secretary Tillerson have the credibility and clout to effectively run America’s foreign policy?
- How is America’s role in the world changing under Donald Trump?
- What effect will Scott Pruitt’s plans to roll back the Obama Clean Energy Plan have on the US coal industry?
- Does the Trump White House’s relationship with facts have a negative effect on political discourse across America?
- Is the chaos of the Trump Administration leading the US towards a Constitutional crisis?
- What more should the federal government be doing to combat the opioid epidemic?
- Should the federal government allow the creation of safe injection sites for drug users?
- How long will John Kelly last as White House Chief of Staff?
- Is it time for the Democratic Party leadership to pass the torch to the next generation?
- Is the Trump Administration failing to adequately address the opioid epidemic?
- Should President Trump decertify the JCPOA deal with Iran?
- Will Congress act to apply new sanctions against Iran?
- Can President Trump find a healthcare deal with Congressional Democrats?
- Is the US military overly reliant on Special Forces?
- Does the US nuclear arsenal need to be updated and modernized?
- Is Catalonia ready for independence?
- Can Catalonia be persuaded to accept something other than independence?
- Can international law find a way to achieve justice for the Yazidi victims of ISIS?
- Can Palestinians find a way to bridge the gap between Fatah and Hamas?
- How much will President Trump’s decertification of the Iran deal hurt America’s credibility abroad?
- Should the US adopt a data privacy plan similar to the European Union’s GDPR?
- How can America appropriately respond to Russia’s interference in the 2016 election?
- Is the relationship between the Trump White House and the media toxic?
- Does President Trump have a viable alternative to the nuclear deal with Iran?
- Does the President's decertification of the JCPOA make a diplomatic solution to North Korea more difficult?
- Is decertification of the Iran nuclear deal bad for US interests?
- Why is the Republican majority on Congress having such a difficult time getting the GOP legislative agenda passed?
- What should be expected from President Trump’s upcoming Asia trip?
- Is President Trump’s lack of self restraint creating a more dangerous world?
- Does decertification of the Iran nuclear deal push the US closer towards direct military conflict with Iran?
- Is the US outsourcing it’s Middle East foreign policy to Saudi Arabia?
- Is America headed towards another government shutdown?
- Will the re-run of the election in Kenya been accepted with any legitimacy?
- Is Steve Bannon a significant threat to the Republican establishment?
- Does the election dispute in Kenya worsen instability for the region as a whole?
- Does President Trump’s constantly fighting the culture war have a negative effect on actual policy?
- Is America prepared for the economic and political influence of China to expand around the world?
- What should America do to counter the expansion of President Maduro’s power in Venezuela?
- Can the Trump Administration expand the number of border patrol agents without sacrificing the quality of their training or on-the-job performance?
- Will the reunification of Fatah and Hamas make the negotiation of an Israel-Palestine peace deal more difficult?
- Is military conflict between Iraqi government and Kurdish forces inevitable?
- Can anything keep Iraqi and Kurdish forces from full blown civil war?
- Is the Catalan independence movement a crisis for the EU?
- Can President Trump’s agenda be brought in line with that of Congressional Republicans?
- Will GOP leadership in Congress deliver on real tax reform this year?
- Do Congressional Republicans take Steve Bannon’s threat of primary challenges seriously?
- Can anything be done to take the money out of politics in Congress?
- Is Russia at another major tipping point for political change and revolution?
- Is it still possible to build a viable political opposition to Vladimir Putin in Russia?
- Should the US provide more direct military assistance to Ukraine?
- Is it possible to change America’s gun culture?
- Has America become too complacent with the occurrence of mass shootings?
- Does the taking of Raqqa mean that ISIS is on the ropes?
- Should political advertising online be subject to regulation similar to that on TV, radio and print media?
- Is the US stock market on the brink of a fall?
- How will ISIS change with its continued loss of territory?
- Are additional federal regulations needed on how credit reporting agencies handle personal information?
- What can the international community do to improve the security situation in Somalia?
- How effectively is the State Department functioning under Secretary Tillerson?
- Is Is Scott Pruitt’s leadership undermining the mission of the EPA?
- Will Japan take steps to become less dependent on the US for its military defense?
- Should Shinzo Abe move to strengthen Japan’s armed forces?
- Will the fall of Raqqa heighten the threat from ISIS?
- Is the international community failing to adequately respond to the problems in Venezuela?
- Should police forces in major US cities be required to use body cameras?
- Is a political solution for Syria necessary for the permanent defeat of ISIS?
- What should be done to bridge the divide between civilians and the military in America?
- Will the Rohingya mean the fall of Aung San Suu Kyi?
- What should the US do to mediate the dispute between Qatar and Saudi Arabia?
- What should be done to break the stalemate between the Catalan and Spanish government?
- Is fiscal conservatism dedin Congress?
- What actions will the Trump White House take to combat the opioid epidemic?
- Should the Trump Administration push for more funding and treatment programs to combat the opioid epidemic?
- Is corruption still a major problem holding back China’s economic progress?
- Has the window for diplomacy with North Korea closed?
- Is there a significant role for renewable energy in rebuilding Puerto Rico’s electrical grid?
- Is it time for Congress to review and update the Bush-era AUMF?
- Is President Trump permanently damaging Republican Party unity?
- Can the Republican Party under Donald Trump learn how to effectively govern?
- Is the UK Labour Party on track to rise again?
- Does Macron’s new government have what it needs to effectively govern France?
- Can the Republican Party maintain unity to achieve tax reform?
- Will delayed implementation of new sanctions against Russia cause more blowback from President Trump from within the Republican Party?
- Should the international community intervene in Myanmar to protect the Rohingya?
- How much will the declaration as a public health emergency help solve the opioid epidemic?
- Does the rise of white national populism across Europe threaten the futureof the European Union?
- What does the rise of the AFD mean for the political future of Germany?
- What should the Spanish government do to keep Catalonia from breaking away?
- Is it time for the EU to step in and mediate a compromise between the Spanish and Catalan governments?
- Is Iraq heading towards another violent sectarian civil war?
- Should the NCAA be regulated by the government like a cartel?
- Will the US take a more active role in settling the conflict between the Iraqi government and Kurdish people?
- Can Congress close enough loopholes to ensure the tax plan doesn’t explode the national debt?
- Has America reached a watershed moment in addressing the problems of sexual harassment and assault?
- Is Donald Trump instituting a hostile takeover of the Republican Party?
- Can Xi Jinping eradicate poverty in China?
- How does Xi Jinping’s consolidation of power change US foreign policy with China?
- Is democratic reform making progress in Africa?
- Have the processes of economic and political reform in Africa stalled?
- Have establishment Republicans ceded control of the party to the Trump/Bannon wing of the GOP?
- Is GOP infighting the start of a new third party movement?
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Extemp Questions 2017 Sept.
- Is the conflict between the Congressional Republican leadership and the President hurting the future of the GOP?
- Should Congress formalize the status of the “DREAMERS”?
- Should the pay for top executives face greater scrutiny from financial regulators?
- Is social media bad for society?
- What does today’s Democratic Party stand for?
- Is there still hope for the opposition in Venezuela?
- Should America take further action against the Maduro government?
- What should lawmakers do to address the widening income inequality gap?
- Will federal funding for long term recovery from hurricane Harvey face significant opposition from Tea Party members of Congress?
- Can the international community do more to calm the growing violence against Rohingya muslims in Myanmar?
- Will the costs from Harvey sink the federal flood insurance program?
- What should be done to address America’s growing middle skills gap?
- Is Robert Mueller's investigation turning into a fishing expedition?
- Will Harvey mark a sea change for the political discussion around climate change?
- How long will John Kelly last as White House Chief of Staff?
- Is Kenya headed towards a Constitutional crisis?
- Has any real progress been made on a Brexit deal?
- Are the UN sustainable development goals an unreachable target?
- How should Japan react to continued belligerence from North Korea?
- Should Japan change its Constitution to allow for a more active military?
- Can Angela Merkel keep her governing coalition?
- What more should the federal government do to encourage development of America’s broadband infrastructure?
- How can Merkel and Macron work together to strengthen the EU?
- Are Angela Merkel’s plans for the German economy realistic?
- Will the Trump Administration’s response to hurricane Harvey help the President expand his political support base?
- Will tax reform get pushed to the back burner of the Congressional agenda?
- Are Secretary Tillerson's days at the head of the State Department numbered?
- Is the US headed towards military conflict with North Korea?
- Will the diplomatic row between the US and Russia continue to escalate?
- Will Congress take action to protect the status of DACA immigrants?
- Should the EPA do more to curb the risk of large-scale wildfires in the West?
- Does the budget deal between President Trump and Democratic leadership signal an opening for bipartisanship in Congress?
- Is there a way to de-politicize the regular debt-ceiling vote in Congress?
- Will international pressure force the government of Myanmar to end the violence against Rohingya Muslims?
- Should Congress do more to address the loss of retail jobs?
- Is the “block-chain” the next killer app for the Internet?
- Will Brexit weaken the British pound?
- Should the issue of North Korea raise more questions about President Trump’s experience and temperament?
- Should Congress end the mortgage tax deduction?
- How can American retailers adjust to the growth of e-commerce?
- Does the Trump Administration have the attention span to properly deal with the long term recovery from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma?
- Is North Korean denuclearization a realistic goal?
- Is Bangladesh capable of effectively dealing with the influx of Rohingya refugees?
- Is the time for diplomacy with North Korea over?
- Will President Trump’s decision to end the DACA program create a civil war within the Republican Party?
- What effect will President Trump’s immigration decisions have on the US economy?
- Should online advertisements be more tightly regulated?
- Will the Trump Administration move to shut down Robert Mueller’s investigation?
- Can Angela Merkel maintain a governing coalition in Germany?
- What more should the NFL do to address the prevalence of CTE among players?
- Will President Trump’s escalating rhetoric with North Korea backfire?
- Is President Trump intentionally provoking divisiveness in America?
- Will the Trump administration unilaterally pull the US from the Iran nuclear deal?
- Has the world put too much faith in Aung San Suu Kyi’s ability to reform the government of Myanmar?
- Is it time for the federal government ot end the mortgage tax deduction?
- Is a compromise between the Afghan government and the Taliban impossible?
- Does China really have the leverage necessary to rein in North Korea?
- Can Congress reach a bipartisan health care deal before the midterm elections?
- Are moderate Republicans being pushed out of the GOP?
- Is the Democratic Party moving too far to the left?
- Should the EU do more to aid refugees stuck in Greek camps?
- Is a diplomatic solution in North Korea still possible?
- Is a route to citizenship for the Rohingya necessary to end the violence in Myanmar?
- Should Aung San Suu Kyi resign?
- What can be done to get governments to cooperate in cracking down on international tax shelters?
- Should the US do more to combat human trafficking and modern slavery?
- Can President Trum broker a bipartisan tax reform through Congress?
- Is regular order permanently gone from the US Senate?
- Will Congress pass a solution for DACA recipients before the Trump Administration’s deadline?
- Will the increased economic sanctions against North Korea have the effects the Trump White House is hping for?
- Will Trump’s violations of political norms have staying power into future Presidencies?
- Should Jared Kushner step down from his role in the Trump White House?
- What will it take to get the problem of mass shootings in the US under control?
- Does the flight of Rohingya muslims from Myanmar risk the further spread of militant Islam in Asia?
- Will President Trump’s deals with Congressional Democrats create chaos within the Republican Party?
- Is East Asia headed towards a new nuclear arms race?
- Is the government of Nigeria getting sufficient international support to combat the Boko Haram militants?
- Should the federal government do more to set and enforce cybersecurity standards for state and local elections systems?
- Should paper ballots be required in all local, state and federal elections?
- Is the Trump administration doing permanent damage to American political norms?
- How has Donald Trump changed the Republican Party?
- Is a civil war brewing among Republican Party leaders?
- Is Turkey turning away from NATO in favor of a relationship with Russia?
- Is Turkish membership in the EU impossible while President Erdogan remains in power?
- Will the special relationship between the US and the UK survive the Trump Presidency intact?
- Is American news media adequately keeping up with the pace of the Trump Administration?
- Is President Trump his own worst political enemy?
- Can American political order survive in a post-truth world?
- When will Afghanistan be stable enough for US forces to safely exit?
- What can the government of Afghanistan do to get corruption under control?
- Is Bernie Sanders pushing the Democratic Party too far to the left?
- Do President Trump’s statements damage American credibility on the international stage?
- Can Republican incumbents in Congress survive in the Trump Era?
- Should Congress do more toe address the economic effects of automation on he US job market?
- Will the Catalan independence referendum in Spain lead to any real changes?
- Does Saudi Arabia lifting the ban on women driving signal further liberalisation in the near future?
- Can social media companies be trusted to appropriately police the content on their networks?
- Has fiscal conservatism left the Republican Party?
- What can be done to restore America's trust in government?
- What does the rise of the AFD mean for Angela Merkel’s ability to effectively govern Germany?
- Will Catalan continue to press for independence from Spain?
- /Should Catalan abandon their push for independence?
- Is global economic growth sustainable?
- Can sensible gun control legislation be passed in the US?
- Does the NRA wield too much legislative influence?
- Is Scott Pruitt effective as the head of the EOA?
- Would new elections be able to quell the violence and rebellion in the DR Congo?
- Is the Kurdish dream of an independent state within reach?
- What should be done to eradicate Malaria before drug resistant strains become an international crisis?
- What does the issue of migration mean for the political future of the EU?
- Is the Zuma name now toxic in South Africa?
- Has the Trump administration failed to adequately respond to the disaster in Puerto Rico?
- What consequence will America face on the international stage for backing out of the Paris Climate Agreement?
- Should the US do more to publicly fund scientific research and development?
- Does the rise of far-right nationalist pose an existential risk to the future of the EU?
- What will hurricane damage mean for Puerto Rico’s financial debt problem?
- Should the news media do a better job of keeping its coverage of the Trump Administration focused on policy issues?
- Has the weakness of labor unions harmed the American middle class?
- Will the AFP in Germany continue to be a successful opposition to Angela Merkel?
- Will Japan’s Shinzo Abe face political backlash for calling another snap election?
- Does America undervalue the special relationship between the US and the UK?
- Will the culture war sustain President Trump’s support base despite the lack of legislative achievements so far?
- Can social media be used as an effective tool to combat ISIS?
- Should President Trump unilaterally pull the US from the Iran nuclear deal?
- Is President Trump’s “America first” rhetoric dangerous to America’s place on the global stage?
- Can China really solve the North Korea problem?
- IS US military action against North Korea inevitable?
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Extemp Questions 2017 Aug.
- Is President Trump losing the support of the American business community?
- Will Charlottesville become a major turning point for the Trump administration?
- Do social media companies have an obligation to more strongly police extremist content online?
- Does world athletics need to rethink its approach to doping?
- How can the Modi government improve religious discrimination in India?
- Can India find a solution to the problems of religious intolerance?
- Is the conflict between India and China on the verge of exploding?
- Should Congress strengthen the powers of the Office of Government Ethics?
- Are major staff shake ups in the White House still forthcoming?
- Is the US headed towards armed conflict with North Korea?
- Does President Trump finally have the White House staff he needs to execute on his policy agenda?
- Will the removal of Prime Minister Sharif lead to serious political instability in Pakistan?
- How should the US respond to Russian expulsion of diplomatic staff?
- Is the Trump Presidency making America less relevant on the international stage?
- Is democracy under siege in Venezuela?
- What steps should President Trump take to combat the opioid epidemic in the short term?
- Will the diplomatic row between the US and Russia continue to escalate?
- Will Jeff Sessions be forced to resign his post as Attorney General?
- Will a new Chief of Staff be enough to calm the chaos in the Trump White House?
- Will international sanctions against the Maduro regime in Venezuela be enough to restore democracy there?
- Should the US take a more active role in support of Venezuelan democracy?
- Is Venezuela headed towards a violent revolution?
- How much will the lack of a health care bill hinder the Republican agenda for tax reform?
- Is the US playing the wrong role in Afghanistan?
- Is Venezuela’s President Maduro on the path to dictatorship?
- Will new UN sanctions be enough to get North Korea to change course on its weapons development programs?
- Does the continuation of leaks coming from the Trump Administration harm America’s reputation on the global stage?
- Is the Pentagon strategy in Afghanistan failing?
- What should the Trump Administration strategy for Afghanistan look like?
- Is Afghanistan an unwinnable conflict for the US?
- Can the Democratic Party find a way to reconnect with American voters?
- Should the federal government do more to address sea level rise?
- Is it time for the US to adopt a national cap and trade program?
- Is repeal and replace finally dead in Congress?
- Is Twitter an effective communications tool for President Trump?
- Has a conservative policy agenda fallen to political infighting within the GOP?
- Is the Presidency of Donald Trump having a negative effect on the American body politic?
- Have the major political parties in the US lost the ability to connect with American voters?
- Is centrist politics in the US dead and buried?
- Is the conflict between India and China escalating?
- Is the US in a position to help resolve the conflict in Crimea?
- Has the Presidency of Donald Trump made the relationship between the US and Russia worse?
- Should Iraqi Kurdistan becom an independent nation?
- What should be done to walk back the escalating tension between the US and North Korea?
- Will new elections in Kenya lead to a return of previous violence?
- What does the future hold for South Africa's ANC Party?
- Will Jacob Zuma bring down the ANC?
- Is economic growth in South Africa being stymied by political corruption?
- Is denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula an achievable goal?
- Is the removal of Narwaz Sharif good for the future of Pakistan?
- Can Chief of Staff Kelly deliver legislative wins for the Trump White House?
- How should the world deal with North Korea?
- Does the ANC still have a political future in South Africa?
- Is too much emphasis being put on China’s ability to rein in North Korea?
- Should the federal government relax the rules on human genetic engineering to allow for the correction of genetic diseases?
- Can the US learn to live with a nuclear-armed North Korea?
- Should Russia face additional penalties for doping in international athletics?
- Does federal law hamstring the ability of law enforcement agencies to effectively deal with cybercrime?
- Can Trump still get an infrastructure bill through Congress?
- Is nation building necessary for the US to be successful in Afghanistan?
- What should the US do to get regional neighbors to cooperate in President Trump’s new strategy for Afghanistan?
- What does Steve Bannon’s return mean for the relationship between the Trump White House and Breitbart?
- Is political corruption leading South Africa towards becoming a failed state?
- Should the major cities of Europe take further steps to protect against ISIS=inspired terrorist attacks?
- Is Hong Kong losing the political autonomy it has from mainland China?
- Is Steve Bannon’s exit good for the Trump administration?
- Should the FCC block the Sinclair media merger with Tribune?
- Is the EPA under Scott Pruitt failing the American public?
- Does President Trump’s new strategy for Afghanistan overcommit the US to the region?
- Will economic indicators help President Trump retain his base of supporters?
- Will a new President mean a fresh start for Angola?
- Is the Trump Presidency damaging the Republican Party?
- How will the Trump White House change with Steve Bannon gone?
- Can the Trump Administration convince the Pakistani government to help in Afghanistan?
- Should the federal government do more to address homelessness?
- Will President Trump’s new strategy for Afghanistan start to cost him the support of his base?
- Should law enforcement agencies take alt-right groups more seriously as domestic terrorist organizations?
- What does the disbanding of President Trump’s economic councils signal about the changing relationship between the White House and business leaders?
- Will the upcoming debt ceiling vote cause another Congressional showdown?
- What does victory in Afghanistan look like under President Trump’s new strategy?
- Is the GOP under President Trump becoming an ethnic white nationalist party?
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Extemp Questions 2017 July
- Does the international community have any good options to stop North Korea’s nuclear weapons program?
- Can the Republican repeal-and-replace plan be saved?
- Is the media still an effective check on the actions of politicians?
- Is time running out for the Qatari government?
- Should the international community establish stricter norms and controls for gene editing?
- Is the American economy in a state of decline globally?
- Will security considerations halt the process of reunification for Cyprus?
- Will the new round of Cyprus reunification talks prove successful?
- Is the Ivory Coast ready for the UN peacekeepers to leave?
- Is trade globalization still in the long term best interest of the United States?
- Are Americans less civil since President Trump took office?
- Will the US have to learn to live with a nuclear armed North Korea?
- Should Twitter block President Trump’s account?
- Does the Trump administration strategy for North Korea rely too heavily on China?
- How will the Trump white house respond to North Korean missile tests?
- Does the US have any good options for dealing with the threat from North Korea?
- Is the Trump administration’s focus on combatting Islamic extremist violence domestically counterproductive to law enforcement’s ability to prevent terrorist attacks overall?
- Should the FBI and DOJ dedicate more resources to combatting violence by white supremacist organizations?
- Will China take more drastic steps to reign in North Korea?
- Should the US impose sanctions on China to incentivise further action against North Korea?
- What should the EU nations do to more evenly spread the cost of the ongoing migration crisis?
- Has the migration agreement between the EU and Turkey been effective?
- Is the government of Qatar being driven closer to Iran?
- Should the US do more to protect human rights in the Philippines?
- What can be done to curb government corruption in Brazil?
- Can South Korea’s new President find a way to ease tensions with the North?
- Has President Trump overestimated China’s willingness to restrain North Korea’s weapons development programs?
- Will Iranian influence start to fill the power vacuum as coalition forces beat back ISIS?
- Does Qatar’s isolation by its neighbors create a risk of spreading regional instability?
- Will Qatar do more to crack down on its citizens providing support to terrorist organizations?
- Will the US-Russia cease-fire for Syria hold?
- Is the Trump White House disrupting global politics?
- What does the Trump administration’s foreign policy reset with Russia mean for the US midterm election?
- Does the health care debate expose a fundamental rift within the Republican Party?
- Is the Trump administration prepared to follow through with threats on international trade?
- Are Congressional Republicans prepared to abandon plans to repeal-and-replace Obamacare?
- Has the Trump White House fallen down on its ethics responsibilities towards business conflicts of interest?
- Should congress enact clearer government ethics rules in light of potential conflicts of interest in the Trump White House?
- Should the federal government do more to prevent large scale wildfires?
- Is the Iraqi government’s declaration of victory against ISIS premature?
- Does President Trump need to take a more active role to get the GOP healthcare plan through Congress?
- Should President Trump’s potential business conflicts of interest face greater scrutiny from government ethics regulators?
- Should the Trump administration impose stronger sanctions against Russia?
- What steps should the EU take to prevent Russian intervention in national elections?
- Will cooperation between the US and Russia in Syria stay on track?
- Has the US done enough to disincentivize Russia from interfering in future elections?
- Has the Russia debate seriously damaged the Trump administration’s credibility?
- What is the future of the Islamic State?
- Is automation a significant threat to the US labor market?
- Should Congress do more to address the impacts of industrial automation on US economic gro
- Can the US and Russia find a way to work together on the issue of North Korea?
- Are President Trump’s actions forcing America to the sidelines in the international community?
- Is China ready to be a world leader?
- Will France’s state of emergency become a permanent fixture?
- Does France’s proposed anti-terrorism law infringe too heavily on fundamental rights?
- Is America’s withdrawal from the TTP in the long term best interest of the US economy?
- Should Jared Kushner be denied a security clearance?
- Will Congressional Republicans continue to carry water for the Trump White House?
- Will Trump administration plans to end debt relief for student loans have any political costs to the President?
- What effect will Donald Trump Jr.’s emails and meetings have on the politics of the Russia probe?
- Will Qatari leadership take real steps to counter Islamic extremism?
- Is there anything the Trump administration can do to lose the support of the GOP base?
- Do Donald Trump Jr.’s emails further erode the credibility of the White House?
- Can NATO countries take more direct action to deter Russia from intervention in future elections?
- Can Prime Minister Netanyahu weather renewed accusations of corruption?
- What would it take for the ICC to be an effective tool for justice in Africa?
- Will the new trade deal between the EU and Japan strengthen political support for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe?
- What more should the Japanese government do to increase the national birth rate?
- Is a heavy-handed crackdown of political action in Hong Kong inevitable?
- What does the retaking of Mosul mean for the larger fight against ISIS?
- Is the White House’s failure to fill vacant appointments hampering the ability to execute on Trump Administration policy objectives?
- How can US law enforcement be more effective at combatting cybercrime?
- Do Trump administration policy objectives align with the President's campaign rhetoric?
- Can President Trump establish a coherent foreign policy doctrine towards North Korea?
- Does a political solution to the problems in Syria require the removal of President Assad?
- Can Colombia continue to cope with the influx of Venezuelan refugees?
- Will China’s new Silk Road Project open the Chinese economy to foreign investment?
- Will China’s One Belt One Road initiative open the path to free trade with China?
- Can the Iraqi government permanently secure the newly liberated city of Mosul?
- Is the Trump administration’s Russia controversy undercutting the republican legislative agenda?
- Can Prime Minister Modi clean up the Ganges river?
- Does the conviction of Brazil’s former President Lula signal real progress on ending government corruption?
- Is the Greek economy finally getting back on track?
- Who really benefits from China’s New Silk Road initiative?
- Is an independent Kurdish state inevitable?
- Can President Trump reset the relationship with Russia?
- Should the international community push harder for free and fiar elections in Venezuela?
- Will business conflicts of interest have any political consequences for the Trump White House?
- Should Congress take steps to ensure Trump Administration compliance with government ethics guidelines?
- Is the GOP healthcare plan dead?
- Is another coup on the horizon for Venezuela?
- Should further steps be taken to curb government corruption in Ukraine?
- Is it time for Turkey to end the state of emergency declared after the failed failed coup attempt?
- Is democracy still functional in Turkey?
- Is the EU’s response to the migrant crisis prolong the conflict in Syria?
- Does the confluence of the Trump Administration and the Emoluments Clause pose a real stress test for the US Constitution?
- Should the EU do more to pressure the Turkish government on human rights violations?
- Has the peace deal with the FARC left the Collombian government with a deepening problem of cocaine production?
- Will drastic austerity measures solve Puerto Rico’s financial problems?
- Is statehood in the long term interest of Puerto Rico?
- What’s preventing the Republican controlled government from enacting its legislative agenda?
- Is bi-partisan compromise in Congress impossible?
- Is President Trump providing effective leadership for the GOP?
- Will staff shake-ups help the Trump White House get its policy agenda back on track?
- Is the Trump administration gearing up to end the Iran nuclear deal?
- Are further major staff changes on the horizon for the Trump White House?
- What can be done to bring bipartisan compromise back to Congress?
- CAn the economic indicators protect the Trump White House from criticism by Congressional Republican leadership?
- Do the ongoing leaks occurring under the Trump administration pose a significant risk to US national security?
- Is the political turmoil in Venezuela becoming a regional crisis?
- Will the failure of the GOP repeal and replace plan start to wear away at President Trump’s political support base?
- Is the monarchy of Thailand reaching a crisis point?
- Is tax reform still possible in 2017?
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