- How much work needs to be done to clean up the South African government after the exit of Jacob Zuma?
- Can Joseph Kabila be persuaded to peacefully step down in the DR Congo?
- Should the EU have its own standing army?
- Does the Eurozone need a single centralized finance committee?
- Will shared security concerns bring the remaining EU nations closer together after Brexit?
- Can Cyril Ramaphosa deliver on the hopes for a new South Africa?
- What is the best outcome in Syria that American can realistically hope for?
- Will student outcry bring Washington any closer to addressing gun violence?
- Will Congress find a compromise DACA solution?
- Will Cyril Ramaphosa’s ascension restore public trust in South Africa’s ANC party?
- Should Bibi Netanyahu resign?
- What can the international community do impose accountability on Vladimir Putin?
- Are American prospects for an endgame strategy in Afghanistan dimming?
- Should gun violence in America be treated as a public health issue?
- Can peace talks find a way to end the violence in South Sudan?
- What long-term goals can the US still hope to achieve in Syria?
- Should the White House being doing more to combat the opioid epidemic?
- Has the use of chemical weapons in Syria become normalized?
- Can social media companies do more to police bot accounts?
- Is the Trump family profiting from the Presidency?
- Do ethics norms around the Office of the President need to be more strictly codified?
- Is the Trump Administration acting with neglect in its dealings with Russia?
- Is it time for Jared and Ivanka to leave the White House?
- Will conflict over control of the waters of the Nile river lead to violence?
- What actions can the international community take to end the violence in the DR Congo?
- Should the US step up its military action in Syria?
- Has the war grown apathetic with the war in Syria?
- Is the Nigerian government incapable of effectively fighting the Boko Haram militants?
- Can Rohingya refugees returning to Myanmar be adequately protected from further violence?
- Is declining social mobility a serious risk for the long-term health of the US economy?
- Will the US economy be able to meet the Trump Administrations growth targets?
- Has the time come where a real gun control debate can happen in Congress?
- What actions will the Trump Administration be able to take to prevent further school shootings?
- Will Netanyahu continue to receive the support of the Israeli public?
- What can the American labour movement do to restore its lost political clout?
- Has Russia changed the battlefield for information warfare?
- Can students end the NRA’s hold on the gun debate in America?
- How much will a new cryptocurrency be able to help revitalize Venezuela’s economy?
- Should the Trump White House be moving faster to impose new sanctions against Russia?
- Will a new President be able to bring economic growth back to South Africa?
- What more should the government of Brazil do to counteract violent drug gangs?
- Has Facebook reached its peak?
- Will Mitt Romney’s Senate run deepen the split within the Republican Party?
- Can Turkish and American forces find a way to cooperate on the ground in Syria?
- Is diplomacy still a viable option to find a solution for Eastern Ukraine?
- What additional steps should be taken to curb animal poaching in Africa?
- Has the gun debate become the main proxy for the culture war in America?
- Will Trump imposing new tariffs achieve its objectives?
- Is arming teachers a worthwhile idea?
- How hard will President Trump push to put more guns in schools?
- Does America need more than two major political parties?
- Will the teacher strike in West Virginia expand to other states?
- Can anything be done to stop the DR Congo from sliding further into chaos?
- Has something meaningful changed in the politics around gun control?
- What should be done to break open stagnating American wages?
- Will the tax cuts come back to hurt the GOP in the 2018 elections?
- Has the GOP tax cut started to help America’s middle class?
- Can Jared Kushner still be an effective part of the Trump White House?
- Can Russia be stopped from interfering in US elections?
- Are high-level staffing issues making it more difficult for the Trump White House to govern effectively?
- Can the international community stop the cooperation between North Korea and Syria?
- Will elections push Italy further towards the nationalist right?
- Cant he Five-Star movement end the gridlock in the Italian government?
- Will Berlusconi make a comeback in Italian politics?
- What will Congress do with the DREAMers?
- Should federal law enforcement agencies treat white nationalist groups as terrorist organizations?
- Is President Trump on track to win another term in office?
- Should the UN do more to protect the Rohingya in Myanmar?
- Will Theresa May be able to find a good Brexit plan?
- Should President Trump be more concerned about the international response to steel and aluminum tariffs?
- Does the US market face more volatility in the near term?
- Is the Thai public ready to be rid of the military-run government?
- Is there a realistic possibility of a political end to the war in Yemen?
- Would giving the Taliban an official voice in Afghan politics help stabilize the nation?
- Is the war in Syria nearing an end?
- Is President Trump pushing America into a trade war?
- Is ending President term limits good for China?
- Does Africa face major problems over access to fresh water?
- Would arming teachers make America’s schools safer?
- Is the Iran nuclear deal still working?
- Is Congress still an effective check on the President?
- Has the Trump administration done lasting damage to the US State Department?
- Is the white nationalist movement in America starting to lose steam?
- Does moving the US embassy to Jerusalem increase the possibility of a successful Mideast peace process?
- How much will President Trump’s new tariffs impact global trade?
- Is there a staffing crisis in the Trump White House?
- Is nuclear disarmament an achievable goal for North Korea?
- Should the US increase its involvement in Yemen?
- What will the end of Presidential term limits mean for China in the long term?
- Is diversity in Hollywood improving?
- Is China’s global role changing for the better?
- Does President Trump have what it takes to cut a good deal with North Korea?
- Will lack of expertise in the State Department adversely impact face-to-face talks with North Korea?
- Does America have a coherent policy strategy for sub-Saharan Africa?
- How long can South Africa stave off the “day zero” water crisis in Cape Town?
- Is there any chance for a real political opposition against al-Sisi in Egypt?
- Has the political will to pass gun control legislation begun to wane?
- Is the US prepared for the consequences of retaliatory tariffs?
- What effect will the removal of Rex Tillerson have on the chances for a deal with North Korea?
- Will Congressional Republicans continue to back the Trump White House?
- Should Betsy DeVos resign as the head of the Department of Education?
- Is a blue wave coming in to Congress in the 2018 midterms?
- Is the diplomatic row between Russia and the UK escalating?
- Has the federal government fallen down on the job with the recovery of Puerto Rico?
- Are the international sanctions against North Korea working?
- Is Palestinian cooperation between Fatah and Hamas on the rocks?
- Has the UK government reacted inadequately to the poisoning of Sergei Skripal?
- Is democracy losing ground to authoritarianism around the globe?
- Is China positioning itself to replace American global soft power?
- Should the US push back more assertively against China’s expansion in the South China Sea?
- What more should federal and state agencies do to adequately address the threat from wildfires in California?
- What will lifting Presidential term limits mean for the long term economic growth of China?
- Will face-to-face talks between Trump and Kim backfire?
- Should the federal government more strictly regulate the cybersecurity of American businesses?
- What can be done to combat the effects of “fake news” on American public discourse?
- Will the US follow the UK on getting tough on china?
- Does Brexit pose a real threat to the Good Friday Agreement?
- Will the global economy continue its recovery and growth through 2018?
- Should the Fed raise interest rates again?
- What should western european nations be doing to counteract Vladimir Putin?
- Has Rex Tillerson’s tenure at the State Department done lasting damage to America’s global influence?
- Can Colombia's FARC successfully reinvent themselves as a legitimate political party?
- Should the UK stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia?
- How will Russia change under a fourth term for Vladimir Putin?
- What can Putin do to reinvigorate the Russian economy?
- Will President Trump fire Robert Mueller?
- Is relaxing Dodd-Frank rules too big a risk for the US economy?
- Is President Trump seeing success in breaking open America’s stagnating wages?
- Are Trump administration sanctions against Russia too little too late?
- Will new leadership at the State Department mean better coordination with the White House?
- Have Kurdish dreams of independence been dashed for the foreseeable future?
- How will the US react to Turkish escalation against the Kurds?
- Is the chaos in the Trump White House getting better?
- Is it time for Jared Kushner to leave the White House?
- What can President Trump do to expand his political base?
- Does the reelection of Vladimir Putin mean that confrontations with the West will escalate?
- Should President Trump’s plan to combat the opioid epidemic focus more on treatment options?
- Has the White House shown a commitment to finding a real solution to the opioid epidemic?
- Is the Saudi Crown Prince moving too quickly on social reforms?
- Should Facebook face sanctions for the misuse of personal data?
- Is the ouster of Rex Tillerson good for the State Department?
- Is China’s economic growth sustainable?
- Is President Trump sparking a trade war with China?
- Will President Trump pull out of the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran?
- Have Congressional Democrats abandoned the DACA recipients?
- Has the energy behind the #NeverAgain movement begun to slacken?
- Does volatility on Wall Street signal a coming economic storm?
- Will President Trump continue to hold the support of Evangelical voters?
- Is America’s critical infrastructure inadequately protected from cyber-attack?
- Would American withdrawal from the JCPOA cause a new arms race in the Middle East?
- Is America moving closer to preemptive military action against North Korea?
- Has the Presidency of Donald Trump empowered the white nationalist movement in America?
- How will the movement formed in the wake of the Parkland shooting shape the 2018 midterm elections?
- Can Parkland students break the political influence of the NRA?
- Is the GOP tax plan too heavily tilted to benefit the wealthy?
- What will it take to get Congress to act on universal background checks?
- Is the American economy flourishing under the Trump presidency?
- Should the federal government more clearly define requirements for organic foods?
- Is the unpredictability of the Trump Administration good for America in the long run?
- What impact will the scandal around Cambridge Analytica have the US tech sector economy?
- Can the UN stop the DR Congo from slipping further into chaos?
- Has the relationship between Russia and the West reaching a turning point?
- Should Turkey be offered membership into the EU?
- What effect will President Trump’s tariffs have on the US economy in the near term?
- Should the US Senate get rid of the filibuster?
- Will the Russia probe and the Mueller investigation prove to be a voting issue in the 2018 midterms?
- Is the Trump Administration properly staffed for a meeting with North Korea?
- Will Costa Rica take steps towards legalizing same-sex marriage?
- Does President Trump finally have a cabinet he can work with?
- Should international community do more to curb the use of single-use plastics?
- Should the US cut its support to Saudi Arabia over military action in Yemen?
- Should the federal government form a central regulatory body for fertility centers?
- Should the US actively intervene in Yemen?
- Are international NGOs being overloaded by refugee crises around the world?
- Do state and local governments need additional federal help on cybersecurity?
- Should the Department of Justice do more to crack down on bad practices among state and local law enforcement?
- Is China the key to a successful meeting between the US and North Korea?
- Will new leadership mean a push for privatization of healthcare in the VA?
- Will China weaken sanctions against North Korea ahead of the summit with the US?
- Will US sanctions push global trade into a downward spiral? Should users abandon Facebook?
- Does the re-election of al-Sisi push Egypt further away from Democracy?
- Does Congress have the political willpower to find a compromise solution for DACA?
- Is the UK moving too slowly on Article 50 planning?
- Will Congress take steps to protect Robert Mueller’s investigation?
- Does the expulsion of diplomats fundamentally change the relationship between russia and the West?
- Is America headed towards a trade war with China?
- Has the humanitarian crisis in Yemen become unmanageable?
- Will labor strikes force the Macron government in France to back down from its proposed economic reforms?
- Can Emmanuel Macron find a compromise with public sector workers?
- Can the EU maintain its relationship with Turkey?
- How much will Congressional action curb sex-trafficking in the US?
- Should Congress do more to protect Americans online privacy?
- Is the international community paying too little attention to the threat from drug-resistant diseases?
- Should the US push to curb the non-medical use of antibiotics?
- Should gun violence be treated as a public health issue?
Friday, April 6, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 March
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