- What will the expanded legalization of marijuana in the US mean for Mexican drug cartels?
- Can anything be done to deescalate Ethiopia's growing crisis?
- Will the Abraham Accords between Israel and Gulf States lead to more significant regional peace agreements?
- Is America ready to accept a new era of bipartisan cooperation in government?
- Does President Trump’s failure to concede the election represent a serious national security threat to the US?
- Can a Joe Biden presidency bridge America’s political division?
- What will the new Biden presidency mean for America’s relationship with Europe?
- How will the new Biden presidency change the shape of peace plans for the Middle East?
- Should the French government be doing more to prevent radical Islamic violence?
- Will Trump administration attempts to politicize the civil services undermine the institutional credibility of the federal government ?
- Does France’s adherence to secular values incite more radical Islamic violence?
- Will protests over Poland’s new abortion restrictions lead to any policy changes?
- Will a protracted legal battle over the 2020 elections kneecap the Biden administration’s ability to govern effectively?
- Should Congress pass a domestic terrorism law?
- Should Section 230 be rewritten?
- How would real content moderation change social media?
- Does the antitrust suit against Google signal the end for Big Tech?
- Has political polling in America outlived its usefulness?
- What does the Republican Party look like after the Trump presidency?
- Has the time come to end the electoral college?
- Can the Biden presidency rebuild bipartisanship in American politics?
- What will the Biden presidency mean for America’s commitment to international alliances?
- What priorities should the incoming Biden administration have for it’s first 100 days?
- Will a partisan split in control of the Congress forestall a functional Biden administration?
- Will Nancy Pelosi see a real challenge to her leadership of the House?
- Can a Biden presidency unite a politically polarized America?
- How much of a role will Progressives play in the new Biden Cabinet?
- Is Ethiopia headed towards a drawn-out civil war?
- Can the incoming Biden administration salvage the WTO?
- Is President Trump’s reaction to the election damaging his legacy?
- What comes next for the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong?
- Will mass pro-democracy resignations from the legislature incite a business exodus from Hong Kong?
- Is the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong effectively dead?
- Will the EU take antitrust action against Google?
- Will additional COVID stimulus spending make it through the lame-duck Congress?
- What does the 2020 election signal about changes in Latino voters?
- Is America’s jobs recovery slowing down?
- Have too many covers been cut in developing safe COVID vaccines?
- How will America’s relationship with Israel change under the new Biden administration?
- Has Donald Trump permanently changed America’s relationship with the rest of the world?
- Will the Russia-backed peace deal between Armenia and Azerbaijan hold?
- Will the planned drawdown of forces make Afghanistan a safe-haven for terrorism?
- Can Democrats take the Senate majority?
- Why didn’t the Democratic Party get the blue wave they expected from the 2020 elections?
- Will grievance politics take a step back with the end of the Trump presidency?
- Will the Democratic Party under Joe Biden take a big turn towards the Progressive left?
- Is the US economic recovery from COVID on track?
- Should the EU establish its own standing army?
- How difficult will it be for the Biden administration to rebuild the Department of State?
- Will protesters be able to get real reforms to the Thai monarchy?
- What comes next for US foreign policy towards China?
- Can pressure from the international community force changes to China’s human rights violations in Xinjiang province?
- Is Trumpism here to stay?
- Should a renewed Voting Rights Act be a priority for the incoming Congress?
- Will the Biden administration make big moves when it comes to tackling climate change?
- What can be done to stabilize Peru’s government?
- Will the Abraham Accords reshape the course of history in the Middle East?
- Will South Korea move towards development of its own nuclear weapons?
- Will the fighting in Ethiopia spill over into neighboring countries?
- What can the international community do to stem the growing violence in the Tigray region?
- How much is remote work due to COVID reshaping America’s labor market?
- What long-term consequences will the new 6-3 majority have on the Supreme Court?
- How quickly can India’s economy recover from COVID?
- Will the planned drawdown of forces undermine negotiations between the Afghan government and the Taliban?
- Is corruption in the Mexican government getting worse?
- Is Boris Johnson’s 10-year plan for “green” economic development realistic?
- How well is rural America coping with the resurgent Coronavirus?
- Can the Boy Scouts of America survive amidst the sexual abuse claims against them?
- Will the drawdown of forces in Iraq and Afghanistan be good for American security interests?
- Are social media companies taking more responsibility for the content shared on their platforms?
- Is it a mistake for the US and NATO to draw down forces in Iraq and Afghanistan?
- Is the American healthcare system past the breaking point?
- What will the return of the 737MAX mean for the future of Boeing?
- Can the return of the 737MAX breathe life back into the US airline industry?
- Is the far right gaining political strength in Germany?
- How well will America cope with the surge in COVID cases through the holidays?
- Should the incoming Biden administration push for a diplomatic reset with Venezuela?
- Is the UK any closer to a Brexit trade deal?
- Are Republican Party leaders in Congress running scared from the Trump base?
- Will early vaccinations give the UK an edge in recovering economically from COVID-19?
- Does the incoming Biden administration have a mandate to reform racial discrimination in policing?
- How much pushback will Biden’s cabinet picks get from the Senate?
Monday, December 7, 2020
Extemp Questions 2020 November
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Extemp Questions 2020 October
- Is America facing a K-shaped economic recovery from Coronavirus?
- Will Brexit and COVID force force the UK government to pass severe austerity measures?
- Do Presidential debates still matter in American politics?
- Is the Trump administration’s strategy to isolate China on the global stage working?
- Have the US and China done irreparable damage to the WTO?
- Will President Trump’s COVID diagnosis change his administration’s approach to dealing with the pandemic?
- How will COVID-19 change gender equality in the workplace?
- Will America see additional COVID relief spending from Congress before the election?
- Has the Trump administration been negligent at controlling the spread of COVID in the White House and at campaign events?
- How much will the fight to fill the Supreme Court vacancy mobilize voters in November?
- Should Turkey’s membership in NATO end?
- Has Bill Barr turned the DOJ into a political weapon?
- Does the failure to deal with former ISIS members in camps represent a significant international security threat?
- What reforms are needed at the WTO?
- Is India’s record on human rights violations getting worse?
- What needs to be done to end sexual violence against women in India?
- What role should the US government play in combating misinformation on the Internet?
- What can be done to heal America’s partisan political divisions?
- Has the erosion of collective bargaining been detrimental to America’s middle-class?
- Is public acceptance of COVID restrictions withering?
- Are social conditions for India’s Dalits improving?
- Has the Bernie Sanders wing become the mainstream of the Democratic Party?
- What lessons should the world learn from the Coronavirus pandemic?
- Will the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court bring retribution from the new Congress?
- Is Amazon failing to take the health and safety of its workers seriously?
- Can Russia broker an end to the fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia?
- Should the US adopt a herd immunity strategy for dealing with COVID?
- What should Boris Johnson do to get COVID under control in the UK?
- Are pro-democracy protests in Thailand gearing up for the long-haul?
- Should the US be doing more to aid the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong?
- Should the EU impose stronger sanctions on Belarus?
- What more should the US do to aid protesters in Belarus?
- Is Alexander Lukashenko’s grip on power slipping?
- What role will America play in the future of Iraq?
- What can be done to stamp out government corruption in Iraq?
- Are antitrust lawsuits the best way to reign in the power of Google?
- Will anti-police protests in Nigeria lead to further violence?
- What should be done to stop policy corruption in Nigeria?
- Should ousted Sudanese leaders face war crimes charges at the ICC?
- What can be done to stop the violence and killing in Ethiopia?
- Has a new trade deal between the EU and the UK become impossible?
- What can the US do to get Iran back in line with American regional security objectives?
- Has the US abandoned its leadership role in global health?
- What should the DOD be doing to prevent white supremacists and far-right extremists from recruiting from within military ranks?
- Does Merkel’s government still have the backing of the German people in dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic?
- Will this election see a large surge in turnout of younger voters?
- (alt) Will the youth vote turn out in 2020?
- How well are America’s cities coping without additional COVID funding?
- How much will the results of the 2020 census reshape the political landscape of the US?
- What lessons has the White House learned from President Trump's infection with COVID?
- Does social media have a net-positive effect on the country?
- Has the rural-urban divide become an impassable rift in American politics?
- Has Boris Johnson lost the confidence of the British public?
- What more should be done to stop radical Islamic attacks in France?
- Is America’s economic recovery from COVID on the right track?
- How important will the gender gap be to the outcome of the 2020 elections?
- Will federal antitrust action against Google be successful?
- Has America’s international soft power been diminished under President Trump?
- Will the Abraham Accords grow into a lasting Middle East peace?
- What will rewriting the constitution mean for the future of Chile?
- Who will follow Angela Merkel in leadership of Germany?
- Has the EU’s handling of Poland’s growing authoritarianism been too soft?
- Is the government’s settlement with Purdue Pharmaceutical too little, too late?
- Where do the protests in Thailand go from here?
- Does the Pope’s acceptance of civil unions mark a new era of tolerance for the Catholic Church?
- Should Supreme Court Justices have term limits?
- What retaliation will Senate Republicans face for the confirmation of Justice Barrett?
- Does the future of the Republican Party continue to look like President Trump?
- Will diplomatic relations between the Gulf States and Israel bring a backlash from radical Islamic terrorists?
- Has the international threat from North Korea diminished?
- Has the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign reduced the regional security threat posed by Iran?
- How long will it take for global oil markets to recover from COVID?
- Should the power of the Thai monarchy be further constrained?
- How would a Biden Presidency reshape America’s energy industry?
- How long after Brexit can the UK go without striking an EU trade deal?
- Is a no-deal Brexit inevitable?
- Will Evangelical voters turn out for President Trump?
- Is America’s elections infrastructure safe from cybersecurity threats?
- Is government corruption in Mexico getting worse?
- Is the Trump administrations Remain in Mexico policy working?
- Will the Senate Republican Majority survive the 2020 elections?
- Should broadband internet access be provided like a public utility?
- Can the governments of western Europe count on the public’s support of renewed COVID restrictions?
- Will the Belarusian public support an extended general strike?
- Has the politicization of the coronavirus made it more difficult for the US to get under control?
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Extemp Questions 2020 September
- What legacy does Shinzo Abe leave for Japan?
- Will we see more Arab states formalize diplomatic relations with Israel?
- Will the new peace deal in Sudan hold?
- What reforms are needed to prevent politicization and abuses at the Department of Homeland Security?
- Will ethics violations in the Trump Administration set new norms for future Presidents?
- Is President Trump’s rhetoric fanning the flames of racial division?
- Where will America’s future jobs growth come from?
- What consequences will Russia face over the Navalny poisoning?
- Have the Arab states abandoned the Palestinians?
- Is the UN getting tired of America’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran?
- How long will it take for the US economy to recover from the effects of COVID-19?
- How well are America’s schools coping with the impacts of Coronavirus?
- Will the Trump campaign be able to count on the support of military voters?
- What will the economic impacts of COVID-19 mean for North Korea?
- What should be done to improve COVID testing in America?
- What should the Indian government be doing to counter the ongoing spread of coronavirus?
- Will the new Prime Minister further Abe’s moves to strengthen Japan’s military?
- What should be done to improve access to healthcare in America?
- Should the Moria refugee camp in Greece be permanently closed?
- What should the EU do to help Greece with the ongoing migrant crisis?
- Can anything be done to restore the trust between police and communities of color?
- Is President Trump’s “law and order” message resonating with American voters?
- Are America’s election systems and infrastructure adequately protested?
- Can a larger rational peace be accomplished before an Israel-Palestine peace deal is completed?
- What more should the federal government be doing to address the problem of missing and murdered indigenous women?
- What will the passing of Justice Ginsburg mean for the future of the Supreme Court?
- Will Boris Johnson’s Brexit moves put the future of the Good Friday Agreement at risk?
- Will the political fight over the vacant Supreme Court seat turn out American voters?
- Is the Johnson government forcing the UK into a no-deal Brexit?
- Can Congressional Democrats prevent Trump and McConnell from filling the vacant Supreme Court seat?
- Is the politicization of government health and science agencies prolonging the effects of Coronavirus in the US?
- Is the ACA as good as dead?
- Can President Trump deliver on his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare?
- Will the confirmation fight to replace Justice Ginsburg damage the institution of the Supreme Court?
- Does the Federalist Society have too much influence in the Republican Party?
- Will the Navalny poisoning change Europe’s relationship with Russia?
- Are sanctions losing their effectiveness as a tool for the US to employ on the international stage?
- How will COVID change the cost of higher education in America?
- Will the COVID vaccine be ready in time to help President Trump’s re-election bid?
- What will the loss of the Moria camp mean for the future of migrants still in Greece?
- Will the loss of the refugee camp in Moria force the EU to develop a more comprehensive plan for dealing with the ongoing migrant crisis?
- Will the 2020 election mark a turning point in American voter turnout trends?
- Will African-America voters turnout for Biden in November?
- Ha sthe threat from Iran superseded the Palestinian issue as the key to peace in the Middle East?
- Is America facing a mass surge in homelessness on the heels of COVID?
- Have Opportunities Zones delivered on the promise to create jobs in low-income areas?
- Will Senate Republicans pay a political price for rushing to fill the Supreme Court vacancy?
- Has President Trump’s reliance on acting and interim appointments made it more difficult for the administration to effect lasting change?
- Can new leadership bring real reform to Lebanon?
- How has the migrant crisis reshaped the political landscape in Western Europe?
- Can the international community prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons?
- Are President Lukashenko’s days numbered?
- Will Julian Asange be extradited to face trial in the US?
- Is a political reconciliation between the Taliban and the Afghan government possible?
- Will China’s economy bounce back from COVID stronger than before?
- Will the Rohingya ever be able to return to Myanmar?
- Has South Africa’s ANC betrayed the legacy of Nelson Mandela?
- Have the US Presidential debates outlived their usefulness?
- Is America ready for a rising China?
- What can be done to deescalate the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia?
- Will the EU’s new plan for dealing with migrants and refugees find success?
- Will Sudan’s power-sharing government bring more stability or fall back into violence?
- Will Mali’s interim government keep to their schedule for holding elections?
- Who will succeed Angela Merkel?
- What will Trump’s infection by Coronairus mean for the last few weeks of the campaign?
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Extemp Question - 2020 August
- How much damage has been done to the US State Department under the Trump administration?
- What should the US do to regain control over the Coronavirus?
- What impact will the Russia Report have on Boris Johnson’s government?
- Is Myanmar losing control over the use and trade of illicit drugs?
- Has “one country two systems” for Hong Kong ended?
- Has the COVID pandemic broken American macroeconomic policy?
- What effect has the 1MDB had on Malaysian politics?
- Has Barr’s tenure damaged the credibility of the Justice Department?
- Are the swing states slipping away from the Trump reelection campaign?
- Is the death of local news reporting widening Americans partisan division?
- Can the US economy while the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing?
- Will Trump’s immigration policies do long-term damage to America’s tech sector?
- Is a two-state solution for Palestine dead?
- Will the speed of vaccine development backfire in the fight against COVID-19 in the US?
- Is President Trump’s confrontational approach towards China good for America in the long run?
- Is America turning towards a long-term cold war with China?
- Is it time to change how sexual assault cases are dealt with in the US military?
- Is US military readiness lagging?
- How quickly can Congress and the White House come to an agreement on another round of stimulus spending?
- How will virtual conventions affect the 2020 Presidential race?
- Should more resources be put towards solving for antibiotic-resistant diseases now?
- Can the economy rebound in time to help Trump’s reelection bid?
- What changes should be made to how organ donation is handled in the US?
- Has the Trump Administration’s rollback of environmental regulations been a net-positive for America?
- How much has the COVID pandemi set back efforts to solve America’s opioid epidemic?
- Are police unions too powerful?
- How well will the international community respond to the crisis in Lebanon?
- Is America headed towards another crash in the housing market?
- Are American schools reopening to in-person teaching too quickly?
- Has the Trump White House undermined science in essential government agencies?
- Can anything be done to jump start the stalled peace talks in Afghanistan?
- Are Trump Administrations appointments to senior DOD leadership undermining US military readiness?
- Do American antitrust laws need to be updated to adequately deal with big tech companies?
- Will the Antivax movement render a COVID vaccine ineffective for large-scale public health efforts in the US?
- What should the Republican Party do to win over more African American voters?
- Will Evangelical Christian voters continue to support President Trump?
- What measures should Congress take to ensure America adequately funds public health in the future?
- What should be done to curb the skyrocketing spending on American political campaigns?
- Is campaign finance reform a lost cause?
- How much will foreign interference impact the 2020 Presidential election?
- Is Belarus on the brink of major political change?
- Will China vs India be the most important rivalry of the 21’s century?
- Has Lebanon become a failed state?
- How much farther will the Chinese government go in its heavy-handed approach towards Hong Kong?
- Can Lukashenko keep his grip on power in Belarus?
- Will anti-government protests in Belarus result in any real reforms?
- Is China’s belt-and-road initiative supplanting American soft power around the world?
- What should be done to curb the global rise in obesity?
- Has COVID-19 permanently changed higher education in American?
- Does the deal between Israel and the UAE mark a real turning point for the Middle East?
- Will the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party get behind the Biden-Sanders ticket?
- Have the protests against Lukashenko in Belarus crossed the point of no return?
- Is the US prepared for the national security threats related to climate change?
- Is the pro-democracy movement in Thailand gaining strength?
- What more should states be doing to reduce the racial discrepancies in COVID mortality?
- What more should be done to stem the flood of home evictions arising from the Coronavirus pandemic?
- Will Mali’s military coup lead to real government reform?
- Has the withdrawal from the JCPOA deal with Iran been a failure for the US?
- Have his attacks against the US Postal Service backfired against President Trump?
- Is COVID-19 putin the future of the EU’s Shengen Zone at risk?
- Is Russia’s economy poised to bounce back stronger after COVID?
- Will COVID-19 mark the end of the American century?
- Is the threat posed by the QAnon conspiracy theory growing?
- What steps should the EU be taking to condemn the actions of the Belarusian government?
- Will the Trump campaign be able to reset the narrative around the administration’s inaction on COVID-19?
- How long will it take for Lebanon to recover from the Beirut explosion?
- What impact will the Coronavirus have on the deteriorating relationship between the US and China?
- What should the international community do with the former ISIS fighters and their families?
- What can state and local governments do to minimize the education inequalities worsened by COVID-19?
- What should be done to better address the threat of large wildfires in the west?
- Have American sports restarted too soon?
- Has COVID strengthened the hold that drug cartels have in Mexico?
- Are operational changes at the US Postal Service putting the November elections at risk?
- Will the Coronavirus put Scottish independence back on the agenda in the UK?
- Will Bolsonaro’s Presidency survive the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Will the hollowing out of the US diplomatic crop under President Trump damage US foreign policy in the long run?
- Is the Trump Administration setting up the 2020 US census to undercount people?
- What long-term impact will the 2020 census have for American politics?
- What can be done to fix the land reforms in Zimbabwe?
- Is the great American middle class gone for good?
- Should the role of the monarchy in Spain be changed?
- Will the rise of Hindu nationalism in India long outlive Modi’s leadership?
- Who will succeed Shinzo Abe?
- Is statehood for Washington DC a real possibility?
- Is QAnon the future of the Republican Party?
- What does the Navalny poisoning mean for the future of Russian politics?
- Is the ideology that spawned ISIS being allowed to regroup and gather strength?
- Is the American public’s support for #BlackLivesMatter slipping?
- Does Abe leave a strong economic legacy for Japan?
- Is international intervention needed in Belarus?
- How quickly will Mali’s new military junta hold elections and turn over power?
- Will the deal between Israel and the UAE lead to diplomatic agreements with other Arab states?
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Extemp Questions 2020 July - the I promise I really am going to try to write less COVID questions set
- What comes next for the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong?
- Is the rift between the US and the EU widening?
- Is Chief Justice John Roberts undermining the legitimacy of the Supreme Court?
- Has economic inequality worsened the damage from COVID-19 in the US?
- How long will it take for the EU economies to recover from COVID?
- Can John Roberts successfully insulate the Supreme Court from American’s growing partisan polarization?
- Where will America’s future jobs growth come from?
- Will access to childcare limit Americas economic recovery?
- How important is the VP pick for the success of Joe Biden’s campaign?
- When will the American public get to see Trump’s tax returns?
- Is the Trump Administration’s handling of COVID-19 a failure?
- What comes next for the Black Lives Matter movement?
- Has the Paycheck Protection Program been successful?
- Should Congress be providing more adi to low-income households?
- What steps should Congress take to mitigate the long-term economic impacts of COVID-19?
- Can America’s law enforcement agencies find a solution to the “going dark” problem posed by modern digital encryption?
- Have we reached the end of American exceptionalism?
- Has political partisanship made the damage from the Coronavirus significantly worse?
- Should the federal government cut funding to schools that don’t reopen in the fall?
- Should Congress take action to expand mail-in voting for the 2020 General Election?
- What role should companies play in the fight for social justice?
- Can Trump get a legislative solution for DACA?
- Are African nations improving in their handling of government corruption?
- Is the Coronavirus pandemic providing cover for power grabs by authoritarian regimes around the world?
- Will American schools be able to reopen safely in the fall?
- Are suburban voters abandoning the Republican Party?
- Has the politics around COVID caused unnecessary American deaths?
- Is China on track to become a global peer competitor to the US?
- Is more government regulation of social media companies necessary?
- What more should the international community do to condemn China’s treatment of the Uighurs?
- Are human rights conditions in China getting worse?
- Would the failure to get a trade deal with the EU be an economic catastrophe for Britain?
- Can the British government do more to help the people of Hong Kong?
- Will Orban’s pro-family policies solve Hungary’s looming demographic problems?
- What needs to change first to change American policing?
- Has the acceptance of mass surveillance become the new normal?
- Is organized crime benefitting from COVID?
- Is America headed towards a double-dip recession?
- Is online-learning because of COVID creating significant education inequalities?
- Will poor management of the COVID-19 pandemic slow the acceptance of a vaccine when it’s made available in the US?
- What can second-level global powers do to make up for shortfalls in American leadership?
- Has the Coronavirus pandemic exposed Amazon.com’s weakness as a business?
- Are there signs for a real peace on the horizon in Afghanistan?
- Has Facebook become a toxic brand?
- What does the future hold for Hong Kong’s role on the global stage?
- Is China setting up developing nations in a debt trap?
- Is the World Bank still a force for good in the developing world?
- Will US sanctions have a positive impact on China’s treatment of the Uighur population?
- Has Ethiopia’s transition to democracy reached a crisis point?
- Will the antivax movement stall the US recovery from COVID-19?
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Extemp Questions 2020 May - June - The COVID-19 ones - set 2
- How much will action from the Fed ease economic damage from the spread of COVID-19?
- Is the search for a medical solution to COVID-19 being unsafely rushed?
- What will take for the US to bring testing for COVID-19 up to proper levels/
- How quickly will the US economy recover from the Coronavirus pandemic?
- Can the Trump White House prevent a large, second wave of COVID-19 infections?
- Can the cease-fire in Yemen lead to a lasting peace?
- Has the Trump Administration’s handling of the Coronavirus pandemic made America less safe?
- Has the news media overhyped the CVID-19 pandemic?
- Will the Democrats be able to retake the Senate in 2020?
- Will the Trump White House make funding cuts to the WHO permanent?
- Is the US prepared for the next wave of COVID-19 infections?
- Would William Barr resign?
- Will Biden’s VP pick clinch an election victory for him?
- What impact will President Trump’s decision to leave the Open Skies Treaty have in the long term?
- How quickly will Israel move forward with plans to annex West Bank territory?
- Would annexing the West Bank forestall any middle east peace deal?
- Will COVID-19 force the US to shut down again before the end of 2020?
- What impacts will COVID-19 on the global travel industry in the long term?
- How quickly will the US economy rebound from the coronavirus pandemic?
- What steps should American schools take to reopen safely in the fall?
- What long-term effects will COVID-19 have on states’ budgets?
- Will COVID-19 threaten Vladimir Putin’s grip on power in Russia?
- Is China’s “one country, two systems” policy towards Hong Kong at an end?
- Will his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic cost Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro his job?
- Can President Trump rely on traditional Republican voters in his 2020 reelection bid?
- What more should social media companies be doing to prevent the spread of disinformation on their platforms?
- Can Indonesia deal with the effects of sea level rise?
- Does the coronavirus pandemic present an opportunity to make real and lasting progress on climate change?
- How much responsibility does President Trump deserve for the coarsening of American political discourse?
- Should American colleges and universities make standardized tests an optional part of the admissions process?
- Is there still a realistic chance for a lasting peace between the Afghan government and the Taliban?
- How quickly will consumer confidence and spending return to the US economy?
- How will COVID-19 affect voting in the 2020 elections?
- Will COVID-19 mean the end of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests?
- Is Joe Biden’s campaign taking the African-American vote for granted?
- Will the protests sparked by the death of George Floyd result in real changes to American policing?
- Will growing border tensions between India and China escalate into a shooting war?
- Is it too late to reverse the politicization of wearing a face mask in public during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Is it already too late to effectively expand the practice of voting by mail?
- What can be done to deescalate the growing tensions between India and China?
- Will America’s withdrawal from the WHO make it more difficult to win the global campaign against COVID-19?
- Has the Trump Administration abandoned Venezuela’s Juan Guaido?
- Has the US dropped the ball on Venezuela?
- Will outside military force be necessary to oust Maduro from power in Venezuela?
- How will the coronavirus pandemic change America’s relationship with the People’s Republic of China?
- What more can the US do to promote pro-democracy movements in China?
- Will global supply chains move away from China in the wake of COVID-19?
- Has America reopened its economy too early?
- Is political freedom in retreat around the world?
- Will COVID-19 define the legacy of the Trump Presidency?
- What steps should Congress take to safely speed-up America’s economic recovery?
- Will the COVID-19 pandemic accelerate the use of automation across the US economy?
- Should Congress block further arms sales to Saudi Arabia?
- Do America’s police unions wield too much power?
- Can Lula make a triumphant return to Brazillian politics?
- Will large-scale protests across America make it significantly more difficult to deal with COVID-19?
- Has Vladimir Putin restored Russia to international great power status?
- Has real progress towards political unity been made in Israel?
- What can the federal government do to make real progress in police reform?
- What comes next for the Black Lives Matter movement?
- Will Hong Kong retain its economic status if Beijing moves forward with its authoritarian measures?
- Is the Democratic Party moving too far to the left to win over voters in 2020?
- Has the Trump White House battered America’s international reputation?
- Has America turned its back on global human rights?
- Can Boris Johnson still cut a trade deal with the EU?
- Will Libya split into multiple independent states?
- How much further will the relationship between North and South Korea degrade?
- Can the recovery from COVID-19 cut through America’s political partisanship?
- Can China’s Belt and Road Initiative survive the coronavirus pandemic?
- Has Europe been able to come to terms with racism and its colonial past?
- Will COVID-19 reverse the trends of globalization?
- Can anyone mediate the border conflict between India and China?
- Is the diplomatic effort between the US and North Korea effectively dead?
- Will COVID-19 bring down Shinzo Abe’s government in Japan?
- Is America capable of addressing systemic racism head-on?
- Will John Bolton’s revelations politically damage President Trump?
- Do police unions do more harm than good?
- Can the Trump administration rebuild the US economy enough to make a convincing case ahead of the 2020 election?
- Should Hong Kong’s special economic status be permanently revoked?
- Should Bill Barr be impeached?
- What impact will John Bolton’s book have on the 2020 election?
- Has America become complacent with deaths from COVID-19?
- Is John Roberts politicizing the US Supreme Court?
- Should the EU and the UK push to extend the Brexit deadline to get a trade deal?
- Will the killing of George Floyd bring real reforms to policing across America?
- Should the US significantly limit the practice of qualified immunity for law enforcement?
- Who will benefit from China’s crackdown on Hong Kong?
- Is the conflict in Yemen any closer to an end?
- Is the Trump administration’s strategy towards Iran working?
- Will Israel’s annexation of West Bank territory forestall any middle east pace plan?
- Is the free press in the Philippines effectively dead?
- Who can fill the leadership void left by America on the global stage?
- Does the reduction of US forces in Germany signal a weakening of the NATO alliance?
- What agenda should President Trump run on for a second term?
- How should the Trump White House respond to reports of Russia putting bounties on US troops in Afghanistan?
- Has the window closed on America’s ability to effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic?
- When will Washington DC become a state?
- Has Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign reached a turning point?
- Are Congressional oversight hearings still an effective tool to maintain checks and balances with the Executive Branch?
Monday, May 11, 2020
Extemp Questions 2020 Feb - April - The COVID-19 ones - set 1
- What more can the UN do to stop escalating violence in the DR Congo?
- What steps should the international community take to combat the growing threat of Islamic insurgency in the Sahel?
- Have the refugee camps in Greece become unsustainable?
- What will the ICJ trial against Myanmar mean for the Rohingya?
- Will the handling of the impeachment trial help Democrats flip the Senate in the 2020 elections?
- Has America lost the credibility to successfully negotiate an Israel-Palestine peace deal?
- How much of an impact will the Coronavirus outbreak have on the Chinese economy?
- Is the Palestinian Authority losing the support of the Palestinian people?
- Will the Trump Administration Mideast Peace Plan garner support from Arab nations?
- How will Brexit change the relationship between the US and the UK?
- Is a two-state solution no longer viable for Israel and Palestine?
- Does the international community have what it takes to stop the next major global pandemic?
- Is the WHO prepared to confront the next major pandemic?
- What does the future hold for the EU post-Brexit?
- What should be done to alleviate California’s homeless crisis?
- What does the Trump peace plan mean for the future o the Israeli-Palestine conflict?
- What lesson did Trump learn from impeachment?
- What will the Trump Administration’s decision to expand the use of land minutes mean for US military readiness?
- Who will succeed Merkel’s leadership in Germany?
- Will the Assad regime be held responsible for civilian deaths in Idlib province?
- Has the US abandoned the Syrian people?
- What comes next for Brexit?
- Will Putin be able to maintain his absolute grip on power in Russia beyond 2024?
- Should the Iowa caucus lose its position as the first Presidential primary?
- What can be done to strengthen and expand local new coverage in the US?
- Is Biden’s Presidential campaign over?
- Has William Barr’s tenure as Trump’s Attorney General damaged his reputation?
- Is the Trump Administration making progress towards a real peace deal with the Afghan Taliban?
- What can be done to curb resurgent antisemitism across Europe?
- Will increased deficit spending come back to haunt Trump in his reelection campaign?
- Will the Greens gain political strength across Western Europe?
- What will impeachment mean for President Trump’s legacy?
- Should Barr resign as Attorney General?
- Will China be held accountable for the Equifax breach?
- What should be done to protect young athletes from sexual abuse?
- Has the Trump White House turned the DOJ into a political weapon?
- Has the impeachment trial damaged the institution of the US Senate?
- Can the large tech companies do more to help law enforcement agencies crack down on images and videos of child sexual abuse?
- How much of an effect will Russian interference have on the 2020 US Presidential election?
- Are the Democrats headed for a contested convention?
- Will the Indian government expand the detention it deems as non-citizens?
- Will the US-Taliban agreement lead to an end to the US military presence in Afghanistan?
- Can Sinn Fein shed its IRA history?
- What comes next for the Hong Kong protests?
- Has the impeachment process helped President Trump’s chances for reelection in 2020?
- After impeachment, do House Democrats have any real means to perform oversight of the Trump Administration?
- Will a post-Brexit EU fracture or grow closer?
- What should America do to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Syria’s Idlib province?
- Should at-home genetic genealogy services provide better tools to help their clients deal with the consequences of their DNA test results?
- What should be done to better regulate law enforcement’s access to commercial genetic testing databases?
- Should the US continue to be engaged in the Middle East?
- Has America’s long-term role in the Middle East been undermined by the Trump Administration’s peace pan?
- What effect would Bernie Sanders winning the Democratic nomination have on down-ticket races in 2020?
- What should be done to restore the American public’s trust in the elections process?
- Are batteries and green energy poised to disrupt the oil industry?
- Can Facebook regain the public's trust?
- Who can best unite the Democratic Party in the 2020 elections?
- Will Trump pardon Roger Stone?
- Is America finally on a path that will get it ou of Afghanistan?
- How much of an impact will the USMCA have on North American trade?
- Is East Africa facing an imminent famine?
- Will the Afghanistan peace process result in the Taliban returning to power?
- What impact will the realignment of the Philippines towards China and away from the US have on regional stability?
- Is the West finally starting to care what’s happening Libya?
- Should the US be more outspoken on India’s human rights practices?
- Can the Taliban become a reliable counter-terrorism partner for the US and Afghan governments?
- Will the Modi government’s lockdown in Kashmir lead to new rounds of violence?
- How much will Super Tuesday narrow the field of Democratic candidates?
- Have America’s major political parties lost control of the Presidential nominating process?
- Has the Trump Administration fallen down on its handling of the COVID=19 virus?
- Does the US peace deal with the Taliban fail the Afghan people?
- What will the US military drawdown mean for the future of Afghanistan?
- Has the US given up too much in peace talks with the Talibarn?
- Are big businesses starting to do their part to address climate change?
- Will the ceasefire between Syria, Turkey and Russia hold?
- Will NATO come to Turkey’s aid in Syria?
- Is Europe prepared for a renewed surge of migrants coming through Turkey?
- What will the death of Hosni Mubarak mean for the future of Egypt?
- What more should the Greek government be doing to cope with the ongoing influx of migrants?
- What does the IRA’s electoral success mean for the future of a united Ireland?
- What does 2020 signal for the future of women running for elected office in the US?
- Can Joe Biden keep up his campaign’s momentum?
- Will COVID-19 bring the US into recession in 2020?
- Should Congress renew the expiring FISA provisions?
- Should the US federal government be taking more drastic measures to stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus?
- How will German politics change after Angela Merkel's exit?
- Does America’s student loan debt pose an impending economic crisis?
- Will the EU and the UK come to terms on a trade deal?
- What should Justin Trudeau’s government do to improve the relationship with First Nations peoples?
- What can Argentina do to address its unsustainable debt?
- Is Malaysia’s political instability a short-term or long-term problem?
- Are prospects for migrant workers improving within China?
- Will a dividing Afghan government mean the US-Taliban peace deal fails before it even begins?
- What role will the Taliban play in determining the future for Afghanistan?
- What measures should the international community take to combat illegal logging?
- Has mixed messaging from the Trump White House worsened the impacts of the COVID-19 virus?
- Does the US need its own version of the EU’s GDPR?
- Are America’s colleges and universities prepared to move to mostly online learning in reaction to the COVID-19 epidemic?
- Should members of Congress be prevented from owning and trading stock while in office?
- Has the US-Taliban peace deal already failed?
- What will it take to restore stability and end the fighting in Libya?
- Is COVID-19 deepening Israel’s political chaos?
- How much will Congress have to spend to provide relief for the Coronavirus pandemic?
- How much damage will COVID-19 do to America’s small businesses?
- Is Israel’s political deadlock nearing an end?
- Has the Trump White House bundled the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Should the US ease sanctions against Iran?
- Will Congress need to pass additional rounds of economic relief for COVID-19?
- Can Lebanon avoid a financial catastrophe?
- What more can the international community do to prevent the use of esexual abuse and rape as a weapon of war?
- What impact will the Coronavirus pandemic have on global religion?
- How will America’s unemployment get?
- How much will the COVID-19 pandemic disrupt the proper running of American elections in November?
- Can the cruise ship industry survive after COVID-19?
- Will the Trump Administration’s push to roll back car fuel efficiency standards succeed?
- What steps should Congress take to improve access to healthcare in rural America?
- How long will it take for American employment to recover from COVID-19?
- How long will it take for the EU economies to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Will the pandemic damage the long-term structure and unity of the EU?
- Have social media companies done a good job in stemming the spread of disinformation related to COVID-19?
- Will US cuts to WHO funding impede the global recovery from COVID-19?
- Has President Trump fundamentally changed the Republican Party?
- Is time running out for South Africa’s Jacob Zuma?
- What will Israel’s new unity government mean for Netanyahu’s political future?
- Has US policy towards Venezuela stalled?
- What will Israel’s political turmoil mean for its ability to react to the Coronavirus pandemic?
- Has the new Israeli leadership deal broken Gantz’s Blue and White Party?
- What impact will COVID-19 have on the political future of China’s President Xi?
- How long can Israel’s new unity government hold together?
- Are Boris Johnson’s days as Prime Minister numbered?
- Can new leadership bring the UK’s Labour Party back into power?
- What long-term impacts will COVID-19 have on State and local government budgets?
- How will COVID-19 change China’s role in the global future?
- When will the US develop a sufficient Coronavirus testing program?
- How much damage will the Coronavirus do to China’s economy?
- What will the deal between Netanyahu and Gantz mean for the future of Israel?
- Will COVID-19 lead to permanent changes in the American education system?
- Is democratic backsliding in Eastern Europe here to stay?
- How should the EU respond to Viktor Orban’s authoritarian power grab in Hungary?
- Should the West cut ties with Saudi Arabia?
- Can Europe develop a unified policy towards Russia?
- Has US foreign policy towards the MIddle East lost international legitimacy?
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Extemp Questions 2020 Jan
- How far will the growing conflict between the US and Iran escalate?
- Will the killing of Iran’s General Soleimani make America safer in the long run?
- Is President Trump driving America deeper into Middle East conflicts?
- Does the Trump Administration’s Middle East peace plan have any real chance of being accepted?
- Is the threat posed by Al-Shabab growing?
- Will Iraq force out the American military presence?
- Is religious intolerance growing in Indonesia?
- Have House Democrats overplayed their hand in the impeachment of President Trump?
- Can Boris Johnson reunite a politically divided UK?
- Do the strategic costs of killing Iran’s General Soleimani outweigh the benefits for the US?
- What should Congress do to reform America’s education system?
- Is support for President Trump waning among Senate Republicans?
- Has the Modi government made India’s Muslims second-class citizens?
- Will the courts knock down the ACA?
- Is Evangelical support for President Trump slipping?
- What should be done to get young people more actively involved in the American political process?
- Will massive wildfires bring significant changes to Australia’s environmental policies?
- Is the Trump Administration any closer to restarting substantive talks with North Korea?
- How long will House Democrats hold back impeachment from the Senate?
- Will Zimbabwe’s economic crisis get worse before it gets better?
- What’s next for the UK’s Labour Party?
- What will Boris Johnson do with his political mandate after leaving the EU?
- Should Congress take up FISA reform?
- What will the USMCA mean for the American economy in the long term?
- How quickly can a post-Brexit UK cut a trade deal with the EU?
- How quickly can the US and China get to phase 2 of a trade deal?
- What should be America’s endgame in Afghanistan?
- Has the Trump Administration lost the credibility it needs to accomplish what it wants with North Korea?
- Will impeachment hurt or help President Trump’s re-election changes in 2020?
- What comes next for Kashmir?
- Has the Trump Administration abandoned the movement to oust Madura from power in Venezuela?
- What’s the next move for Juan Guaido in Venezuela?
- Can Myanmar’s courts be trusted to properly manage cases of human rights violations against the Rohingya?
- Does Israel’s Likud Party need new leadership?
- Is Lebanon facing an imminent economic collapse?
- Has the conflict between the US and Iran made Iraq more chaotic?
- What measures can the Austrian government take to addres the threat from future wildfires?
- Does China post a greater long-term threat to NATO countries than Russia?
- What will Brexit mean for the EU economy?
- Will the impeachment of President Trump backfire on the House Democrats in the 2020 election cycle?
- Is the global eradication of polio within reach?
- Is the societal role of the British Royal family being rewritten?
- Is big teach driving the global economy towards another crash?
- How much will the killing of Soleimani hamper Iran’s strategic objectives in the Middle East?
- Should Europe give up on attempts to save the JCPOA deal with Iran?
- Will John Bolton testify before Congress in the Ukraine matter?
- Has the Indian government lived up to Modi’s economic promises?
- Should the federal minimum wage be raised?
- Will internet blackouts become a more commonly used tol by governments in 2020?
- Will new US sanctions do anything to change Irans behavior in the region?
- Is the Democratic Party too divied to unite behind a Presidential candidate in 2020?
- Can Vladimir Putin cement his grip on power beyond 2024?
- How should the American public deal with the problem of online disinformation in an election year?
- When will the ERA be added to the US Constitution?
- Wil the Senate hear new witnesses testimony and evidence in the impeachment trial of President Trump?
- Has Hong Kong changed the future of China’s relationship with Taiwan?
- What does Tsai Ing-wen’s re-election mean for the future of Taiwan?
- Will the economy carry President Trump to re-election in 2020?
- Has the Trump Administration ignored too many interests to get a trade deal with China?
- Can climate activism save the planet?
- Is China’s foreign policy driving African nations into a long-term debt trap?
- Can the Chinese government keep the coronavirus outbreak under control?
- What can Congress do to help law enforcement agencies with the problem of “going dark”?
- Is the US prepared to deal with attempts by foreign nations to interfere in the 2020 elections?
- Does the phase 1 deal mark real progress on President Trump’s promises to overhaul trade with China?
- Have President Trump’s immigration policies been effective?
- Has the outbreak of coronavirus shown that the international community is incapable of dealing with the spread of diseases in the modern world?
- How long can Mexico continue to deal with the influx of migrants attempting to seek asylum in the US?
- Can more be done to stop foreign powers from interfering in Libya?
- Will violent crackdowns fuel anti-government protests in Iraq?
- Is Iran’s influence in Iraq weakening?
- What does the Trump Administration’s Mideast peace plan mean for Israel’s upcoming election?
- Is greater international intervention needed to stabilize Syria?
- Is the US dollar losing its place as the global reserve currency?
- Can a new boss save Boeing?
- What precedent will Trump’s impeachment set for future Presidents?
- Is the Trump Administration underprepared for the outbreak of coronavirus from China?
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Extemp Questions 2019 Dec
- What will it take for the Indian government to adequately deal with air quality issues in its major cities?
- Is the Trump Administration doing lasting damage to America’s relationships with international allies?
- Can France’s President Macron get the pension system reforms that he wants?
- Will political difficulties at home stymie President Macron’s international agenda?
- How will Brexit change the UK’s place in the global community?
- Should the US continue to maintain such close ties to Saudi Arabia?
- Has the Trump Administration’s strategy towards North Korea failed?
- What moves should Congress make to combat online extremism?
- How much will impeachment damage President Trump’s chances for re-election in 2020?
- Is Mexico’s AMLO making progress in combatting government corruption?
- What will the public IPO of ARAMCO mean for the future of Saudi Arabia?
- Can anything be done to stabilize the Venezuelan economy
- Is Argentina’s new President well positioned to rebuild the economy?
- Has President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign against Iran backfired?
- Does Turkey still belong in NATO?
- Has the Trump Administration doe lasting damage to the NATO alliance?
- What steps should Congress take to reverse America’s trend of decreasing life expectancy?
- Will “deep fake” videos be a major problem in he2020 elections?
- Will the Prime Minister’s resignation quell growing protests in Iraq?
- Is Zimbabwe beginning to emerge from the shadow of Robert Mugabe?
- Can Ukraine’s President Zelensky find an acceptable deal to end hostilities with Russia?
- How long will it take for Argentina’s economy to recover?
- Will Argentina default on its IMF loans?
- Is the Italy’s Five Star movement dying out?
- Is India’s handling of sexual violence against women improving?
- How successful will the new government in Lebanon be at stabling the economy?
- Has Nigeria’s program of deradicalizing Boko Haram militants been successful?
- Has time run out for Bibi Netanyahu?
- Is the Modi government turning India into a Hindu nationalist state?
- What will elections mean for Algeria’s future?
- Is the international community ignoring the risks posed by drought in southern Africa?
- Is climate change too big of a problem for the international community to solve?
- What role should the federal government play in regulating America’s global tech companies?
- Will global extreme poverty soon be a thing of the past?
- What measures should the global community take to improve the humanitarian situation in Syria?
- Can Boris Johnson unite a still politically fractured United Kingdom?
- Is it past time for Congress to revisit the AUMF?
- Will the UK elections bring renewed calls for Scottish independence?
- Has SoftBank’s Vision Fund lost its magic?
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