- Will ethics investigations into members of his cabinet have any political consequences for President Trump?
- Does withdrawal from the INF pose a serious risk to US national security?
- Does the killing of Jamal Khashoggi have greater implications for the Middle East regionally?
- Is the US alliance with Saudi Arabia in jeopardy?
- What effect will the Khashoggi case on the relationship between Turkey and Saudi Arabia?
- Is President Trump’s rhetoric fueling political violence?
- What steps should the DOJ take to curb the recent rise in antisemitism?
- Will the fraying relationship between Japan and South Korea have a measurable effect on regional stability?
- Will the election of Jair Bolsonaro erode the progress made under Democratic rule in Brazil?
- Will growing international pressure to end the war in Yemen find success?
- Has the Trump Administration made real progress on North Korean denuclearization?
- Will US withdrawal from the INF trigger a new arms race?
- Can Jair Bolsonaro fulfill his campaign promise to stamp out government corruption in Brazil?
- Cann Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman still implement his plans to modernize Saudi Arabia?
- What will Angela Merkel's retirement mean for the future of Europe?
- Will debt obligations to China be disastrous for African nations?
- Should Congress move to restrict dark money spending on political campaigns?
- Should the US be doing more to alleviate famine conditions in Yemen?
- Will imposing new sanctions bring Iran back to the negotiating table?
- Can Germany continue to lead Europe after Merkel?
- Is a military solution in Afghanistan still possible?
- Are conditions for women in the American workplace improving?
- Will Evangelical voters continue to support President Trump?
- Does Sri Lanka’s political crisis risk sparking new rounds of violence?
- Will the US push for a peace deal in Yemen succeed?
- Will Iran stick with the JCPOA?
- Is an end to the war in Syria on the horizon?
- What does Bolsonaro’s election mean for the future of politics in Brazil?
- Does the growth of the Hindu Nationalist movement pose a threat to the future of India?
- Is the dismantling of the secular state in Turkey a reversible trend?
- Can peace in Syria hold while Assad remains in power?
- Do the false claims of President Trump damage the credibility of the US government on the global stage?
- Will President Trump’s escalating rhetoric on immigration backfire?
- Does President Trump still have an opportunity to unite the country?
- How much is the new Social Credit system reshaping Chinese society?
- What will the removal of Jeff Sessions mean for Robert Mueller’s investigation?
- Can President Trump work with a Democratic majority in the House?
- Will Congress pass legislation to protect the Special Counsel investigation?
- Can the President and a divided Congress cut a deal on infrastructure spending?
- Will a divided Congress lead to legislative gridlock?
- Will the contentious relationship between the President and the press continue to escalate?
- What will be the legislative priority for the new Democratic majority in the House?
- Will the American public continue to accept the occurrence of mass shootings?
- Will the acting Attorney General recuse himself from the Mueller investigation?
- Can the Trump Administration secure the global support needed to broker a new deal with Iran?
- Have American political parties permanently realigned along the urban and rural divide?
- Has the time come for Congressional Democrats to select a new generation of leadership?
- Has progress towards North Korea’s denuclearization stalled?
- Is America angling towards regime change in Iran?
- Is the news media getting better at covering President Trump?
- What should the GOP do to regain independent voters?
- Will US sanctions weaken the position of reformers within the Iranian government?
- Will US markets continue to see significant volatility in 2019?
- What can be done to diffuse the escalating hostility between Israel and Hamas in Gaza?
- What additional steps should the Trump Administration take to counter North Korea’s missile program?
- Will Democrats make a push for gun control in the new Congress?
- Are federal law enforcement agencies doing all they can to combat white nationalist violence in America?
- What’s behind the growing popularity of the Green Party in Germany?
- Can the new split Congress avoid partisan gridlock?
- Did the Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County v Holder have negative effects on the midterm elections?
- What can President Trump do to regain the support of suburban voters?
- What more can Modi’s government do to improve air quality in Indian cities?
- Will more states move to restore the voting rights of convicted felons?
- Is the increased scrutiny on Saudi Arabia over the death of Jamal Khashoggi abating?
- Are the European nations getting better at combatting Russian disinformation campaigns?
- Should the Trump Administration take stronger action against the Saudi Arabian government?
- Will Theresa May survive Brexit?
- Will Britons get a second Brexit referendum?
- Can Prime Minister May get her Brexit deal through Parliament?
- Is it safe for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh to return to Myanmar?
- What effect will sanctions have on the US-Saudi relationship?
- Is a new global charter to better regulate the Internet needed?
- Is John Kelly on the way out as White House Chief of Staff?
- Will midterm staff shake-ups make it more difficult for President Trump to govern effectively?
- Will Nancy Pelosi become the next Speaker of the House?
- Is the presence of US military personnel a political win for the Trump Administration?
- Are the FDA’s actions to limit underage access to nicotine too little, too late?
- Is the problem of staffing key government positions getting worse for the Trump Administration?
- How much damage will Brexit do to the UK economy?
- What can Congress do to better regulate commercial access to citizens’ personal information?
- Can anything be done to bring Taliban violence in Afghanistan under control?
- Should Congress do more to close the gender pay gap?
- Can individual states pick up the federal government’s slack when it comes to combating climate change?
- Can President Trump cut a deal with China to end his trade war?
- Has President Trump lived up to his 2016 campaign promises so far?
- What should Congress do to combat the rising costs of prescription medications?
- Should Congress restrict the role of Pharmacy Benefit Managers in setting prescription drug prices?
- Should Medicare be allowed to negotiate for lower prescription drug pricing?
- Should federal law enforcement dedicate more resources to cracking down on hate crimes?
- Is the Trump White House taking appropriate action against Saudi Arabia over the Khashoggi killing?
- Will the addition of work requirements onto Medicaid put an undue burden on low-income Americans?
- Should the midterm elections be seen as an national rebuke of President Trump?
- Can social media companies be trusted to adequately police content on their platforms without government regulation?
- Is the US economy headed towards a recession?
- Should the federal minimum wage be raised?
- Was the deployment of US military personnel to the southern border unnecessary?
- Will scandals over White House staff using personal email for government work hang over the Trump Administration?
- Can the government of Emmerson Mnangagwa bring Zimbabwe’s economic crisis under control?
- Are Saudi humanitarian efforts in Yemen a failure?
- Is President Trump undermining the institution of an independent judiciary?
- Will Congress force President Trump to take a stronger stance against Saudi Arabia?
- Will the midterms mark a major turning point for the Trump White House?
- Can Bibi Netanyahu keep his government together?
- Will President Trump’s handling of the Khashoggi killing give cover to other human rights abuses around the world?
- Should European museums return art and artifacts acquired under colonial rule?
- Has self-regulation of social media companies failed?
- What measures should the Nigerian government take to reform and improve their health care system?
- Is Nigeria’s health care system in crisis?
- Can a Medicare-for-all System work in America?
- How much of global development problems can be solved through large-scale philanthropy?
- Can GMO crops save Africa?
- Has the Trump Administration failed the American public in its response to natural disasters?
- What will it take to end Venezuela’s migration crisis?
- Can Maduro end hyperinflation in Venezuela?
- Is the hard-fought peace between the Colombian government and rebel factions on the brink of collapse?
- Can AMLO change Mexico?
- What measures will AMLO take to crack down on corruption in Mexico?
- Can President Trump cut a deal on immigration with Mexico’s new President?
- Is Robert Mueller’s investigation nearing an end?
- Does Europe have a major problem integrating immigrants into their societies?
- Are the Mexican public’s expectations of AMLO too high?
- Are lawsuits against the drug manufacturers a key part of the solution to America’s opioid epidemic?
- Is a lack of effective policing an existential threat to global fisheries?
- Is North Korea really willing to denuclearize?
- Does the Trump White House have realistic expectations for North Korean denuclearization?
- Has the Trump Administration significantly reduced the threat from North Korea?
- What will the new Iraqi government for the US-Iraqi relationship?
- What will Mexico’s new leadership mean for the relationship with the US?
- What can be done in Iraq to make a real dent in government corruption?
- Will a new Congress force the Trump Administration to take more action in addressing the threat from climate change?
- What should the international community do to stave off a famine crisis in Yemen?
- Is a political solution to end the fighting in Yemen still impossible?
- Should the Trump Administration increase development aid to Latin America?
- Will funding for President Trump’s border wall force a government shutdown?
- What can be done to increase how much Americans recycle?
- Is America starting to more forcefully challenge China’s role in the South China Sea?
- Will the Khashoggi case improve the relationship between Turkey and the west?
- What can be done to overcome the stalled progress in eradicating Malaria around the world?
- Is the poor relationship between Vladimir Putin and the west stifling the Russian economy?
- Is support for Putin among the Russian public starting to fall away?
- Will there be an upside for the UK from Brexit?
- Is technology making it significantly more difficult for financial crimes investigators to stop global money laundering?
- Are bitcoin and the blockchain the future of banking?
- Is the federal government doing enough to ensure the cybersecurity of critical national infrastructure?
- Is Amazon’s HQ2 selection a good deal for the winning cities?
- What should be done to improve America’s transportation infrastructure?
- Are the effects of demographic change starting to be a drag on China’s economic growth?
- What more can be done to cleanup unexploded landmines around the globe?
- Will the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General put America on a path towards a constitutional crisis?
- Can backlash against Saudi Arabia over the Khashoggi killing be leveraged to end the war in Yemen?
- What should federal and state governments do to mitigate the damage from wildfires in the west?
- Will President Trump push Congress to break up the Ninth Circuit?
- Should the FDA mandate better tracking of perishable foods shipped across state lines?
- Is the federal government taking all appropriate steps to prevent medical outbreaks from contaminated foods?
- Has the Trump Administration helped revitalize American manufacturing?
- How long will global oil prices remain low?
- What does the growth of online retail shopping mean for long-term American consumer trends?
- Will violent protests topple the government in Haiti?
- Is the Trump Administration making fundamental and lasting changes to how America handles international asylum seekers?
- Are President Trump’s trade tariffs working against his promises to bring back jobs?
- Will growing tensions between the Ukraine and Russia draw action from Europe to intervene?
- Should the number of US Immigration Court judges be increased?
- What should be done to improve America’s system for processing and handling asylum seekers?
- What more should the DOD do to prevent white supremacist groups from recruiting from within military ranks?
- Is the drama of the Trump White House corrosive to the Republican Party?
- Do GM’s job losses hurt President Trump’s political brand?
- Will the lame duck Congress pass legislation to protect the Mueller investigation?
- What will be accomplished in the lame-duck Congress?
- What action should the US take to check Russian aggression in Crimea?
- Does the national rise in student debt pose a long-term risk to America’s economic health?
- Will divisions within the Democratic Party prevent Congressional Democrats from being successful in the new session?
- Can the US and China cut a trade deal before tariffs doing lasting economic damage?
- What will developments in automation technology mean for the future of the American workforce?
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 Nov
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