- Will ethics investigations into members of his cabinet have any political consequences for President Trump?
- Does withdrawal from the INF pose a serious risk to US national security?
- Does the killing of Jamal Khashoggi have greater implications for the Middle East regionally?
- Is the US alliance with Saudi Arabia in jeopardy?
- What effect will the Khashoggi case on the relationship between Turkey and Saudi Arabia?
- Is President Trump’s rhetoric fueling political violence?
- What steps should the DOJ take to curb the recent rise in antisemitism?
- Will the fraying relationship between Japan and South Korea have a measurable effect on regional stability?
- Will the election of Jair Bolsonaro erode the progress made under Democratic rule in Brazil?
- Will growing international pressure to end the war in Yemen find success?
- Has the Trump Administration made real progress on North Korean denuclearization?
- Will US withdrawal from the INF trigger a new arms race?
- Can Jair Bolsonaro fulfill his campaign promise to stamp out government corruption in Brazil?
- Cann Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman still implement his plans to modernize Saudi Arabia?
- What will Angela Merkel's retirement mean for the future of Europe?
- Will debt obligations to China be disastrous for African nations?
- Should Congress move to restrict dark money spending on political campaigns?
- Should the US be doing more to alleviate famine conditions in Yemen?
- Will imposing new sanctions bring Iran back to the negotiating table?
- Can Germany continue to lead Europe after Merkel?
- Is a military solution in Afghanistan still possible?
- Are conditions for women in the American workplace improving?
- Will Evangelical voters continue to support President Trump?
- Does Sri Lanka’s political crisis risk sparking new rounds of violence?
- Will the US push for a peace deal in Yemen succeed?
- Will Iran stick with the JCPOA?
- Is an end to the war in Syria on the horizon?
- What does Bolsonaro’s election mean for the future of politics in Brazil?
- Does the growth of the Hindu Nationalist movement pose a threat to the future of India?
- Is the dismantling of the secular state in Turkey a reversible trend?
- Can peace in Syria hold while Assad remains in power?
- Do the false claims of President Trump damage the credibility of the US government on the global stage?
- Will President Trump’s escalating rhetoric on immigration backfire?
- Does President Trump still have an opportunity to unite the country?
- How much is the new Social Credit system reshaping Chinese society?
- What will the removal of Jeff Sessions mean for Robert Mueller’s investigation?
- Can President Trump work with a Democratic majority in the House?
- Will Congress pass legislation to protect the Special Counsel investigation?
- Can the President and a divided Congress cut a deal on infrastructure spending?
- Will a divided Congress lead to legislative gridlock?
- Will the contentious relationship between the President and the press continue to escalate?
- What will be the legislative priority for the new Democratic majority in the House?
- Will the American public continue to accept the occurrence of mass shootings?
- Will the acting Attorney General recuse himself from the Mueller investigation?
- Can the Trump Administration secure the global support needed to broker a new deal with Iran?
- Have American political parties permanently realigned along the urban and rural divide?
- Has the time come for Congressional Democrats to select a new generation of leadership?
- Has progress towards North Korea’s denuclearization stalled?
- Is America angling towards regime change in Iran?
- Is the news media getting better at covering President Trump?
- What should the GOP do to regain independent voters?
- Will US sanctions weaken the position of reformers within the Iranian government?
- Will US markets continue to see significant volatility in 2019?
- What can be done to diffuse the escalating hostility between Israel and Hamas in Gaza?
- What additional steps should the Trump Administration take to counter North Korea’s missile program?
- Will Democrats make a push for gun control in the new Congress?
- Are federal law enforcement agencies doing all they can to combat white nationalist violence in America?
- What’s behind the growing popularity of the Green Party in Germany?
- Can the new split Congress avoid partisan gridlock?
- Did the Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County v Holder have negative effects on the midterm elections?
- What can President Trump do to regain the support of suburban voters?
- What more can Modi’s government do to improve air quality in Indian cities?
- Will more states move to restore the voting rights of convicted felons?
- Is the increased scrutiny on Saudi Arabia over the death of Jamal Khashoggi abating?
- Are the European nations getting better at combatting Russian disinformation campaigns?
- Should the Trump Administration take stronger action against the Saudi Arabian government?
- Will Theresa May survive Brexit?
- Will Britons get a second Brexit referendum?
- Can Prime Minister May get her Brexit deal through Parliament?
- Is it safe for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh to return to Myanmar?
- What effect will sanctions have on the US-Saudi relationship?
- Is a new global charter to better regulate the Internet needed?
- Is John Kelly on the way out as White House Chief of Staff?
- Will midterm staff shake-ups make it more difficult for President Trump to govern effectively?
- Will Nancy Pelosi become the next Speaker of the House?
- Is the presence of US military personnel a political win for the Trump Administration?
- Are the FDA’s actions to limit underage access to nicotine too little, too late?
- Is the problem of staffing key government positions getting worse for the Trump Administration?
- How much damage will Brexit do to the UK economy?
- What can Congress do to better regulate commercial access to citizens’ personal information?
- Can anything be done to bring Taliban violence in Afghanistan under control?
- Should Congress do more to close the gender pay gap?
- Can individual states pick up the federal government’s slack when it comes to combating climate change?
- Can President Trump cut a deal with China to end his trade war?
- Has President Trump lived up to his 2016 campaign promises so far?
- What should Congress do to combat the rising costs of prescription medications?
- Should Congress restrict the role of Pharmacy Benefit Managers in setting prescription drug prices?
- Should Medicare be allowed to negotiate for lower prescription drug pricing?
- Should federal law enforcement dedicate more resources to cracking down on hate crimes?
- Is the Trump White House taking appropriate action against Saudi Arabia over the Khashoggi killing?
- Will the addition of work requirements onto Medicaid put an undue burden on low-income Americans?
- Should the midterm elections be seen as an national rebuke of President Trump?
- Can social media companies be trusted to adequately police content on their platforms without government regulation?
- Is the US economy headed towards a recession?
- Should the federal minimum wage be raised?
- Was the deployment of US military personnel to the southern border unnecessary?
- Will scandals over White House staff using personal email for government work hang over the Trump Administration?
- Can the government of Emmerson Mnangagwa bring Zimbabwe’s economic crisis under control?
- Are Saudi humanitarian efforts in Yemen a failure?
- Is President Trump undermining the institution of an independent judiciary?
- Will Congress force President Trump to take a stronger stance against Saudi Arabia?
- Will the midterms mark a major turning point for the Trump White House?
- Can Bibi Netanyahu keep his government together?
- Will President Trump’s handling of the Khashoggi killing give cover to other human rights abuses around the world?
- Should European museums return art and artifacts acquired under colonial rule?
- Has self-regulation of social media companies failed?
- What measures should the Nigerian government take to reform and improve their health care system?
- Is Nigeria’s health care system in crisis?
- Can a Medicare-for-all System work in America?
- How much of global development problems can be solved through large-scale philanthropy?
- Can GMO crops save Africa?
- Has the Trump Administration failed the American public in its response to natural disasters?
- What will it take to end Venezuela’s migration crisis?
- Can Maduro end hyperinflation in Venezuela?
- Is the hard-fought peace between the Colombian government and rebel factions on the brink of collapse?
- Can AMLO change Mexico?
- What measures will AMLO take to crack down on corruption in Mexico?
- Can President Trump cut a deal on immigration with Mexico’s new President?
- Is Robert Mueller’s investigation nearing an end?
- Does Europe have a major problem integrating immigrants into their societies?
- Are the Mexican public’s expectations of AMLO too high?
- Are lawsuits against the drug manufacturers a key part of the solution to America’s opioid epidemic?
- Is a lack of effective policing an existential threat to global fisheries?
- Is North Korea really willing to denuclearize?
- Does the Trump White House have realistic expectations for North Korean denuclearization?
- Has the Trump Administration significantly reduced the threat from North Korea?
- What will the new Iraqi government for the US-Iraqi relationship?
- What will Mexico’s new leadership mean for the relationship with the US?
- What can be done in Iraq to make a real dent in government corruption?
- Will a new Congress force the Trump Administration to take more action in addressing the threat from climate change?
- What should the international community do to stave off a famine crisis in Yemen?
- Is a political solution to end the fighting in Yemen still impossible?
- Should the Trump Administration increase development aid to Latin America?
- Will funding for President Trump’s border wall force a government shutdown?
- What can be done to increase how much Americans recycle?
- Is America starting to more forcefully challenge China’s role in the South China Sea?
- Will the Khashoggi case improve the relationship between Turkey and the west?
- What can be done to overcome the stalled progress in eradicating Malaria around the world?
- Is the poor relationship between Vladimir Putin and the west stifling the Russian economy?
- Is support for Putin among the Russian public starting to fall away?
- Will there be an upside for the UK from Brexit?
- Is technology making it significantly more difficult for financial crimes investigators to stop global money laundering?
- Are bitcoin and the blockchain the future of banking?
- Is the federal government doing enough to ensure the cybersecurity of critical national infrastructure?
- Is Amazon’s HQ2 selection a good deal for the winning cities?
- What should be done to improve America’s transportation infrastructure?
- Are the effects of demographic change starting to be a drag on China’s economic growth?
- What more can be done to cleanup unexploded landmines around the globe?
- Will the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General put America on a path towards a constitutional crisis?
- Can backlash against Saudi Arabia over the Khashoggi killing be leveraged to end the war in Yemen?
- What should federal and state governments do to mitigate the damage from wildfires in the west?
- Will President Trump push Congress to break up the Ninth Circuit?
- Should the FDA mandate better tracking of perishable foods shipped across state lines?
- Is the federal government taking all appropriate steps to prevent medical outbreaks from contaminated foods?
- Has the Trump Administration helped revitalize American manufacturing?
- How long will global oil prices remain low?
- What does the growth of online retail shopping mean for long-term American consumer trends?
- Will violent protests topple the government in Haiti?
- Is the Trump Administration making fundamental and lasting changes to how America handles international asylum seekers?
- Are President Trump’s trade tariffs working against his promises to bring back jobs?
- Will growing tensions between the Ukraine and Russia draw action from Europe to intervene?
- Should the number of US Immigration Court judges be increased?
- What should be done to improve America’s system for processing and handling asylum seekers?
- What more should the DOD do to prevent white supremacist groups from recruiting from within military ranks?
- Is the drama of the Trump White House corrosive to the Republican Party?
- Do GM’s job losses hurt President Trump’s political brand?
- Will the lame duck Congress pass legislation to protect the Mueller investigation?
- What will be accomplished in the lame-duck Congress?
- What action should the US take to check Russian aggression in Crimea?
- Does the national rise in student debt pose a long-term risk to America’s economic health?
- Will divisions within the Democratic Party prevent Congressional Democrats from being successful in the new session?
- Can the US and China cut a trade deal before tariffs doing lasting economic damage?
- What will developments in automation technology mean for the future of the American workforce?
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 Nov
Monday, November 5, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 Oct
- How much damage would a ‘no-deal’ Brexit do to the UK economy?
- Does the compromise deal with the World Anti-Doping Agency mean that Russia can be trusted to police its own athletics on the international stage?
- Have Russian athletes paid enough for doping scandals in the recent past?
- Will the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh erode the public’s trust in the US Supreme Court?
- Should the Fed be raising interest rates more rapidly?
- Is the federal government adequately prepared to deal with nation-state level cybersecurity threats?
- Can the Trump Administration keep tensions between the US and China from rising?
- Is the Trump Administration undermining the US dollar’s position as the global reserve currency?
- Can Mark Zuckerberg fix Facebook?
- Are renewable energy sources transforming Europe’s energy sector?
- Is the political engagement around the 2018 midterms a permanent change or a passing fad?
- Are President Trump’s economic policies succeeding?
- Is America facing an imminent debt crisis?
- Will the US trade war with China stymie global economic growth?
- How will Kavanaugh’s confirmation change the Supreme Court?
- Does ISIS still pose a significant international threat?
- What should the international community do to restore security and stability in Libya?
- Can the international community find a way to clean up plastic pollution?
- Can a new President take a serious bite out of government corruption in Brazil?
- Will Bosnia move towards closer integration with the EU?
- What implications will Kavanaugh’s confirmation have for the midterm elections?
- Should the Chinese government be doing more to counter the demographic effects its one-child policy has had on the population?
- Will an aging population drag down China’s economic growth?
- What does the new USMCA deal mea for global trade?
- Has President Trump been good for America’s trade deficit?
- Is there a way to move beyond partisan tribalism in the US Senate?
- Should the international community be doing more to help Indonesia recover and rebuild?
- Will Brazil elect Jair Bolsonaro as President?
- Can the IMF bring Zimbabwe’s currency crisis under control?
- Will Zimbabwe’s efforts to get the currency crisis under control be successful?
- Will Bibi Netanyahu be indicted?
- Should Congress impose sanctions against Saudi Arabia?
- Can the international community build the political will to effectively combat climate change?
- Should Congress raise the federal minimum wage?
- Are trade tensions with China undermining US efforts towards North Korean denuclearization?
- Should the US continue to support Saudi Arabia?
- Will the Trump Administration’s difficulty in staffing key positions have a lasting impact on the federal government?
- Will Imran Khan be able to make the economic reforms necessary for an IMF bailout of Pakistan to succeed?
- Will Malaysia’s 1MDB scandal result in real and lasting anti-corruption reforms?
- Can Europe save the Iran nuclear deal?
- Does a conviction in the case of Jason Van Dyke signal that a change in police accountability is on the horizon?
- What can be done to build more transparency into the use of lethal force by law enforcement?
- Can Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman diversify Saudi Arabia’s economy?
- Can tech companies find a way to stop the weaponization of social media?
- Is America’s economic growth overly dependent on low interest rates from the Fed?
- Will the second round of US sanctions be enough to bring Iran back to the table to negotiate a new deal?
- What steps should the EU take to strengthen the European Monetary Union?
- Should Congress expand the funding for space exploration?
- Can a universal basic income boost America’s economy?
- How much are US politics in the age of Trump reshaping the future of the EU?
- Will Brexit create an existential threat to the Good Friday Agreement in Ireland?
- Is Marine Le Pen’s National Rally Party making a political comeback in France?
- Will Nikki Haley’s resignation impede Trump Administration efforts on the international stage?
- Can South Africa’s ANC avoid the mistakes that Zimbabwe made in enacting lang reforms?
- Is a formal end to the Korean War finally within sight?
- Are women voters abandoning the Republican Party?
- Is America entering a new Cold War with China?
- Will the gender gap be a deciding factor in the midterm elections?
- Should America cut back arms sales to Saudi Arabia?
- Can China clean up the air around its cities without causing economic calamity?
- Has Saudi Arabia’s human rights record been overlooked b America for too long?
- Are human rights violators around the globe being emboldened by President Trump?
- Will the Saudi King continue to stand behind MBS?
- What consequences will the Khashoggi case have on US-Saudi relations?
- Is Congress too politically polarized to address climate change?
- Do state and local governments have the ability to reshape how America deals with climate change?
- Should the federal government be doing more to mitigate the risk of flooding around America’s coastal cities?
- Does Saudi Arabia still make a good strategic partner for the United States?
- Has the Trump Administration abdicated America’s role in global leadership?
- Will Bolsonaro win Brazil’s Presidency?
- Will America’s handling of the Khashoggi case reopen the rift between the US and Turkey?
- Is the influence of the far-right on German politics growing?
- Should the federal government more tightly restrict the civilian use of drone aircraft?
- What does Canada’s legalization of recreational marijuana mean for the US?
- Will Canada’s decriminalization of marijuana create more problems than it solves?
- Do traditional conservatives still have a place within the Republican Party?
- Can AMLO reshape Mexico’s relationship with the US?
- Is President Trump’s trade war with China eating away at America’s economic growth?
- Is Jared Kushner a political liability for the Trump White House?
- Is a Brexit deal still achievable?
- Can MBS still be an effective leader for Saudi Arabia on the global stage?
- Is it time for the US to implement a carbon tax?
- Has the security situation in Afghanistan begun to backslide?
- Can Theresa May’s government survive Brexit negotiations with the EU?
- Will Mohammed Bin Salman be pushed out as Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia?
- Has the Trump Administration taken the necessary steps to protect America’s elections from foreign interference?
Friday, October 5, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 Sept (sorry I'm a couple days late)
- How much responsibility should Facebook bear for attacks against the Rohingya in Myanmar?
- Is Donald Trump growing into the role of President?
- Will Attorney General Jeff Sessions leave his office before the midterm elections?
- Should implicit bias training be a mandatory part of training for all law enforcement officers?
- Should the federal government more tightly regulate e-cigarettes?
- Will American cuts to aid for Palestinians lead to more violence in the Middle East?
- Will Myanmar’s military generals face trial for crimes against the Rohingya?
- Would failing to get a new NAFTA deal hurt America more than Canada and Mexico?
- Is there a viable path for America to exit Afghanistan?
- Should the Senate restore the 60 vote threshold for judicial nominees?
- Will putting President Obama on the campaign trail backfire against the Democrats in the 2018 midterms?
- Will America get drawn into a more active military role in Syria?
- Has the Trump Administration lost the chance to accomplish North Korean denuclearization?
- Does the surge of deficit spending under President Trump pose a serious risk to America’s long-term economic health?
- Does Argentina face another imminent economic collapse?
- Is President Trump in control of his own White House?
- Will Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed to the US Supreme Court?
- Will President Trump turn out the Republican base in the midterm elections?
- Should the collection of user’s personal data by American tech companies be more tightly regulated?
- Is the rise of far-right nationalist political parties in Europe tapering off?
- What steps should Congress take to stem the growth of income inequality?
- When will America’s economic growth be reflected in real labor wages?
- What can be done to bring the Afghan Taliban to the negotiating table?
- Should the US cut arms sales to Saudi Arabia?
- Can Secretary of State Pompeo successfully reset America’s relationship with Pakistan?
- Will the jailing of journalists in Myanmar refocus international attention on the Rohingya?
- Should Aung Sang Suu Kyi step down?
- Should paper ballots and auditing be mandatory in American elections?
- Will the US impose sanctions against China for human rights violations against the Uyghur minority?
- What can the international community do to hold China responsible for human rights violations against the Uyghur?
- What should be done to restore stability to Libya?
- Has America failed to deflect North Korea away from its nuclear ambitions?
- What should the international community do to clean up plastic pollution in the world’s oceans?
- Would a Syrian military victory in Idlib province bring refugees one step closer to returning home?
- Can the UK government do more to hold Russia accountable for the Novichok poisonings?
- Is the government of Theresa May doing all it can do bring the Skripal poisoning suspects to justice?
- Can a civilian bloodbath in Idlib be avoided?
- How much does decriminalization of homosexuality mark a turning point for LGBT rights in India?
- Is a lasting peace deal in South Sudan still just a dream?
- Can the Trump Administration keep America’s economic growth going?
- Will President Trump face a serious Republican primary election challenge in 2020?
- Is the ability of the Japanese government to adequately respond to natural disaster improving?
- Should the US approach for dealing with North Korea more actively involve regional allies?
- Should NATO countries impose further sanctions against Russia?
- What can the international community do to curb Iran’s influence in Syria?
- Can the memory of John McCain restore some bipartisan cooperation to Congress?
- Is there anything Congress can do to get dark money out of American politics?
- Will Brexit change the EU for the better?
- Has the migrant crisis of the past few years fundamentally changed the EU?
- Has a stable peace taken hold in the horn of Africa?
- Should the EU impose sanctions on the government of Viktor Orban?
- Should the FDA do more to restrict teenager’s access to e-cigarettes?
- Can Imran Khan break the relationship between the Taliban and Pakistan’s ISI?
- Will Yazidi girls kidnapped by ISIS ever be able to find justice?
- Should the IMF provide another bailout to Argentina?
- Will the economic reforms proposed by President Macri stave off economic collapse in Argentina?
- Are the economic problems of Venezuela spreading to its neighbors?
- Is the Iraqi government making progress rooting out corruption?
- Has the political controversy over the national anthem been good for the NFL?
- Can private industry be trusted to adequate self-regulate access to e-cigarette products by teens?
- Will the previous failures of the Catholic church take down Pope Francis?
- What can the US do break the stalemate between the Afghan government and the Taliban?
- Should the Department of Justice establish a national investigation into sexual abuse in the Catholic church?
- Is America becoming a pariah on the world stage?
- Will Trump Administration attempts to strongarm Palestinians into a Mideast peace deal succeed?
- Does President Trump’s adversarial relationship with the intelligence community pose a real threat to America’s national security?
- Will Eu sanctions against Hungary strengthen nationalist political movements in other member nations?
- What will Paul Manafort’s decision to cooperate mean for the Mueller investigation?
- Have the big banks learned the right lessons from the 2008 global financial crisis?
- Is the Trump White House on the verge of a nervous breakdown?
- Has FEMA learned the appropriate lessons in the aftermath of hurricane Maria?
- Has the official government response to the violence against the Rohingya permanently damaged the credibility of Aung San Suu Kyi?
- Can the EU find a compromise agreement to share the burden of migrants across its member states?
- Are Trump Administration policies on the detention of unaccompanied minors placing too heavy a burden on federal agencies?
- Should Myanmar’s military leadership face trial at the Hague?
- Is diplomacy with North Korea getting back on the right track?
- Will sexual assault allegations derail the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court?
- Has the movement started in the wake of the Parkland shooting made any real headway on passing real gun control legislation?
- Is the trade war with China a political win for President Trump?
- Can state legislation lead the way for the federal government to implement gun control measures?
- Will President Trump’s trade war with China continue to escalate?
- Will the growth of the Internet of things force companies to accept financial liability for security flaws in their products?
- Will Congress do more to protect Americans’ online privacy?
- Is the senior leadership of the NRA doing a disservice to its members by taking an absolutist stance on the Second Amendment?
- Does the DOD still need to drastically improve its handling of sexual abuse cases in America’s armed forces?
- Is President Trump’s use of Twitter a threat to US national security interests around the globe?
- How much will the Trump Administration’s policy of family separation at the border hurt Republicans in the 2018 midterms?
- Should Saudi Arabia face international sanctions for civilian casualties in Yemen?
- Will the scandal around Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court hurt or help Republican candidates chances in the midterm elections?
- How much credit does President Trump deserve for progress being made in talks with North Korea?
- Do American cuts to foreign aid undermine efforts to secure a Middle East peace deal?
- Is America prepared for the long-term impacts of trade war with China?
- How long will the trade war with China last?
- Have divisions within Germany’s government coalition reached a breaking point?
- Can Angela Merkel keep her coalition government together?
- Is Angela Merkel’s fading leadership a problem for Europe?
- Has there been real progress made since the start of the #MeToo movement?
- Will Brexit boost the chances for a united Ireland?
- Will copyright reforms in the EU make their way to America?
- Is democracy in Poland dying?
- Is democracy in western Europe under attack?
- Is President Trump driving America towards conflict with Iran?
- Is the USMCA trade deal a win for President Trump?
- Will the USMCA trade deal bring economic growth to North America?
- Are India’s courts moving to quickly to make changes to Indian society?
- Can Facebook continue to weather public scandals?
- Will President Trump fire Rod Rosenstein?
- Will Trump be a drag on the Republican ticket in the midterm elections?
- Has the Trump Administration abandoned America’s international obligations towards human rights?
- Should the UK hold a second Brexit referendum?
- Is Brexit tearing apart the UK’s Conservative Party?
- Is French enthusiasm for President Macron waning?
- What further steps should the Trump Administration take to curb the rapidly rising costs of prescription drugs?
- Is the rising cost of higher education eroding America’s middle class?
- Does the outbreak of Ebola near the border of Uganda post a serious public health threat to the region of central Africa?
- Can the international community do more to push for deconfliction in Yemen?
- Should Venezuela’s President Maduro face international investigation for crimes against humanity?
- Is resolution to the Trump trade war with China within sight?
- What political implications does the Kavanaugh nomination have for the midterm elections?
- Is the US headed towards military intervention in Venezuela?
- Can economic stimulus bring South Africa out of depression?
- Is President Rodrigo Duterte turning the Philippines into an autocratic regime?
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 Aug
- Is North Korea really willing to get rid of its nuclear weapons?
- Will the US restoring sanctions on Iran make the Middle East less safe?
- Would a No Deal Brexit be a disaster for the British economy?
- Have elections in Zimbabwe provided a legitimate government?
- Should Congress do more to repair America’s aging infrastructure?
- Can President Maduro get hyperinflation under control in Venezuela?
- Is the Greek economy headed in the right direction?
- Will government corruption and ethics reforms be a key voting issue in the 2018 midterm elections?
- Does Imran Khan have the political support he needs to enact the political reforms he wants for Pakistan?
- Has Russia’s involvement in Syria brought stability?
- Are denuclearization talks with North Korea in trouble?
- Is the rift between Turkey and the West widening?
- Will the trade war between China and the US continue to deepen?
- Can the UK avoid a “No Deal” Brexit?
- Do American tech stocks still have room to grow?
- Can Democrats find a winning economic message for the 2018 midterms?
- What can Congress do to overcome the problem of political polarization?
- Can the Afghan government find a solution to the problem of the Taliban?
- What steps should the Trump Administration take to get talks with North Korea back on track?
- Is Australia incapable of maintain stable political leadership?
- Is a major overhaul of Australia's political system necessary?
- Should Democrats be campaigning on impeaching President Trump?
- Does the conviction of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen mark a turning point for the Trump Administration?
- Does NATO still play a critical role on the global stage?
- Should Betsy DeVos be removed as Secretary of Education?
- Has the EPA become a more effective organization since the departure of Scott Pruitt?
- What can be done to improve the strained relationship between Turkey and the US?
- Will President Trump’s continued attacks against the press backfire?
- Is the Trump White House being played by Kim Jong-un?
- Has Bashar al-Assad won the war in Syria?
- Has the involvement of foreign powers prolonged the war in Syria?
- Will Argentina decriminalize abortion?
- Does Imran Khan have the political freedom to be successful as Pakistan’s new leader?
- Will President Trump’s travel ban make America materially safer?
- Is America’s tariff war with China nearing an end?
- Will President Trump’s decision to snap back sanctions be enough to convince Iran to rein in its actions?
- Can Emmerson Mnangagwa find a way to unify Zimbabwe?
- Will President Trump’s push for a new branch of the military lead to a new arms race in space?
- Is the Congress edging towards a blue wave in November?
- Can Iran’s economy weather renewed American sanctions?
- Can the Catholic Church do anything to move beyond child sex abuse scandals?
- Is the Vatican doing too little in rooting out the problem of pedophile priests?
- Should Congress do more to bridge the gender pay gap?
- Will Special Counsel Mueller get an interview with President Trump?
- What should be done to grow America’s stagnating wages?
- Is Democratic Socialism the future of the National Democratic Party in America?
- Is disinformation spreadon social media an existential threat to democracy?
- Is Pakistan entering a period of political instability?
- Will Nicaragua’s President Orega be forced out of power?
- Is the federal government taking the necessary steps to secure the 2018 elections?
- Will the Special Counsel’s Russia investigation be terminated early?
- Will President Trump’s trade war continue to escalate?
- Are sanctions an effective means of changing Russia’s behavior on the international stage?
- Is America heading down the path of regime change in Iran?
- Is the enforcement of economic sanctions against North Korea becoming too lax?
- Has the conflict in Yemen spiraled out of control?
- Will American sanctions result in long-term economic volatility for Turkey?
- Is America’s ability to project power in the South China Sea receding?
- Can a diplomatic solution to the tension between the US and Turkey be found?
- Does President Trump’s rhetoric work against America’s international interests?
- Should the federal government do more to reduce Americans consumption of plastics?
- Can state and local governments do more to reduce America’s consumption of single-use plastics?
- Is the Trump Administration making real progress on criminal justice reform?
- Can a summit between North and South Korean leaders get denuclearization talks back on track?
- Can Prime Minister Khan deliver on his promises for Pakistan?
- Has the federal government learned from the aftermath of hurricanes Harvey and Maria?
- Will the Pope resign?
- Should the US reduce its support of Saudi-led forces in Yemen?
- Does California’s elimination of cash bail mark a new trail in the national debate on criminal justice reform?
- Will President Trump be able to get the North American trade deal he wants?
- Can South American nations find a way to adequate deal with Venezuelan migrants?
- Will Cyril Ramaphosa’s push for land reform damage South Africa’s economy?
- Can Pope Francis find a way to end corruption in the Catholic Church?
- How long will America’s real wage growth remain stagnant?
- What does the future hold for the Rohingya still living in Bangladesh?
- Is the Catholic Church still the center of Irish society?
- What does the future hold for Zimbabwe’s Movement for Democratic Change?
- Can Australia find a way to move beyond political infighting?
- Can a policy of international isolation lead to regime change in Venezuela?
- Should the federal government more tightly regulate the cybersecurity of large American businesses?
- Is the stock market in a bubble?
- Have cryptocurrencies and the blockchain already become a key component of the global economy?
- Is the rollback of the Obama Clean Power Plan good for America in the long run?
- Should Puerto Rico be allowed an opportunity for statehood?
- Will Congress allocate more money for the long-term recovery of Puerto Rico?
- Will there be a showdown between the US and the EU over restoring sanctions against Iran?
- Should Congress implement a national carbon tax?
Monday, August 6, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 July
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 June
- Is the center permanently gone from American politics?
- Can America and North Korea find a mutually agreeable deal in Singapore?
- Should the federal government play a larger role in managing the use of force by state and local law enforcement?
- What would a successful outcome be from the summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un?
- Can Europe keep the Iran nuclear deal alive?
- What does the Eighth Amendment vote signal about the role the Catholic Church plays in Ireland?
- Can the FARC successfully integrate into Colombia’s political system?
- Is the Colombian public ready to receive the FARC as a legitimate political entity?
- Will slow progress jeopardize the peace deal between the Colombian government and the FARC?
- Should state and local governments require de-escalation training for law enforcement officers?
- Has mandatory sentencing been a failure in America’s drug war?
- Can protesters force changes from Nicaragua’s President Ortega?
- Will Italy’s political turmoil put a strain on the Euro?
- Is the Greek economy on the path for sustained growth?
- How far will trade tariffs between the US and its international allies escalate?
- Should other world leaders play a larger role in nuclear discussions between Trump and Kim?
- Will new changes to Dodd-Frank significantly increase the risk of another bank related financial crisis?
- Is peace any closer for South Sudan?
- Should land reforms in South Africa e expedited?
- Can Democrats surge voter turnout enough to win back Congress in the 2018 midterms?
- Will American tariffs successfully force changes to China’s trade practices?
- Will new tariffs spark lasting volatility in America’s markets?
- Is President Trump’s use of pardons turning into an abuse of power?
- Would the collapse of the Iran nuclear deal spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East?
- Are IMF-backed austerity measures in Jordan too steep?
- Is it time for Congress to pass paid family leave?
- Will requiring sales tax on Internet purchases slow America’s e-commerce?
- What steps should law enforcement take to improve the relationship with minority communities?
- Should Congress pass strong online data protection legislation?
- Are cryptocurrencies the future of money?
- Are migrants successfully integrating into European society?
- Should Congress be doing more to address the effects of automation on the future of the US labor market?
- Is Syria ready to accept the return of refugees from EU?
- Will Congress be able to pass immigration reform before the midterms?
- Should Social Security and Medicare benefits be means tested?
- Should economic inequality be given a higher priority in the Congressional policy agenda?
- Will the truck driver strike in Brazil make it more difficult to enact necessary economic reforms?
- How can political moderates win back American voters?
- What steps should Congress take to shore up Social Security?
- Will American tariffs push global trade into a new era of protectionism?
- How long will it take for Raqqa to recover after the Islamic State?
- Can Secretary Pompeo successfully rebuild the State Department?
- Is there a military solution for Afghanistan?
- What steps should President Trump take to restore America’s relationship with the EU?
- Will the summit between Trump and Kim result in substantive policy?
- Was the Singapore summit between the US and North Korea successful?
- Can the Russian government adequately cope with the growing AIDS epidemic?
- Will trade tariff disputes escalate into other areas of America’s foreign alliances?
- Is the Trump administration’s response to the opioid epidemic inadequate?
- How will tariffs imposed by the Trump administration affect the American economy?
- Will the rollback of federal Net Neutrality rules hurt rural access to Broadband Internet connectivity?
- What more should the federal government do to prevent abuse against Native American women?
- Is America abandoning the message of international human rights protection?
- Can Kim Jong-un be trusted to negotiate with America in good faith?
- Has FIFA moved on from its earlier corruption scandals?
- Should America intervene in Yemen?
- Can political violence in Mexico be brought under control ahead of scheduled elections?
- Are President Trump’s policies isolating America from the rest of the world?
- Are Congressional Republicans beginning to stand up to President Trump?
- Will President Trump pay a political price for his trade tariffs?
- Should human rights play a significant role in the negotiations between the US and North Korea?
- Will retaliatory tariffs force President Trump to back away from his aggressive trade policies?
- Will President Trump’s trade tariffs benefit American workers in the long run?
- Will President Trump’s unconventional diplomacy be able to chart a new course in the relationship between the US and North Korea?
- How much does the political future of South Korea’s President Moon rest on the outcome of the summit between Trump and Kim?
- Is reunification of the Koreas still an impossible long term goal?
- Will Kim Jong-un keep his commitment to denuclearization?
- Will US regional allies see the Singapore meeting between Trump and Kim as successful?
- What steps should the DOD take to improve the handling of sexual harassment and sexual assault cases in the US military?
- Will the Trump-Kim summit lead to meaningful change on the Korean peninsula?
- Does student loan debt in America represent an impending financial crisis?
- Should the federal government restrict the non-medical use of antibiotics?
- Has the Department of Justice lost the will to adequately prosecute white collar crimes?
- Was the Singapore summit between Trump and Kim a win for South Korea?
- Do traditional conservatives still have a place in the Republican Party?
- Should the international community do more to hold Saudi Arabia responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen?
- Is time running out for Houthi rebel forces in Yemen?
- Is the US abandoning the cause of human rights on the international stage?
- Will accusations of corruption continue to dog FIFA?
- Does North Korea still represent a significant cybersecurity threat to the United States?
- Will China blink first in a trade war with the United States?
- Will the Trump Administration continue to escalate its trade war?
- Can the EU find a workable agreement on how to handle immigration?
- Has the Trump Administration weakened the alliance between the US and South Korea?
- Is government corruption in Brazil an intractable problem?
- Has Operation Car Wash strengthened democracy in Brazil?
- Is the Trump Administration permanently damaging the trans-Atlantic alliance?
- Is American drug policy turning Mexico into a failed state?
- What steps should America take to deter cyberattacks from foreign nations?
- Is suspending joint military exercises with South Korea too big of a concession to make at this stage of negotiations with Kim Jong Un?
- Is President Trump’s foreign policy losing him the support of top Pentagon leadership?
- Will America’s creation of a Space Force spark a new international arms race?
- Is separating parents and children at the border an effective deterrence policy for US immigration?
- Can leadership in Congress cut a deal to end family separation at the border?
- Will President Trump’s Executive Order end the policy of family separation trigger a new immigration crisis at the order?
- Will the issue of immigration turn out voters in the 2018 midterms?
- Will Kurdish voters end up as winners in the upcoming Turkish elections?
- Will Bibi Netanyahu be indicted?
- Will sex abuse scandals damage the effectiveness of Medicins Sans Frontieres?
- Would EU passage of Article 11 and Article 13 fundamentally change the Internet?
- Will upcoming elections in Mexico further strain its relationship with the US?
- Is the civil war in South Sudan nearing an end?
- Should the international community do more to condemn Saudi Arabia over its treatment of women's’ rights activists?
- Will Canada’s legalization of marijuana spark similar legal changes in other countries?
- Does the Trump Administration have adequate plans for reunification of families separated at the order?
- Should the UK hold a second Brexit once the final plan is negotiated?
- Should the rebuilding and recovery of Puerto Rico be given more attention by Congress?
- Has America permanently lost the ability to find the political middle ground?
- Will bringing back the IMF do further long-term damage to Argentina’s economy?
- Is America facing a crisis of immigration on the southern border?
- How will the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy impact the 2018 midterms?
- Is the Democratic Party being drawn towards the far left?
- Does the retirement of Justice Kennedy put the Roe v Wade decision at risk of being overturned?
- What does the Justice Kennedy mean for the future of the US Supreme Court?
- Has India’s demonetization policy been successful at curbing corruption?
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 May
- Has the GOP tax plan been good for the American middle class so far?
- Can Europe convince President Trump to stick with the JCPOA?
- Is the immigration policy of the Trump Administration bad for the US economic growth in the long term?
- Does the Trump Administration have a growing crisis with credibility?
- Will US withdrawal from the JCPOA make the Middle East less stable?
- Should DOD spending on cyberdefense be increased?
- Will public protests escalate during Vladimir Putin’s new term in office?
- Will Lebanon’s elections strengthen Hezbollah?
- Is the pro-democracy movement in Russia losing ground?
- Will American withdrawal from the nuclear deal push Iran closer to a nuclear weapon?
- Is criminal justice reform in the US a pipe dream?
- What can Facebook do to regain the trust of its users?
- \Is government corruption in Brazil improving?
- Can the GOP hold back a blue wave in the 2018 midterms?
- Is China using the issue of North Korea to leverage the Trump Administration?
- Is Kim Jong-un serious about peace on the Korean peninsula?
- Will Ireland vote to repeal its constitutional ban on abortion?
- What should China do to address the growing problems of an aging population?
- Does President Trump have the leverage necessary to accomplish the denuclearization of North Korea?
- What role will China play in the nuclear talks between the US and North Korea?
- Will partisan tribalism push down voter turnout in the 2018 midterm elections?
- How long will Scott Pruitt last as head of the EPA?
- Should regulators block the merger of T-Mobile and Sprint?
- Are the economic prospects for Zimbabwe improving?
- Will secularism survive in Turkey?
- Is Netanyahu inching closer to direct armed conflict with Iran?
- What should the government of the Philippines do to control overcrowding in its jails?
- Is President Duterte’s violent war against drugs working?
- Will leaving the JCPOA make it more difficult to counter Iran’s influence across the Middle East?
- Will US withdrawal from the JCPOA push Iran closer to a nuclear weapon?
- Are free and fair elections possible in the DR Congo?
- Will new leadership bring positive reforms to Armenia?
- Can Argentina stabilize its currency?
- Does the disbanding of Eta signal progress towards peace between Basque separatists and the Spanish government?
- What does Eta’s decision to disband mean for the future of Basque independence?
- Can Brazil adequately cope with the influx of Venezuelan refugees?
- Has China’s One-Belt One-Road initiative already begun to erode America’s international influence?
- Will calling another early election backfire on Turkey’s President Erdogan?
- Is South Africa’s economy headed in the right direction?
- Are evangelical voters starting to break faith with President Trump?
- Is the word prepared for another Ebola outbreak in Africa?
- What should be done to rein in America’s rising maternal mortality rate?
- Is central Africa facing another Ebola crisis?
- Are the chances for a two-state Middle East peace deal dead?
- What more should Congress do more to protect Americans’ personal data online
- Is America moving closer to regime change as the strategy for Iran?
- How much will US withdrawal from the JCPOA affect nuclear talks with North Korea?
- Does the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem mark a major turning point in the Israel-Palestine peace process?
- Does US foreign policy under President Trump rely too heavily on symbolism over policy substance?
- Has America grown complacent with violence in schools?
- Will the US avoid a trade war with China?
- Will Trump Administration moves to cut Title X funding motivate Democratic voters to turn up at the polls in the 2018 midterms?
- Is Net Neutrality a lost cause?
- Should the operation of substance abuse treatment facilities be more tightly monitored and regulated?
- What does the re-election of Maduro mean for the future of Venezuela?
- Will new US sanctions bring Iran back to the negotiating table?
- What role will China play in the nuclear discussions between the US and North Korea?
- Is America angling towards regime change in Iran?
- Does America still face the likelihood of a trade war with China?
- Can the US and North Korea agree on a path for denuclearization?
- Is Michael Cohen a political liability for President Trump?
- Will Democrats be able to raise voter turnout enough to win in the 2018 midterms?
- Is the Middle East on the verge of larger scale war?
- Can Facebook fix its fake news problem?
- Does withdrawal from the JCPOA drive a major wedge between the US and European allies?
- Does the US backing out of the nuclear deal strengthen hardliners in the Iranian leadership?
- Is democracy gaining strength across Africa?
- Can Europe keep the JCPOA deal alive?
- Is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem good for the Mideast peace process?
- Is Theresa May’s Brexit planning on track?
- Can the Yemeni government restore stability?
- Does America need a new large-scale civil rights movement to address racial inequality?
- How much of a role will the gun control debate play in the 2018 midterms?
- Can the Trump Administration fix America’s broken immigration system?
- Have the efforts of the Trump Administration on North Korea been a failure?
- Does the national Democratic Party need a big shake-up in its leadership?
- Is government corruption in Afghanistan insurmountable?
- What more can the federal government do to stop the occurrence of revenge porn?
- Has the GOP tax cut insufficiently benefited America’s middle class?
- Should America curb arms sales to Saudi Arabia?
- Has South Korea’s President Moon lost his political credibility?
- How much will Ireland liberalize its abortion laws?
- Can the new government in Italy find a path forward on necessary economic reforms?
- Can President Maduro turn around he Venezuelan economy?
- Is the Trump Administration angling to remove Rod Rosenstein?
- Will President Trump’s renegotiation of NAFTA prove successful for America’s economy?
- How much will a trade war with international allies hurt America’s economy?
- Will President Trump maintain the support of Congressional Republicans?
- Can the Trump Administration successfully strike a better deal on NAFTA?
- Is the Trump Administration’s focus on the trade deficit detrimental to the US economy overall?
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 April
- Can Modi speed India’s economic growth?
- Would American military withdrawal from Syria significantly increase the changes of an ISIS resurgence?
- What should the UK’s Labour Party do to rebuild its connection with the Jewish community?
- Can new leadership make real strides in reforms for Ethiopia?
- What are the next steps for the Catalonian independence movement in Spain?
- Will Narendra Modi’s economic reforms be able to deliver the promised growth for India?
- Does the Irish border pose an existential threat to the plans for Brexit?
- Should a global effort be made to track and clean up space junk?
- Has President Trump given up trying to expand his support base?
- How long will Scott Pruitt last as the head of the EPA?
- Can Democrats find a politically successful message around immigration for the 2018 midterms?
- Does the West have the political resolve to stand up to Vladimir Putin?
- Will protests in Gaza strengthen the political support for Prime Minister Netanyahu?
- Is the effectiveness of the Trump administration being hamstrung by ethics violations at the higher levels?
- Will President Trump make a push to increase medical privatization at the VA?
- Will politicizing the US census backfire on President Trump?
- Is President Trump undercutting his own economic agenda?
- Will retaliatory Chinese tariffs compel President Trump to back off his trade rhetoric and policies?
- How combustible is the face-off between between Palestinian protesters and Israeli troops in Gaza?
- Has America lost its leverage in the Israel-Palestine peace talks?
- Are bitcoin and the blockchain a passing fad?
- Is the decision to jail Lula da Silva bad for democracy in Brazil?
- Will China’s tech giants overtake silicon valley?
- How successful has President Trump been so far at draining the swamp?
- Will China’s decision to block the import of scrap plastic force the world to cut down on plastic pollution?
- Does the threat of trade war with China show the risk to America of withdrawing from the TPP?
- Is the progress in defeating ISIS slowing?
- Can the Modi government make real progress in curbing discrimination against India’s Dalit population?
- Will the tax cut be a winning message for Republicans in the 2018 midterms?
- Should Congress be doing more to prevent Russian interference in the 2018 midterm elections?
- Will the growing cloud of ethics violations make it more difficult for Scott Pruitt to be effective at his job?
- What role America play in a post-war Syria?
- Has John Kelly been sidelined in the Trump White House?
- Why doesn’t election fraud generate more public outcry in Russia?
- Will his economic rhetoric start to cost President Trump political support in the red states?
- How soon should America withdraw its military forces from Syria?
- Is Europe’s management of the migrant crisis improving?
- How will Mexico respond to President Trump’s use of military forces at the US border?
- Will the Trump Administration pull out of the Iran nuclear deal?
- Has Russia overplayed its hand with the Skripal poisoning in the UK?
- How should the US respond to the continued use of chemical weapons in Syria?
- Does Brexit pose a risk to the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland?
- Will deficit spending force Congress to make cuts to entitlement programs?
- Has the GOP tax cut put federal deficit spending into crisis?
- Will Facebook rebound from the Cambridge Analytica scandal?
- Has fan trust in cricket around the world been permanently damaged?
- Can President Trump rally international support for action against the Syrian government?
- Will Hungary’s election of Viktor Orban push Europe further towards the nationalist right?
- Can President Rouhani get economic inflation in Iran under control?
- Should Congress pass legislation protecting Robert Mueller’s investigation?
- Is America stumbling towards a trade war with China?
- What legacy does Paul Ryan leave in the House?
- Has Jeremy Corbyn failed the UK’s Labour Party?
- Would firing Rod Rosenstein be political suicide for President Trump?
- Is Mick Mulvaney undermining the CFPB?
- How much will American airstrikes change President Assad’s behavior in Syria?
- Does President Trump’s reversal on engagement in Syria show a willingness to confront human rights abuses globally?
- Is President Trump serious about re-joining the TPP?
- Are growing trade tensions between the US and China already having an effect on the global economy?
- Does the passing on Winnie Mandela mark an inflection point for South Africa?
- Is greater international cooperation needed to properly combat cybercrime?
- How much responsibility does Facebook bear for the plight of the Rohingya?
- Is self regulation sufficient to keep Facebook in line?
- Does China pose a serious threat to the future of America innovation?
- Does Paul Ryan’s retirement mark a turning point for the future of the Republican Party?
- Will Russia stay engaged in Syria for the long term?
- Is a new Cold War brewing between the US and Russia?
- Can President Putin continue to use the international fight with the West to successfully distract the Russian public from domestic problems?
- Will Russia be a moderating influence on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad?
- How will Brexit reshape the future of Northern Ireland?
- What can labor unions do to remain relevant in American politics?
- Will labor strikes prove to be a successful tactic for public sector workers in France?
- Will US airstrikes have any effect on the course of the conflict in Syria?
- Is America’s rail transportation network safe?
- Should federal regulators more strictly enforce safety standards on American transportation companies?
- Should dark money be blocked from American political campaigns?
- Is President Trump undercutting his own foreign policy apparatus?
- Is Donald Trump morally unfit to be President?
- What more can America do diplomatically to change the situation on the ground in Syria?
- Should the federal government be doing more to aid the recovery of Puerto Rico?
- Can the government of Theresa May find a solution to the immigration problems of the Windrush generation?
- Should America have a federal right-to-die law?
- Has America lost all diplomatic influence in Syria?
- Does Paul Ryan’s decision to retire signal that Republica control of Congress is nearing an end?
- Will new leadership bring political and economic reforms to Cuba?
- Will the change in Cuban leadership improve its relationship with the US?
- Has the Bitcoin bubble burst?
- What more should be done to combat coca production in Colombia?
- Is the relationship between the US and Japan being strained by President Trump?
- What would be a success for the meeting between Kim Jong-un and President Trump?
- Would US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal have a negative effect on talks with North Korea?
- Should federally funded programs combating the opioid epidemic focus more on harm reduction?
- If America pulls out of the JCPOA will Europe follow?
- Is it time for the US to end the mortgage tax deduction?
- Has America’s relationship with the rest of the world fundamentally changed under President Trump?
- Does the legacy of war crimes still haunt Bosnia?
- Is the royal family still important to UK society?
- What more can be done to improve the security situation in Afghanistan?
- How much will terrorist attacks influence Afghanistan’s elections process?
Friday, April 6, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 March
- How much work needs to be done to clean up the South African government after the exit of Jacob Zuma?
- Can Joseph Kabila be persuaded to peacefully step down in the DR Congo?
- Should the EU have its own standing army?
- Does the Eurozone need a single centralized finance committee?
- Will shared security concerns bring the remaining EU nations closer together after Brexit?
- Can Cyril Ramaphosa deliver on the hopes for a new South Africa?
- What is the best outcome in Syria that American can realistically hope for?
- Will student outcry bring Washington any closer to addressing gun violence?
- Will Congress find a compromise DACA solution?
- Will Cyril Ramaphosa’s ascension restore public trust in South Africa’s ANC party?
- Should Bibi Netanyahu resign?
- What can the international community do impose accountability on Vladimir Putin?
- Are American prospects for an endgame strategy in Afghanistan dimming?
- Should gun violence in America be treated as a public health issue?
- Can peace talks find a way to end the violence in South Sudan?
- What long-term goals can the US still hope to achieve in Syria?
- Should the White House being doing more to combat the opioid epidemic?
- Has the use of chemical weapons in Syria become normalized?
- Can social media companies do more to police bot accounts?
- Is the Trump family profiting from the Presidency?
- Do ethics norms around the Office of the President need to be more strictly codified?
- Is the Trump Administration acting with neglect in its dealings with Russia?
- Is it time for Jared and Ivanka to leave the White House?
- Will conflict over control of the waters of the Nile river lead to violence?
- What actions can the international community take to end the violence in the DR Congo?
- Should the US step up its military action in Syria?
- Has the war grown apathetic with the war in Syria?
- Is the Nigerian government incapable of effectively fighting the Boko Haram militants?
- Can Rohingya refugees returning to Myanmar be adequately protected from further violence?
- Is declining social mobility a serious risk for the long-term health of the US economy?
- Will the US economy be able to meet the Trump Administrations growth targets?
- Has the time come where a real gun control debate can happen in Congress?
- What actions will the Trump Administration be able to take to prevent further school shootings?
- Will Netanyahu continue to receive the support of the Israeli public?
- What can the American labour movement do to restore its lost political clout?
- Has Russia changed the battlefield for information warfare?
- Can students end the NRA’s hold on the gun debate in America?
- How much will a new cryptocurrency be able to help revitalize Venezuela’s economy?
- Should the Trump White House be moving faster to impose new sanctions against Russia?
- Will a new President be able to bring economic growth back to South Africa?
- What more should the government of Brazil do to counteract violent drug gangs?
- Has Facebook reached its peak?
- Will Mitt Romney’s Senate run deepen the split within the Republican Party?
- Can Turkish and American forces find a way to cooperate on the ground in Syria?
- Is diplomacy still a viable option to find a solution for Eastern Ukraine?
- What additional steps should be taken to curb animal poaching in Africa?
- Has the gun debate become the main proxy for the culture war in America?
- Will Trump imposing new tariffs achieve its objectives?
- Is arming teachers a worthwhile idea?
- How hard will President Trump push to put more guns in schools?
- Does America need more than two major political parties?
- Will the teacher strike in West Virginia expand to other states?
- Can anything be done to stop the DR Congo from sliding further into chaos?
- Has something meaningful changed in the politics around gun control?
- What should be done to break open stagnating American wages?
- Will the tax cuts come back to hurt the GOP in the 2018 elections?
- Has the GOP tax cut started to help America’s middle class?
- Can Jared Kushner still be an effective part of the Trump White House?
- Can Russia be stopped from interfering in US elections?
- Are high-level staffing issues making it more difficult for the Trump White House to govern effectively?
- Can the international community stop the cooperation between North Korea and Syria?
- Will elections push Italy further towards the nationalist right?
- Cant he Five-Star movement end the gridlock in the Italian government?
- Will Berlusconi make a comeback in Italian politics?
- What will Congress do with the DREAMers?
- Should federal law enforcement agencies treat white nationalist groups as terrorist organizations?
- Is President Trump on track to win another term in office?
- Should the UN do more to protect the Rohingya in Myanmar?
- Will Theresa May be able to find a good Brexit plan?
- Should President Trump be more concerned about the international response to steel and aluminum tariffs?
- Does the US market face more volatility in the near term?
- Is the Thai public ready to be rid of the military-run government?
- Is there a realistic possibility of a political end to the war in Yemen?
- Would giving the Taliban an official voice in Afghan politics help stabilize the nation?
- Is the war in Syria nearing an end?
- Is President Trump pushing America into a trade war?
- Is ending President term limits good for China?
- Does Africa face major problems over access to fresh water?
- Would arming teachers make America’s schools safer?
- Is the Iran nuclear deal still working?
- Is Congress still an effective check on the President?
- Has the Trump administration done lasting damage to the US State Department?
- Is the white nationalist movement in America starting to lose steam?
- Does moving the US embassy to Jerusalem increase the possibility of a successful Mideast peace process?
- How much will President Trump’s new tariffs impact global trade?
- Is there a staffing crisis in the Trump White House?
- Is nuclear disarmament an achievable goal for North Korea?
- Should the US increase its involvement in Yemen?
- What will the end of Presidential term limits mean for China in the long term?
- Is diversity in Hollywood improving?
- Is China’s global role changing for the better?
- Does President Trump have what it takes to cut a good deal with North Korea?
- Will lack of expertise in the State Department adversely impact face-to-face talks with North Korea?
- Does America have a coherent policy strategy for sub-Saharan Africa?
- How long can South Africa stave off the “day zero” water crisis in Cape Town?
- Is there any chance for a real political opposition against al-Sisi in Egypt?
- Has the political will to pass gun control legislation begun to wane?
- Is the US prepared for the consequences of retaliatory tariffs?
- What effect will the removal of Rex Tillerson have on the chances for a deal with North Korea?
- Will Congressional Republicans continue to back the Trump White House?
- Should Betsy DeVos resign as the head of the Department of Education?
- Is a blue wave coming in to Congress in the 2018 midterms?
- Is the diplomatic row between Russia and the UK escalating?
- Has the federal government fallen down on the job with the recovery of Puerto Rico?
- Are the international sanctions against North Korea working?
- Is Palestinian cooperation between Fatah and Hamas on the rocks?
- Has the UK government reacted inadequately to the poisoning of Sergei Skripal?
- Is democracy losing ground to authoritarianism around the globe?
- Is China positioning itself to replace American global soft power?
- Should the US push back more assertively against China’s expansion in the South China Sea?
- What more should federal and state agencies do to adequately address the threat from wildfires in California?
- What will lifting Presidential term limits mean for the long term economic growth of China?
- Will face-to-face talks between Trump and Kim backfire?
- Should the federal government more strictly regulate the cybersecurity of American businesses?
- What can be done to combat the effects of “fake news” on American public discourse?
- Will the US follow the UK on getting tough on china?
- Does Brexit pose a real threat to the Good Friday Agreement?
- Will the global economy continue its recovery and growth through 2018?
- Should the Fed raise interest rates again?
- What should western european nations be doing to counteract Vladimir Putin?
- Has Rex Tillerson’s tenure at the State Department done lasting damage to America’s global influence?
- Can Colombia's FARC successfully reinvent themselves as a legitimate political party?
- Should the UK stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia?
- How will Russia change under a fourth term for Vladimir Putin?
- What can Putin do to reinvigorate the Russian economy?
- Will President Trump fire Robert Mueller?
- Is relaxing Dodd-Frank rules too big a risk for the US economy?
- Is President Trump seeing success in breaking open America’s stagnating wages?
- Are Trump administration sanctions against Russia too little too late?
- Will new leadership at the State Department mean better coordination with the White House?
- Have Kurdish dreams of independence been dashed for the foreseeable future?
- How will the US react to Turkish escalation against the Kurds?
- Is the chaos in the Trump White House getting better?
- Is it time for Jared Kushner to leave the White House?
- What can President Trump do to expand his political base?
- Does the reelection of Vladimir Putin mean that confrontations with the West will escalate?
- Should President Trump’s plan to combat the opioid epidemic focus more on treatment options?
- Has the White House shown a commitment to finding a real solution to the opioid epidemic?
- Is the Saudi Crown Prince moving too quickly on social reforms?
- Should Facebook face sanctions for the misuse of personal data?
- Is the ouster of Rex Tillerson good for the State Department?
- Is China’s economic growth sustainable?
- Is President Trump sparking a trade war with China?
- Will President Trump pull out of the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran?
- Have Congressional Democrats abandoned the DACA recipients?
- Has the energy behind the #NeverAgain movement begun to slacken?
- Does volatility on Wall Street signal a coming economic storm?
- Will President Trump continue to hold the support of Evangelical voters?
- Is America’s critical infrastructure inadequately protected from cyber-attack?
- Would American withdrawal from the JCPOA cause a new arms race in the Middle East?
- Is America moving closer to preemptive military action against North Korea?
- Has the Presidency of Donald Trump empowered the white nationalist movement in America?
- How will the movement formed in the wake of the Parkland shooting shape the 2018 midterm elections?
- Can Parkland students break the political influence of the NRA?
- Is the GOP tax plan too heavily tilted to benefit the wealthy?
- What will it take to get Congress to act on universal background checks?
- Is the American economy flourishing under the Trump presidency?
- Should the federal government more clearly define requirements for organic foods?
- Is the unpredictability of the Trump Administration good for America in the long run?
- What impact will the scandal around Cambridge Analytica have the US tech sector economy?
- Can the UN stop the DR Congo from slipping further into chaos?
- Has the relationship between Russia and the West reaching a turning point?
- Should Turkey be offered membership into the EU?
- What effect will President Trump’s tariffs have on the US economy in the near term?
- Should the US Senate get rid of the filibuster?
- Will the Russia probe and the Mueller investigation prove to be a voting issue in the 2018 midterms?
- Is the Trump Administration properly staffed for a meeting with North Korea?
- Will Costa Rica take steps towards legalizing same-sex marriage?
- Does President Trump finally have a cabinet he can work with?
- Should international community do more to curb the use of single-use plastics?
- Should the US cut its support to Saudi Arabia over military action in Yemen?
- Should the federal government form a central regulatory body for fertility centers?
- Should the US actively intervene in Yemen?
- Are international NGOs being overloaded by refugee crises around the world?
- Do state and local governments need additional federal help on cybersecurity?
- Should the Department of Justice do more to crack down on bad practices among state and local law enforcement?
- Is China the key to a successful meeting between the US and North Korea?
- Will new leadership mean a push for privatization of healthcare in the VA?
- Will China weaken sanctions against North Korea ahead of the summit with the US?
- Will US sanctions push global trade into a downward spiral? Should users abandon Facebook?
- Does the re-election of al-Sisi push Egypt further away from Democracy?
- Does Congress have the political willpower to find a compromise solution for DACA?
- Is the UK moving too slowly on Article 50 planning?
- Will Congress take steps to protect Robert Mueller’s investigation?
- Does the expulsion of diplomats fundamentally change the relationship between russia and the West?
- Is America headed towards a trade war with China?
- Has the humanitarian crisis in Yemen become unmanageable?
- Will labor strikes force the Macron government in France to back down from its proposed economic reforms?
- Can Emmanuel Macron find a compromise with public sector workers?
- Can the EU maintain its relationship with Turkey?
- How much will Congressional action curb sex-trafficking in the US?
- Should Congress do more to protect Americans online privacy?
- Is the international community paying too little attention to the threat from drug-resistant diseases?
- Should the US push to curb the non-medical use of antibiotics?
- Should gun violence be treated as a public health issue?
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