- Is the court system the appropriate place to have the right over partisan Gerrymandering?
- Will the regional neighbors allow the creation of an independent Kurdish state?
- Is the issue of Catalan independence pushing Spain towards a Constitutional crisis?
- Will ISIS become more dangerous as it continues to lose territory?
- Is the government of Afghanistan starting to turn the corner in the fight against the Taliban?
- Should Congress snap back the Iran sanctions?
- Will the Trump Administration take further action to undermine the Obamacare mandates?
- Will gun control proponents in Congress make any headway on new legislation?
- What more should the federal government do to help state and location government secure their election systems?
- Is a reunification between Fatah and Hamas impossible?
- Has the government in Madrid overreacted to the independence vote in Catalonia?
- Does Secretary Tillerson have the credibility and clout to effectively run America’s foreign policy?
- How is America’s role in the world changing under Donald Trump?
- What effect will Scott Pruitt’s plans to roll back the Obama Clean Energy Plan have on the US coal industry?
- Does the Trump White House’s relationship with facts have a negative effect on political discourse across America?
- Is the chaos of the Trump Administration leading the US towards a Constitutional crisis?
- What more should the federal government be doing to combat the opioid epidemic?
- Should the federal government allow the creation of safe injection sites for drug users?
- How long will John Kelly last as White House Chief of Staff?
- Is it time for the Democratic Party leadership to pass the torch to the next generation?
- Is the Trump Administration failing to adequately address the opioid epidemic?
- Should President Trump decertify the JCPOA deal with Iran?
- Will Congress act to apply new sanctions against Iran?
- Can President Trump find a healthcare deal with Congressional Democrats?
- Is the US military overly reliant on Special Forces?
- Does the US nuclear arsenal need to be updated and modernized?
- Is Catalonia ready for independence?
- Can Catalonia be persuaded to accept something other than independence?
- Can international law find a way to achieve justice for the Yazidi victims of ISIS?
- Can Palestinians find a way to bridge the gap between Fatah and Hamas?
- How much will President Trump’s decertification of the Iran deal hurt America’s credibility abroad?
- Should the US adopt a data privacy plan similar to the European Union’s GDPR?
- How can America appropriately respond to Russia’s interference in the 2016 election?
- Is the relationship between the Trump White House and the media toxic?
- Does President Trump have a viable alternative to the nuclear deal with Iran?
- Does the President's decertification of the JCPOA make a diplomatic solution to North Korea more difficult?
- Is decertification of the Iran nuclear deal bad for US interests?
- Why is the Republican majority on Congress having such a difficult time getting the GOP legislative agenda passed?
- What should be expected from President Trump’s upcoming Asia trip?
- Is President Trump’s lack of self restraint creating a more dangerous world?
- Does decertification of the Iran nuclear deal push the US closer towards direct military conflict with Iran?
- Is the US outsourcing it’s Middle East foreign policy to Saudi Arabia?
- Is America headed towards another government shutdown?
- Will the re-run of the election in Kenya been accepted with any legitimacy?
- Is Steve Bannon a significant threat to the Republican establishment?
- Does the election dispute in Kenya worsen instability for the region as a whole?
- Does President Trump’s constantly fighting the culture war have a negative effect on actual policy?
- Is America prepared for the economic and political influence of China to expand around the world?
- What should America do to counter the expansion of President Maduro’s power in Venezuela?
- Can the Trump Administration expand the number of border patrol agents without sacrificing the quality of their training or on-the-job performance?
- Will the reunification of Fatah and Hamas make the negotiation of an Israel-Palestine peace deal more difficult?
- Is military conflict between Iraqi government and Kurdish forces inevitable?
- Can anything keep Iraqi and Kurdish forces from full blown civil war?
- Is the Catalan independence movement a crisis for the EU?
- Can President Trump’s agenda be brought in line with that of Congressional Republicans?
- Will GOP leadership in Congress deliver on real tax reform this year?
- Do Congressional Republicans take Steve Bannon’s threat of primary challenges seriously?
- Can anything be done to take the money out of politics in Congress?
- Is Russia at another major tipping point for political change and revolution?
- Is it still possible to build a viable political opposition to Vladimir Putin in Russia?
- Should the US provide more direct military assistance to Ukraine?
- Is it possible to change America’s gun culture?
- Has America become too complacent with the occurrence of mass shootings?
- Does the taking of Raqqa mean that ISIS is on the ropes?
- Should political advertising online be subject to regulation similar to that on TV, radio and print media?
- Is the US stock market on the brink of a fall?
- How will ISIS change with its continued loss of territory?
- Are additional federal regulations needed on how credit reporting agencies handle personal information?
- What can the international community do to improve the security situation in Somalia?
- How effectively is the State Department functioning under Secretary Tillerson?
- Is Is Scott Pruitt’s leadership undermining the mission of the EPA?
- Will Japan take steps to become less dependent on the US for its military defense?
- Should Shinzo Abe move to strengthen Japan’s armed forces?
- Will the fall of Raqqa heighten the threat from ISIS?
- Is the international community failing to adequately respond to the problems in Venezuela?
- Should police forces in major US cities be required to use body cameras?
- Is a political solution for Syria necessary for the permanent defeat of ISIS?
- What should be done to bridge the divide between civilians and the military in America?
- Will the Rohingya mean the fall of Aung San Suu Kyi?
- What should the US do to mediate the dispute between Qatar and Saudi Arabia?
- What should be done to break the stalemate between the Catalan and Spanish government?
- Is fiscal conservatism dedin Congress?
- What actions will the Trump White House take to combat the opioid epidemic?
- Should the Trump Administration push for more funding and treatment programs to combat the opioid epidemic?
- Is corruption still a major problem holding back China’s economic progress?
- Has the window for diplomacy with North Korea closed?
- Is there a significant role for renewable energy in rebuilding Puerto Rico’s electrical grid?
- Is it time for Congress to review and update the Bush-era AUMF?
- Is President Trump permanently damaging Republican Party unity?
- Can the Republican Party under Donald Trump learn how to effectively govern?
- Is the UK Labour Party on track to rise again?
- Does Macron’s new government have what it needs to effectively govern France?
- Can the Republican Party maintain unity to achieve tax reform?
- Will delayed implementation of new sanctions against Russia cause more blowback from President Trump from within the Republican Party?
- Should the international community intervene in Myanmar to protect the Rohingya?
- How much will the declaration as a public health emergency help solve the opioid epidemic?
- Does the rise of white national populism across Europe threaten the futureof the European Union?
- What does the rise of the AFD mean for the political future of Germany?
- What should the Spanish government do to keep Catalonia from breaking away?
- Is it time for the EU to step in and mediate a compromise between the Spanish and Catalan governments?
- Is Iraq heading towards another violent sectarian civil war?
- Should the NCAA be regulated by the government like a cartel?
- Will the US take a more active role in settling the conflict between the Iraqi government and Kurdish people?
- Can Congress close enough loopholes to ensure the tax plan doesn’t explode the national debt?
- Has America reached a watershed moment in addressing the problems of sexual harassment and assault?
- Is Donald Trump instituting a hostile takeover of the Republican Party?
- Can Xi Jinping eradicate poverty in China?
- How does Xi Jinping’s consolidation of power change US foreign policy with China?
- Is democratic reform making progress in Africa?
- Have the processes of economic and political reform in Africa stalled?
- Have establishment Republicans ceded control of the party to the Trump/Bannon wing of the GOP?
- Is GOP infighting the start of a new third party movement?
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Exemp Questions 2017 Oct
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