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- How much will action from the Fed ease economic damage from the spread of COVID-19?
- Is the search for a medical solution to COVID-19 being unsafely rushed?
- What will take for the US to bring testing for COVID-19 up to proper levels/
- How quickly will the US economy recover from the Coronavirus pandemic?
- Can the Trump White House prevent a large, second wave of COVID-19 infections?
- Can the cease-fire in Yemen lead to a lasting peace?
- Has the Trump Administration’s handling of the Coronavirus pandemic made America less safe?
- Has the news media overhyped the CVID-19 pandemic?
- Will the Democrats be able to retake the Senate in 2020?
- Will the Trump White House make funding cuts to the WHO permanent?
- Is the US prepared for the next wave of COVID-19 infections?
- Would William Barr resign?
- Will Biden’s VP pick clinch an election victory for him?
- What impact will President Trump’s decision to leave the Open Skies Treaty have in the long term?
- How quickly will Israel move forward with plans to annex West Bank territory?
- Would annexing the West Bank forestall any middle east peace deal?
- Will COVID-19 force the US to shut down again before the end of 2020?
- What impacts will COVID-19 on the global travel industry in the long term?
- How quickly will the US economy rebound from the coronavirus pandemic?
- What steps should American schools take to reopen safely in the fall?
- What long-term effects will COVID-19 have on states’ budgets?
- Will COVID-19 threaten Vladimir Putin’s grip on power in Russia?
- Is China’s “one country, two systems” policy towards Hong Kong at an end?
- Will his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic cost Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro his job?
- Can President Trump rely on traditional Republican voters in his 2020 reelection bid?
- What more should social media companies be doing to prevent the spread of disinformation on their platforms?
- Can Indonesia deal with the effects of sea level rise?
- Does the coronavirus pandemic present an opportunity to make real and lasting progress on climate change?
- How much responsibility does President Trump deserve for the coarsening of American political discourse?
- Should American colleges and universities make standardized tests an optional part of the admissions process?
- Is there still a realistic chance for a lasting peace between the Afghan government and the Taliban?
- How quickly will consumer confidence and spending return to the US economy?
- How will COVID-19 affect voting in the 2020 elections?
- Will COVID-19 mean the end of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests?
- Is Joe Biden’s campaign taking the African-American vote for granted?
- Will the protests sparked by the death of George Floyd result in real changes to American policing?
- Will growing border tensions between India and China escalate into a shooting war?
- Is it too late to reverse the politicization of wearing a face mask in public during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- Is it already too late to effectively expand the practice of voting by mail?
- What can be done to deescalate the growing tensions between India and China?
- Will America’s withdrawal from the WHO make it more difficult to win the global campaign against COVID-19?
- Has the Trump Administration abandoned Venezuela’s Juan Guaido?
- Has the US dropped the ball on Venezuela?
- Will outside military force be necessary to oust Maduro from power in Venezuela?
- How will the coronavirus pandemic change America’s relationship with the People’s Republic of China?
- What more can the US do to promote pro-democracy movements in China?
- Will global supply chains move away from China in the wake of COVID-19?
- Has America reopened its economy too early?
- Is political freedom in retreat around the world?
- Will COVID-19 define the legacy of the Trump Presidency?
- What steps should Congress take to safely speed-up America’s economic recovery?
- Will the COVID-19 pandemic accelerate the use of automation across the US economy?
- Should Congress block further arms sales to Saudi Arabia?
- Do America’s police unions wield too much power?
- Can Lula make a triumphant return to Brazillian politics?
- Will large-scale protests across America make it significantly more difficult to deal with COVID-19?
- Has Vladimir Putin restored Russia to international great power status?
- Has real progress towards political unity been made in Israel?
- What can the federal government do to make real progress in police reform?
- What comes next for the Black Lives Matter movement?
- Will Hong Kong retain its economic status if Beijing moves forward with its authoritarian measures?
- Is the Democratic Party moving too far to the left to win over voters in 2020?
- Has the Trump White House battered America’s international reputation?
- Has America turned its back on global human rights?
- Can Boris Johnson still cut a trade deal with the EU?
- Will Libya split into multiple independent states?
- How much further will the relationship between North and South Korea degrade?
- Can the recovery from COVID-19 cut through America’s political partisanship?
- Can China’s Belt and Road Initiative survive the coronavirus pandemic?
- Has Europe been able to come to terms with racism and its colonial past?
- Will COVID-19 reverse the trends of globalization?
- Can anyone mediate the border conflict between India and China?
- Is the diplomatic effort between the US and North Korea effectively dead?
- Will COVID-19 bring down Shinzo Abe’s government in Japan?
- Is America capable of addressing systemic racism head-on?
- Will John Bolton’s revelations politically damage President Trump?
- Do police unions do more harm than good?
- Can the Trump administration rebuild the US economy enough to make a convincing case ahead of the 2020 election?
- Should Hong Kong’s special economic status be permanently revoked?
- Should Bill Barr be impeached?
- What impact will John Bolton’s book have on the 2020 election?
- Has America become complacent with deaths from COVID-19?
- Is John Roberts politicizing the US Supreme Court?
- Should the EU and the UK push to extend the Brexit deadline to get a trade deal?
- Will the killing of George Floyd bring real reforms to policing across America?
- Should the US significantly limit the practice of qualified immunity for law enforcement?
- Who will benefit from China’s crackdown on Hong Kong?
- Is the conflict in Yemen any closer to an end?
- Is the Trump administration’s strategy towards Iran working?
- Will Israel’s annexation of West Bank territory forestall any middle east pace plan?
- Is the free press in the Philippines effectively dead?
- Who can fill the leadership void left by America on the global stage?
- Does the reduction of US forces in Germany signal a weakening of the NATO alliance?
- What agenda should President Trump run on for a second term?
- How should the Trump White House respond to reports of Russia putting bounties on US troops in Afghanistan?
- Has the window closed on America’s ability to effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic?
- When will Washington DC become a state?
- Has Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign reached a turning point?
- Are Congressional oversight hearings still an effective tool to maintain checks and balances with the Executive Branch?