- Can Facebook get cryptocurrency to see widespread adoption?
- What will increasingly violent protests mean for the political future of Hong Kong?
- Is the Trump Administration losing the legal fight over its anti-immigration agenda?
- What can be done to bring an end to the chaos and anarchy in Libya?
- Does antibiotic resistant diseases pose a significant threat to the future of human society?
- What makes President Trump so resilient to accusations of sexual assault?
- Can the power sharing agreement in Sudan hold?
- Is immigration reform too big of a problem for Congress to fix?
- Is President Trump winning his trade war?
- Is the American political system too slow to keep up with tech and big data?
- Is the gig economy bad for American workers?
- Has Facebook broken democracy?
- Does growing deficit spending pose a significant risk to the long-term health of the US economy?
- Can President Trump successfully sell his economic message to independent voters in 2020?
- Will China’s Belt-and-Road initiative hasten the arrival of a multipolar world?
- Does Turkey threaten the future of the NATO alliance?
- What creative new ways will the Democrats find to lose again in 2020?
- Is Joe Biden out of touch with the modern Democratic Party?
- Can a new government bring real anti-corruption reforms to Moldova?
- What are the appropriate next steps for the Trump Administration to take towards a nuclear deal with North Korea?
- Will America have to accept North Korea as a nuclear power on the international stage?
- What should the Republican Party do to bolster its support among female voters?
- Should the US restrict Huawei’s business in America?
- Are the sovereign wealth funds of Arab Gulf States taking on too much risk?
- What will Brexit mean for the future of London?
- Has Greece fully returned to normalcy since the economic crisis?
- Is the independence of The Fed under attack from President Trump?
- How much have Trump Administration cuts to foreign aid exacerbated the migrant crisis at the US southern border?
- Can free speech effectively combat hate speech?
- What steps should the international community take condemn China’s treatment of its Uyghur minority population?
- Should Labor Secretary Acosta be forced to resign?
- Have extrajudicial killings been successful at combating drugs in the Philippines?
- Is AMLO making progress rooting out government corruption in Mexico?
- Will Mueller’s testimony before Congress change the American public’s attitude towards impeachment?
- Is Pelosi losing control of the Democratic caucus?
- Is the Trump Administration ignoring vital national security implications of climate change?
- Will social media companies face tighter regulation ahead of the 2020 elections?
- Should the Fed lower interest rates?
- How much further will protests in Hong Kong escalate?
- What more can the international community do to control the spread of Ebola in the Congo?
- Can anything be done to keep the JCPOA alive.
- Will Jacob Zuma be convicted on corruption charges?
- Will Netanyahu win Israel’s new election?
- Will Iran and the US government come back to the negotiating table before the 2020 elections?
- Are changes for a nuclear deal with North Korea slipping away?
- Has the 1MDB scandal brought more government accountability to Malaysia?
- Should Americas faith communities be providing aid to migrants at the southern border?
- Should the Citizens United decision be overturned?
- Is Bolsonaro making progress on strengthening Brazil’s economy?
- Should Congress end the mortgage interest tax deduction?
- Is the US trade relationship with China getting back on the right track?
- Does President Trump’s foreign policy strategy of tying together security and trade issues work in the best interests of America?
- Can AMLO reform Mexico’s key government institutions?
- What effect will the collapse of the NRA have on the 2020 elections?
- Are the Venezuelan people losing hope of ousting Maduro from power?
- Is the economic outlook for Greece looking brighter?
- Will the Trump Administration get to put a citizenship question on the 2020 census?
- What does the future hold for the Kurdish population in Syria?
- Can radical restructuring save Deutsche Bank?
- Are President Trump’s social media antics a smoke screen or failing White House policies?
- How will Hong Kong’s political crisis end?
- Is President Trump doing what he should to expand his political support base?
- Should the EU play a larger role in ensuring global stability?
- Is a No-Deal Brexit now inevitable?
- Can Boris Johnson convince the UK to unite behind him?
- What steps should the new Prime Minister take to ease growing tensions between the UK and Iran?
- Will Boris Johnson deliver a No-Deal Brexit?
- Is the Trump Administration's approach towards Iran finding success?
- Is the political opposition to Maduro in Venezuela a lost cause?
- What will Boris Johnson as Prime Minister mean for the special relationship between the US and the UK?
- Is President Trump’s rhetoric narrowing the Republican voter base?
- Will the unfolding crisis with Iran undermine Boris Johnson’s tenure as Prime Minister from the start?
- Is an international program needed to clean up debris in the space around Earth?
- What steps should Boeing take to rebuild its tarnished reputation?
- What does President Trump’s embrace of long-standing adversaries mean for US foreign policy in the long term?
- How much of a threat does Russia pose to American elections?
- Will the Fed continue lowering interest rats?
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Extemp Questions 2019 July
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