- Has Facebook grown too large and complex to remain a safe platform?
- What does Youngkin’s win in Virginia signal for the Democrats’ changes in the 2022 midterms?
- Should The Fed take more action to curb rising inflation?
- Will the approval of effective treatments mean an end to COVID?
- Will worker strikes against Sudan’s military coup bring further violence?
- How much will the slow distribution of vaccines prolong the global economic downturn from COVID?
- Will the COP26 bring real action on curbing global carbon emissions?
- How bad is the political landscape for the Democrats in the upcoming midterms?
- Will passage of the infrastructure bill make it more difficult for President Biden to get his social safety net bill through Congress?
- Should wealthy nations be doing more to fun clean energy projects in the developing world?
- How much longer will the US continue to face supply chain bottlenecks?
- Has COVID-19 set back global democracy?
- Will Trump leave the GOP to create his own political party?
- Will the US default on its debt in December?
- Has Daniel Ortega finally crushed all political dissent in Nicaragua?
- Will Ortega’s re-election in Nicaragua push a new wave of migrants north?
- Will the higher inflation Americans are facing be temporary?
- Is America finally moving past the pandemic phase of the Coronavirus?
- Will the global community keep their pledges to curb deforestation?
- What should be done to improve how America’s healthcare system handles mental health?
- Does the replacement of local elections officials with partisan actors pose a serious threat to American democracy?
- Will additional US sanctions have any effect on Daneil Ortega’s regime in Nicaragua?
- Can anything be done to force the warring sides in Ethiopia into a cease fire?
- Will the fight between the EU and Belarus over migrations escalate to violence?
- Can Sudan get back on track towards democracy?
- Where does the fight for women’s rights in Afghanistan go from here?
- Wil COVID anti-vaccine sentiment harm other disease eradication efforts?
- Is America finally making good on the pivot towards Asia?
- Should the US have joined the TPP?
- What can Congress do to reduce the rate of suicide among American veterans?
- Is the political power of Japan’s LDP party slipping?
- Is Taipei headed towards military conflict with Beijing?
- Should the US unfreeze funds to avoid the humanitarian disaster unfolding in Afghanistan?
- Can international soft-power diplomacy change human rights practices in China?
- Will connections to drug cartels take down the government of President Hernandez in Honduras?
- Is there a role for President Biden to be more personally involved in pursuing peace in Ethiopia?
- Is Russia setting the stage to escalate its military action in Ukraine?
- What can be done to stem the gang violence in Haiti?
- Do cryptocurrencies have a future in mainstream financial transactions?
- Will the lack of access to vaccines in the developing world prolong COVID in wealthier nations?
- Does the global community have the political will to solve the climate crisis?
- Should the UN intervene in the migrant crisis at the Poland-Belarus border?
- Does China face an impending economic crisis from its aging population?
- Will armed rebel forces take down the government in Ethiopia?
- Does Ethiopia face the real possibility of splitting into multiple nations?
- Can the EU and the UK agree on a coordinated response to the ongoing migrant crisis?
- What should a unified EU response to the migrant crisis look like?
- Can anything be done to stem the polarization in American politics?
- Will election results in Honduras further escalate political violence?
- Should the US boycott the Beijing Olympics?
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 November
Monday, November 1, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 October
- How far is China willing to push the boundaries to accomplish Taiwan reunification?
- Can anything be done to restore economic stability in Lebanon?
- Will Iran come back to the negotiating table to renew the JCPOA?
- Does the pro-democracy movement have any future in Hong Kong?
- How much of the Democratic Party agenda can President Biden get through the slim majority in Congress?
- Should more be done to crack down on the behavior or unruly air travelers?
- Will Rodrigo Duterte really step away from politics in the Philippines?
- Is the influence of ISIS-K growing in Afghanistan?
- Can China clean up its environmental practices?
- Will the COP26 conference bring real commitment to solving climate change?
- Will China’s energy crisis pose a further long-term strain on global supply chains?
- Are American labor unions making a comeback?
- How long will the US continue to experience supply chain disruptions?
- Will climate become the focus of Australia’s next national elections?
- Is America losing the modern-day space race?
- What can be done to avoid economic collapse in Afghanistan?
- Is there a way to avoid a looming humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan?
- How much of America’s labor force displaced by COVID will return to the workforce?
- Does the Islamic State pose an existential threat to the Afghan Taliban?
- Should the EU withhold funding over its fight with Poland?
- Will the US see new waves of labor strikes?
- Will the tight labor market make it easier for non-union workers to organize?
- Will Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro be indicted over his government’s handling of COVID?
- What should the Democratic Party do to rebuild their power in state and local governments?
- Should the Beiden Administration be doing more to cancel student debt?
- What will the military coup mean for Sudan’s future?
- What can be done to pressure the Ethiopian government to allow humanitarian aid access to Tigray?
- What will the release of the Facebook papers mean for other social media companies?
- Will a name change fix Facebook?
- When will Congress take action to regulate social media platforms?
- Will subpoenas for the January 6’th committee be enforced?
- Should the dollar still be the global reserve currency?
- Will the US sign on to a 15% global corporate minimum tax?
- Should Congress get rid of the debt ceiling?
- Will public revelations about Facebook change any of their business practices?
- Can the US be trusted to live up to their commitments for the defense of Taiwan?
- Will President Biden be a drag on Democratic candidates in the 2022 midterms?
- Will growing tensions with China draw the US closer to Taiwan?
- What should the US do to minimize push-factors driving migration from Latin America?
- Can anything be done to get control of cartel violence in Mexico?
- Is Trump’s hold on the Republican Party getting stronger?
- Where does America’s Evangelical political movement go from here?
- Will the January 6’th Select Committee be able to finish its work?
- Will the Glasgow climate summit get any real commitments from the world’s largest carbon emitting nations?
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 Sept
- Is El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin as a national currency doomed to failure?
- Can the Taliban successfully run the government of Afghanistan?
- Is Afghanistan facing an impending humanitarian crisis?
- Are EU nations losing trust in America as an international ally?
- What measures should EU nations enact to get COVID under control?
- Will the new child tax credit be made permanent?
- Will Senate Democrats end the filibuster?
- Is Congress headed for another last-minute showdown over the debt ceiling?
- Will the Taliban live up to their promises to keep Afghanistan from becoming a safe haven for international terrorism?
- Is the international threat posed by ISIS-K growing?
- Will opposition to Texas’ SB8 anti-abortion law motivate voters to turn out in the 2022 midterms?
- What more should the international community be doing to help stabilize Haiti?
- Can the Biden White House find a way to build partnership with China on fighting climate change?
- Will Mexico’s decision to decriminalize abortion encourage other Latin American countries to follow suit?
- Will Texas SB8 law backfire politically on Gov. Greg Abbott?
- Will the Supreme Court overturn Roe?
- How much influence will America be able to assert over the human rights practices of the Taliban?
- Who will follow Yoshihide Suga as Japan’s Prime Minister?
- Is Japan entering a period of instability in political leadership?
- Will Merkel’s exit mean a stronger Green Party in Germany?
- Is Germany moving further to the right politically?
- Can Europe do anything to push Russia out of Crimea?
- What more should state and federal governments be doing to expand COVID vaccination uptake?
- Will the expanded Child Tax Credit be made permanent?
- Will the federal government default on its debt?
- Will the fight over fresh water undermine California’s economic growth?
- Will Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro crack down more on political opposition ahead of next year’s elections?
- Is there anything the US can do to revive the stalled Israel-Palestine peace process?
- Is Nigeria becoming more successful at fighting Boko Haram?
- Can the EU still apply leverage to change the human rights practices of the Belarusian government?
- What lessons should America take for the 2022 midterms from California’s failed gubernatorial recall?
- Should America take a stronger stance with Egypt over human rights violations?
- Has America learned anything from twenty years in Afghanistan?
- How much is partisan political polarization slowing America’s recovery from COVID?
- How far will China go to achieve reunification with Taiwan?
- How much influence will Pakistan have over the new Taliban government in Afghanistan?
- Will the federal vaccine mandate get America to herd immunity for COVID?
- Should the international community put strong human rights conditions on humanitarian aid to Afghanistan?
- Will the Biden Administration’s employer mandate harden the resolve of vaccine skeptics not to get the shot?
- Is the US labor market starting to cool down?
- How big of a deal is the semiconductor chip supply shortage for the US economy?
- Can the new AUKUS defense pact successfully contain China’s growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region?
- What steps should the US take to prepare for the next big pandemic?
- Will Sen. McConnell’s decision to oppose raising the debt limit backfire politically in the 2022 midterms?
- Has the chance for real immigration reform disappeared?
- Will Mario Dragi be able to implement the reforms he wants in Italy?
- Will China’s ban on bitcoin entice other nations to put restrictions on the use of cryptocurrency?
- Will Pres. Biden be able to usher his legislative agenda through Congress?
- Can Congressional Democrats get to an agreement on a spending bill?
- What more should Japan be doing to close the gender gap in their society?
- Is COVID delaying the economic shock of Brexit on the UK?
- Is China’s wolf warrior diplomacy backfiring?
- What will the AUKUS pact mean for the balance of military power in the Indo-Pacific?
- Will Iran’s new hardline government be willing to return to the JCPOA?
- What will be Angela Merkel’s legacy for Europe?
- How much will America’s chaotic exit from Afghanistan damage the Biden White House on the international stage?
- Should America be sharing more COVID vaccinations globally?
- How worried should America be about the emergency of new COVID variants?
- How should the Biden Administration change America’s relationship with Pakistan?
- What has the Taliban learned from the takeover of Afghanistan?
- Has the Supreme Court become too political?
- Is the UN still a useful international forum?
- Has the WTO been undermined to the point of becoming useless?
- Is the Biden Administration normalizing and cementing Trump’s foreign policy?
- Will internal party politics kill Congressional Democrats’ spending plans?
- Will the EU follow Pres. Biden’s lead on policy towards China?
- Should the EU build up an independent military force separate from NATO?
- Is the US a reliable global leader and partner on climate change?
- Will China be able to meet its own goals on carbon emissions?
- Is QAnon the future of the Republican Party?
- Is France’s far-right on the rise politically?
- Should the US be doing more to pressure Ethiopia into ending the fighting in Tigray?
- Will the exit from Afghanistan make the Biden Administration shy away from other international engagements?
Friday, September 3, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 August
- Have international sanctions become ineffective against the Lukashenko government in Belarus?
- Can Israel’s new government keep lang disputes between Palestinians and Israeli settlers from escalating into widespread violence?
- What kind of international regulation is needed for cryptocurrencies?
- Is the Supreme Court making too many exceptions for religious freedoms?
- Should US efforts focus on widespread global vaccination before implementing booster shots for Americans?
- Is the global community getting better at dealing with COVID variants?
- Will the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan trigger a wave of Islamic extremist violence in China?
- How should India deal with the Taliban’s return to power?
- What does the future hold for the role of Women in Afghanistan?
- Will Biden be able to complete the withdrawal from Afghanistan by the end of August deadline?
- Is there a future for centrism in American politics?
- Will Congressional Democrats pass their human infrastructure package?
- Will America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan straing its relationship with Pakistan?
- How much responsibility do social media companies bear for the spread of vaccine disinformation?
- Will Hong Kong’s national security law lead to a mass exodus?
- Will anti-LGBTQ policies in Hungary elicit a strong reaction from other EU nations?
- Will Newsom lose the California recall election?
- Can anything be done to stop the Taliban on their tear across Afghanistan?
- Are promised deliverables on climate change getting left out of Congress’ infrastructure plans?
- Is the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan inevitable?
- What can be done to curb America’s epidemic of gun violence?
- Can anything be done to reverse Lebanon’s economic collapse?
- Is America’s housing market facing another bubble?
- Should the Fed change course on its handling of inflation?
- Is Trump’s influence over the Republican Party starting to slip?
- Will Trump run again in 2024?
- Will the Biden Whitte House pay a political price for the fall of Afghanistan?
- Will Omar al-Bashir be tried by the ICC?
- Did America underestimate the Taliban?
- Can the international community prevent further deterioration of security and stability in Ethiopia?
- Should the International Olympic Committee move the upcoming games out of Beijing?
- Has Russia be appropriately punished for years of state-sponsored doping in athletics?
- How much will the Delta variant impede America’s economic recovery?
- What will the return of the Taliban mean for regional stability across the Middle East?
- Will turning the handling of COVID into a culture war issue backfire politically on Republicans in 2022?
- Will the IPCC’s new report incite any real global action on climate change?
- Has America failed in its responsibilities to Afghans that worked with the US government and NGOs?
- Is bipartisanship in American damaged beyond saving?
- How long can the Taliban remain in power in Afghanistan?
- Will the American public have the political will to re-engage militarily in Afghanistan if needed?
- How likely is a NATO return to Afghanistan?
- Can Taliban promises of a more tolerant Afghanistan under their control be trusted?
- Are there steps the US should take to improve its relationship with China?
- How has the Taliban changed since they last controlled Afghanistan?
- Is the way that Americans think about their own racial identity changing?
- What will the redistricting mean for the 2022 midterm elections?
- What will the return of the Taliban mean for America’s regional security interests?
- Will Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau be able to build a stronger governing mandate by holding snap elections?
- Does Biden still have an opportunity to revive the JCPOA?
- Should the US have stayed in Afghanistan?
- Is there a viable way for the international community to restore stability in Haiti?
- What can be done to bridge political polarization in American?
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 July
- Will the killing of President Moise escalate the chaos and violence in Haiti?
- Is the humanitarian crisis in Tigray improving?
- Is America still committed to international human rights?
- Is there anyone left in Belarus who can pose a serious opposition to Lukashenko?
- What can be done to curb the rash of kidnap and ransom abductions in sub-Saharan Africa?
- Will the Afghan government fall to the Taliban?
- Is Myanmar in a new civil war?
- Does America need new laws to adequately address the problem of online harassment?
- How much will the lack of rural vaccinations slow India’s economic recovery from COVID?
- What will the assassination of Presidnet Moise mean for the future of Haiti?
- Should the UN intervene in Myanmar?
- Should the US intervene in Haiti?
- Is the pro-democracy movement in Cuba on the rise?
- What should be done to calm the riots in South Africa over the jailing of Jacob Zuma?
- Should the US implement a wealth tax?
- Should there be an international ban on the use of lethal autonomous weapons in war?
- Is the interest of billionaires good for the future of space exploration?
- What more can the international community do to put an end to child labor?
- Will America’s military withdrawal from Afghanistan backfire?
- Is the far right gaining ground in Germany?
- Has globalization undermined America's middle class?
- Will COVID reshape the world in China’s favor?
- Will decreased vaccination rates slow America’s economic recovery from COVID?
- What comes next for Haiti?
- Is America facing an imminent inflation crisis?
- Has COVID-19 exposed to weaknesses of global supply chains?
- Can the international community do more to pressure China into further investigations into the origins of COVD?
- Should Congress be doing more to investigate the cases of Havana Syndrome?
- Will violence over the jailing of Jacob Zuma continue to escalate?
- Will delta and new variants reverse the progress made against the COVID pandemic?
- How will former President Trump’s return to the public eye impact the GOP?
- Can President Bide turn protests in Cuba to the Democrat’s political advantage in Florida's midterm election?
- Should the federal government start making the COVID vaccine compulsory?
- What can be done to reform the WTO?
- What does the future hold for South Africa’s ANC party?
- What should Canada do to reconcile its historical treatment of indigenous First Nations people?
- Can there be a negotiated peace between the Afghan government and the Taliban?
- Is the FDA moving too slowly to complete full approval of the COVID vaccines?
- Is the US manufacturing sector poised for a big resurgence?
- Are Democrats’ plans for a large human infrastructure bill wishful thinking?
- Can Peru’s new President restore some semblance of political stability?
- Are Bosnia’s hopes of joining the EU slipping further away?
- Is America ready to start making big changes to address climate change?
Friday, July 2, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 June
- Can the end of Netanyahu’s leadership lead to a durable peace process with the Palestinians?
- Will China’s decision to allow three children per family reverse its aging demographic trends?
- Can Israel’s coalition government stick together?
- Is it getting hard for Putin to keep himself in power?
- Can Biden restore international trust in America?
- Can Nafthali Bennett keep Israel’s new coalition government in line?
- Will Bibi Netanyahu make a comeback?
- Will ending enhanced unemployment benefits solve America’s current labor shortage?
- Has Haiti reached a new rock bottom?
- Should Mexico’s midterm election be viewed as a referendum on AMLO’s handling of COVID?
- Are Democrats’ plans for federal voting rights reforms dead on arrival?
- Has President Biden made a good faith attempt at a bipartisan infrastructure deal?
- Has ransomware become a serious threat to American national security?
- What can be done to curb America's epidemic of gun violence?
- Will the lifting of COVID restrictions see a return to frequent mass shootings across America?
- How the culture wars on the political right reshaped American politics?
- Should the wealthiest in America be paying more in texas?
- Is America’s image around the word rebounding?
- What should the US do to help curb government corruption in Latin America?
- Will President Biden’s meeting with Vladimir Putin bear any fruit?
- Will the ICC investigation into Rodrigo Duterte’s drug crackdown change human rights practices in the Philippines?
- How much of the migrant problem at the US southern border is due to reversal of Trump administration politics?
- Do cryptocurrencies fill an essential financial need?
- Is Europe finally turning the corner on COVID?
- Will the Gaza cease fire hold?
- Should the federal government more strictly regulate the commercial and private use of drone aircraft?
- What does Ibrahi Raisi’s election mean for Iran’s relationship with the world?
- Does the NCAA’s business model for college sports need to change?
- Will coup-related violence in Myanmar continue to escalate?
- Can African nations raise the resources needed to deal with COVID?
- Is the crisis in Venezuela getting worse?
- When will Eritrean soldiers withdraw from Tigray?
- Can the US and Iran agree on a way to rejoin the JCPOA?
- Are Republicans finally done with legal challenges to the ACA?
- Are Beijing’s crackdowns on Hong Kong starting to have serious economic effects?
- Can the Afghan government hold its ground against the Taliban?
- Can anything be done to bring stability to Libya?
- What should the American public expect from Congressional investigation into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena?
- Do recent Taliban victories signal a coming civil war in Afghanistan?
- Is Russia’s influence around the world decreasing?
- Should the US take more direct action in opposition to the Nordstream 2 pipeline?
- Will the ceasefire in Tigray hold?
- What role should the US play in the future of the Israel-Palestine peace process?
- Is China’s turn against Bitcoin good for the future of cryptocurrency?
- What more should the federal government be doing to combat childhood obesity?
- What should European nations do to counter the growing influence of ISIS in Africa?
- Is the Sahel becoming the new front in the global war on terror?
- When will COVID vaccines get full FDA approval?
- Will Congress take steps to reinforce the Voting Rights Act?
- Can Pres. Biden keep progressives in line with his legislative agenda?
- Has Netanyahu damaged the future political prospects for Israel’s Likud party?
- Has Canada reached a turning point in addressing its treatment of First Nations people?
- Will moves by Republican state legislatures to limit access to voting backfire politically?
- Is there any future for Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement?
- What more should the Biden White House be doing to push back against Russia?
- Will America’s withdrawal inevitably lead to a Taliban takeover?
- What can be done to get Haiti’s gang problem under control?
- Is America at the start of a new cold war with China?
- Will the US need to return to Afghanistan with significant military force?
Friday, June 4, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 May
- Has the US lost its international credibility on the issue of climate change?
- Is American law enforcement getting better at handling cybercrime?
- Should Bitcoin be outlawed?
- Will India’s BJP party face backlash from voters over its handling of COVID?
- Is Somalia falling back into a state of civil war and anarchy?
- Will Mario Draghi’s recovery plan for Italy succeed?
- Has Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs been a net positive for the Philippines?
- Has the Repbulican Party come to terms with losing the White House?
- Has COVID exposed the risks of global supply chains?
- Will the semiconductor shortage delay the global economic recovery from COVID?
- Has Brexit put the UK’s union at risk of breaking up?
- Is the war in Yemen nearing an end?
- Have the progressives taken control of the Democratic Party?
- What can be done to revive local journalism?
- Will anti-protest violence in Colombia continue to escalate?
- What should the US do to push for de-escalation of violence in Jerusalem and Gaza?
- What more should the federal government be doing to regulate cryptocurrencies?
- Should the federal government regulate private companies’ cybersecurity?
- How soon will the US reach herd immunity for COVID?
- Is the escalating violence between Israel and Gaza turning into an all-out war?
- Will Ethiopian leadership be held accountable for human rights violations in Tigray?
- Will Lula run again for Brazil’s presidency?
- Will Congress take up Section 230 reform?
- Is there more the Suga government should be doing to increase Japan’s fertility rate?
- How much would lifting patent protections speed the global COVID vaccination effort?
- Has COVID effectively put an end to anti-monarchy protests in Thailand?
- Will Israel be forced to send ground forces into Gaza?
- Should the Summer Olympics be cancelled?
- Is Congress finally ready to overhaul the way the military handles sexual assault cases?
- Should the International Olympics Committee move the upcoming games out of China?
- Is there any hope for a reset in the relationship between the US and Russia?
- Is the global COVAX scheme doomed to fail?
- Will the Gaza cease-fire hold?
- When will Palestine hold elections?
- Is the QAnon movement gaining a permanent foothold within American evangelical churches?
- Is support for Hamas growing among the Palestinian people?
- Is a bipartisan January 6’th commission still possible?
- Should the US create its own version of the Eu’s GDPR?
- Will Apple’s cooperation with the Chinese government tarnish its international brand?
- Should the US establish a vaccine passport program?
- Are America’s businesses getting better at cybersecurity?
- Is the US at serious risk of falling technologically behind China?
- Have the Abraham Accords made it more difficult to find a lasting peace deal for the Palestinians?
- Will California recall Gavin Newsom?
- Does American foreign policy rely too heavily on economic sanctions?
- Can the Biden administration build an international coalition to counter the behavior of China?
- Should the US devote more resources to getting COVID vaccines distributed around the world?
- Is the US economy facing imminent long-term inflation woes?
- Will the Biden administration’s approach to North Korea yield any success?
- Will legal challenges against Big Tech firms lead to changes in American antitrust laws?
- Will Biden use Temporary Protected Status to bypass Congressional inaction on immigration reform?
- Is unequal distribution of vaccines prolong the global COVID pandemic?
- Is anti semitism in the US growing?
- Are Western nations powerless to change the behavior of Belarus’ President Lukashenko?
- Should the Biden White House be directing more resources towards investigating Havana Syndrome?
- Should Beiden call off the summit with Putin?
- How long can Lukashenko remain in power in Belarus?
- How long will it take for the global economy to recover fully from COVID?
- Will Congressional Republican’s decision to kill the bipartisan January 6’th commission backfire politically/
- Is the Supreme Court ready to overturn Roe v Wade?
- Is the Sahel becoming the next major front in the global war on terror?
- Can the Biden administration save Afghan citizens who worked with coalition forces before leaving Afghanistan?
- Should EU nations deploy more military forces to the Sahel?
- How significant is the global undercount of COVID deaths?
- Is Netanyahu’s grip on power slipping away?
- A year after the killing of George Flyod have race relations in America changed?
- Will culture war issues return the GOP to Congressional majority status in 2022?
- Can bipartisan police reform make it through Congress?
- Will Joe Manchin kill Biden’s infrastructure plan?
Monday, May 3, 2021
Extemp Questions - 2021 April
- Should the Biden Administration push back more on Saudi Arabia?
- Does President Biden’s failure to punish the Saudi Crown Prince over the Khashoggi murder undermine America’s international authority?
- Should Congress end qualified immunity for police?
- Is COVID creating a large step backwards in the struggle for gender pay equity?
- Is public backlash to the coup making Myanmar ungovernable for the military?
- Will legislation targeted at the LGBTQ bring suburban voters back to the Republican Party?
- How much of President Biden’s infrastructure plan will make it through Congress?
- Will the Biden Administration’s infrastructure plan slow America’s economic recovery?
- How should college athletes be compensated?
- How much has COVID rolled back democratic rights around the world?
- Is vaccine nationalism impeding Europe’s recovery from COVID?
- Do the Palestinians need new leadership?
- Is Israel facilitating a dysfunctional government for the Palestinians?
- Will the Biden Administration offer any meaningful pushback on the completion of the Nordstream 2 pipeline?
- Should the Biden Administration restart engagement with Cuba?
- How should former Trump Administration officials be held accountable for political interference with the CDC during COVID?
- Will global vaccination efforts be able to stay ahead of new COVID variants?
- How long can Bibi Netanyahu continue to dodge his legal problems?
- Is the effect of YouTube getting overlooked in the conversation about online disinformation and extremist activity?
- How much of the migrant problem at the southern border is of the Biden Administration's own making?
- Is nationalism winning out against global cooperation in the fight against COVID?
- What should be done to push back against ongoing Russian aggressing in Ukraine?
- Will the US jobs recovery stay on track through 2021?
- Is Iran really prepared to come back into compliance with the nuclear deal?
- Has the long-term stability of the Jordanian government been brought into question?
- Will the Biden Administration’s plan to exit Afghanistan put the Taliban back in control?
- Should Ukraine join NATO?
- Will any amount of sanctions be able to deter Russia’s actions in Ukraine?
- How long can the Burmese public keep up the anti-coup protests?
- Is the era of large multinational companies dodging taxes by offshoring profits coming to an end?
- Will Congress take up the issue of gun control?
- Does the Biden Administration’s plan stretch the definition of infrastructure too far?
- Is Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement over?
- What will it take for the international community to end the Saudi-led blockade in Yemen?
- What will the end of the Castro era mean for the future of Cuba?
- Does Modi face a perilous political future because of the Indian government's handling of COVID?
- What will America’s departure mean for the future of the Afghan people?
- Does the verdict in the Chauvin trial signal a real change is comping in American policing?
- What role will Donald Trump play in the future of the GOP?
- Is it in the best interest of the US to return to the JCPOA deal with Iran?
- Is the Biden Administration taking the right approach towards Russia and Putin?
- What does China’s growing trade with Africa mean for the future of America’s influence on the continent?
- Can escalations in violence between Russia and Ukraine be avoided?
- Can Boris Johnson keep the support of the British public?
- What will the Chauvin trial mean for the DOJ’s oversight of law enforcement across the country?
- What can India do to bend it’s curve of COVID cases?
- Is America’s economy getting back on the right track?
- Is the US prepared to deal with another wave of COVID in the fall?
- Is America approaching the point where COVID vaccine supply will exceed demand?
- How much will vaccine hesitancy prolong the effects of COVID on the US economy?
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 March
- Will Sarkozy’s conviction have any impact on politics in France?
- Will the US get control of COVID in 2021?
- Is a lack of access to broadband internet exacerbating the education divide in America?
- What steps should the Biden Administration take to rebuilt America’s middle class?
- How can American become less vulnerable to international cyberattacks?
- Is there anything Biden can do to deter cyberespionage from Russia?
- Does American law enforcement have a bline spot when it comes to far-right extremist violence?
- When will the Bitcoin bubble burst?
- Can new leadership at the WTO bring about necessary change?
- Will Trump run again in 2024?
- Will the use of violence harden the resolve of the anti-coup protesters in Myanmar?
- Can Biden revive the Iran nuclear deal?
- How much will the Biden White House change America’s relationship with Saudi Arabia?
- Has the change promised by the Arab Spring become a forgotten dream?
- Where will the Abraham Accords between Israel and Arab states go next?
- What can the international community do to bring stability to Libya?
- Is the Nigerian government powerless to prevent the mass kinapping of its students?
- Has the Ethiopian government prematurely declared victory in Tigray?
- Is UN intervention necessary in Myanmar?
- Will the energy requirements of Bitcoin limit it’s long-term viability?
- What can the international community do against China’s treatment of it’s Uighur population?
- Has the international community abandoned the human rights crisis in Yemen?
- Are developing nations getting overlooked when it comes to COVID vaccinations?
- Will the White House and Congress find a way to pass a minimum wage increase?
- What should Biden do to ease the growing burden of Americans’ student loan debt?
- Has the time come for Congress to revise the AUMF?
- When will America be ready to directly address its race issues?
- Can the White House bring the Afghan government and the Taliban to a viable peace deal?
- Is the US prepared to walk away from its support of the Afghan government?
- Can the US and the EU get on the ame page when it comes to countering a rising China?
- What steps should the Biden Administration take to rebuild the US Foreign Service?
- What comes next for Hong Kong?
- Will the political changes forced by Beijing kill the economic prosperity of Hong Kong?
- Will Progressives in Congress give up on the push for a $15 minimum wage?
- Will vaccine hesitancy delay America’s economic recovery from COVID?
- Will music education in America survive COVID?
- Will Biden pull US forces from Afghanistan?
- Would American withdrawal from Afghanistan create a breakthrough or a collapse?
- Can President Biden change the behavior of Saudi Arabia?
- Can the US bring the US and Iran back to the JCPOA?
- What can be done to ease the growing crisis in Myanmar?
- How well is the Biden Administration handling the pandemic?
- Has Brexit put the peace in Ireland at risk?
- Will the global community make the COVAX program a success?
- Should Biden pursue a revised AUMF in Congress?
- Can Lula unseat Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil?
- How should the Biden Administration respond to aggressive cyberattacks by Russia and China?
- What should be done to curb the growing threat of terrorism in the Sahel?
- Should the DOD be doing more to expunge far-right extremism from the US military?
- What role will the US play in the future of Syria?
- Will Biden finally be able to close Guantanamo?
- Should the Biden Administration more forcefully push back against the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline?
- How much is America prepared to do to restore stability in Haiti?
- Does Biden have a plan to address the push factors behind the immigration crisis at the southern border?
- Is the Republican Party losing the message on voting access?
- What more should Biden do to prevent growing violence against Asian Americans?
- Did the Biden Administration act too quickly in changing Trump-era immigration policies?
- Will vaccination passports become part of the “new normal” after COVID?
- Will the deregulation of Indian agriculture benefit India’s local farmers in the long run?
- Does the royal family still adequately represent modern Britain?
- How long can Bibi Netanyahu keep his seat?
- Is America ready to address the issue of gun violence?
- What should Congress do to curb the epidemic of gun violence?
- Who will be Germany’s next Chancellor?
- Has the German public soured on Angela Merkel and the Christian Democratic Union?
- Is the Australian government moving too slowly on green energy?
- What international pressure can be applied to the military coup leaders in Myanmar?
- What should be done to make America less vulnerable to cyberattacks?
- What expectations should Americans have for Section 230 reform?
- Will Joe Biden’s Presidency see an escalation in tensions with North Korea?
- Can Biden’s legislative agenda overcome the Senate filibuster?
- Does the international community have a responsibility to intervene on behalf of China’s Uighurs?
- Will the peace between the Philippines government and the former Moro Islamic Liberation Front fighters continue to hold?
- Will Lula run again for Brazil’s Presidency?
- What more should the UK be doing to support the people of Hong Kong?
- Can Israel’s Labor Party be resurrected?
- Is Israeli politics too fractured for anyone to build a governing coalition?
- Are NFTs the future of art?
- What will COVID mean for Jair Bolsonaro’s legacy?
- Does the Biden Administrations failure to punish the Saudi Crown Prince for the Khashoggi murder undermine America's international moral authority?
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 Feb
- Should Japan cancel the 2020 Olympics?
- Should Biden complete the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan?
- Can Libya stay on track to hold elections in December?
- What can be done to fix the way that recycling is done around the globe?
- Has online censorship gotten out of control?
- What will Brexit mean for the UK’s long-term relationship with the rest of the world?
- Are big changes coming for the big tech companies?
- Is a sustainable peace on the horizon for Afghanistan?
- What will China’s growing regional influence mean for the future of Latin America?
- What measures should the US take to break the power of Mexico’s drug cartels?
- Is China’s global soft power growing?
- What should the stock market learn from GameStop?
- Should the federal minimum wage be raised to $15?
- Should the SEC place greater restrictions on options trading?
- How quickly can EU nations meet their COVID vaccination goals?
- What will be needed for Nigeria to finally put an end to Boko Haram?
- How much will international pressure matter to the leaders of Myanmar’s military coup?
- Can anyone build a stable government in Italy?
- Is COVID putting an unbearable debt burden on the developing world?
- Will Biden’s executive action on the environment slow America’s recovery from COVID?
- What steps can the international take to restore security in Haiti?
- How will Biden change America’s foreign policy towards Turkey?
- Can anything be done to bring stability to Haiti?
- Should Israel provide COVID vaccinations to the Palestinians?
- What comes next for Syria?
- Seriously though, what the hell is wrong with Ted Cruz?
- Do social media companies have a responsibility to moderate the user-generated content on their platforms?
- Is the influence of QAnon growing?
- Can the Saudi Crown Prince repair his international image?
- Will Myanmar’s coup bring international support back to Aung Sang Suu Kyi?
- Has Saudi Arabia learned any lessons from it’s war in Yemen?
- What will the exit of the Trump Administration mean for the future of Saudi Arabia’s relationship with the US?
- Is the rural-urban divide still the key to political polarization in America?
- Is North Korean denuclearization still an achievable goal?
- Should the Biden Administration be doing more to erase the racial disparity in COVID vaccinations?
- What does a second acquittal mean for Donald Trump’s future as a political force in America?
- Is there still a path forward in the movement to pass Medicare for all?
- Can Mario Draghi right the ship of the Italian economy?
- Will Myanmar’s military junta escalate the use of force to crack down on pro-democracy protests?
- How much will lack of access to Twitter defang Donald Trump?
- Can the Republican Party still turn out voters in the post-Trump presidency?
- Are Democrats in Congress giving up on bipartisanship too quickly/
- What reforms are needed to bring a stable government to Israel?
- Can Netanyahu survive another election?
- How long will it take for the US to reach herd immunity?
- Is the EU failing on COVID vaccinations?
- Can Congress and the White House work on a deal on immigration?
- Will the rise of variant strains prevent the world from brining COVID under control in 2021?
- What steps should be taken to curb sexual assault in the US military?
- What should be done to counter the rise of far-right extremists in military and law enforcement ranks?
- Should President Biden implement a plan for student loan debt relief?
- Has a poor transition process hamstrung the Biden Administration’s COVID response plans?
- Is expanding the use of nuclear power key to addressing climate change?
- Can Biden’s plans to address climate change also be used to speed America’s economic recovery?
- How important will international respect for human rights be to Biden’s overall foreign policy strategy?
- What strategies should the Republican Party use to continue growing support among minority voters?
- What impact will an American envoy have on the conflict in Yemen?
- Should Trump face criminal charges over the January insurrection?
- What changes need to be made at the VA to improve veterans’ access to mental health care?
- What effect will the end of the Trump presidency have on the QAnon movement?
- How will the Biden White House change America's relationship with Israel?
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 January
- What steps should the Biden administration take to counter the national security threats posed by Russia?
- Should Biden reverse Trump’s tariffs on trade with China?
- Can Biden rebuild international trust in America?
- Has the end of Trump’s presidency finally pushed the Republican Party past the breaking point?
- How long will it take for the US to reach herd immunity for COVID?
- Should Israel provide COVID vaccinations for the Palestinians?
- Can Putin stifle the growing discontent of the Russian public?
- How long will the military coup in Myanmar last?
- Should the US do more to support pro-democracy protests in Myanmar?
- Is it time for the US to establish a national carbon tax?
- Can the Biden administration find a way to cooperate with China on climate change?
- Can President Biden revive bipartisanship in America?
- Will the 21’st century be the Chinese century?
- What will it take for Uganda to have free and fair elections?
- Will Brexit renew the movement for Scottish independence?
- How should the incoming Biden administration change America’s strategy towards Russia?
- What should President Biden to do find a permanent solution for Israel and Palestine?
- What can be done to restore civility to American national politics?
- Should the Biden White House expand sanctions against China over Hong Kong?
- What steps should the incoming Biden administration take to push back on China’s actions in Hong Kong?
- Should Mynamar’s military leadership face trial for genocide against the Rohingya?
- Are baby-boomers being replaced as the key generation in American politics?
- Has the office workspace become obsolete?
- Is police reform on the way in Colombia?
- Has COVID hastened the arrival of a post-American world?
- Will the terms of the Brexit deal make it more difficult for the UK economy to recover from COVID?
- Should President Trump be impeached a second time?
- Will the Capitol Hill insurrection permanently stain the legacy of President Trump?
- Is Fin-Tech poised to disrupt global financial markets?
- How much worse can the security situation in Yemen get?
- How long will it take for American unemployment to recover from the coronavirus?
- How long will the shadow of Donald Trump remain over the Republican Party?
- What does the future hold for private enterprise in China?
- Is Biden’s plan to release reserves of COVID vaccine a gamble worth taking?
- Is America facing a double-dip recession on the horizon?
- Has President Duterte’s war on drugs in the Philippines been successful?
- What will it take to restore respect for human rights norms in the Philippines?
- Does the US need a broader federal strategy for COVID vaccinations?
- What will a second impeachment mean for the post-Trump Republican Party?
- Can the Democratic Party remain unified?
- What immediate steps should the Biden administration take to get America’s COVID response on the right track?
- Has the use of the filibuster killed democracy in the Senate?
- How much will invoking the Defense Production Action improve America’s COVID-19 response?
- Is new leadership taking Japan’s economy in the right direction?
- Can China become a global leader in electric car manufacturing?
- Will the use of forced labor drive global supply chains away from China?
- Will a global food crisis follow on the heels of the COVID pandemic?
- Will there be enough votes to convict Donald Trump in the Senate?
- Will the arrest of Navalny mark a turning point for Russia’s political future?
- Will protests force the Modi government to backtrack on India’s new farming laws?
- Should new leadership at the DOJ prioritize combatting far-right extremist groups?
- What will a Democratic majority in Congress mean for the the Biden administration’s legislative agenda?
- Can party leadership keep the slim Democratic majority in Congress in line?
- Will Senate Democrats end the filibuster?
- How will history remember the Presidency of Donald Trump?
- Is Museveni’s grip on power in Uganda tightening?
- Can traditional conservatives continue to live in the same party as the Trump wing of the GOP?
- How will Germany’s international role change after Merkel leaves?
- What are the long-term prospects for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh?
Monday, January 4, 2021
Extemp Questions 2020 December
- Will President Trump attempt to pardon himself?
- What’s next for his family after President Trump leaves office?
- Can a new Biden administration successfully rebuild the State Department?
- What will it take to restore America’s international role in protecting human rights?
- Will more diversity and inclusion in the Biden cabinet help it govern better?
- What will Russia’s expanded role in the former Soviet republics mean for the region?
- Will the approval of COVID vaccines result in lax adherence to public health guidelines ahead of mss vaccinations?
- Should America legalize assisted suicide for the terminally ill?
- Can the American economy find a way to recover from COVID-19 without making economic inequality worse?
- Has globalization undermined the ‘American Dream’?
- Is it time for the US to expand the use of nuclear power?
- Has President Trump abused the pardon power?
- Is the two-party system bad for American democracy?
- What can America do to position its economic recovery to better compete with China?
- Will the anti-vaccine movement slow America’s recovery from COVD-19?
- What should the international community do to crack down on the use of forced labor in global supply chains?
- Has Fox News lost the trust of the Republican base?
- Is further Israeli annexation of West Bank territory inevitable?
- Will the incoming Biden administration back the BDS movement against Israel?
- Should more be done to end corruption on world athletics?
- What should be done to combat growing food insecurity around the world?
- Should Congressional Democrats hold out to get a larger COVID stimulus package?
- What does China’s mission to the moon signal for the future of space exploration?
- Will developing nationals get passed over when it comes to global COID vaccinations?
- Can Boeing regain the public’s trust?
- Does the relationship between Australia and China need a reset?
- Is Germany’s AFD party losing ground?
- Is the strained relationship between Qatar and Saudi Arabia improving?
- Can anything be done to improve political polling in America?
- How long will it take for the US economy to recover from COVID?
- How important will President Trump be to Georgia’s special election?
- Will Ireland’s Good Friday agreement become a casualty of Brexit?
- Where does the GOP go from here as a political party?
- Will anyone be held responsible for the Beirut port explosion?
- What will a Biden presidency mean for foreign policy?
- Is content moderation on social media an unsolvable problem?
- What should Nigeria do to better protect schoolchildren from being kidnapped?
- What legacy has the Arab Spring left on the Middle East?
- What role should the US play in the growing tensions between Australia and China?
- Can Biden keep the left and center of the Democratic Party in line?
- How should the US respond to unprecedented cyber-espionage by Russia?
- How safe are Americans in cyberspace?
- What more should the US do to push back on China’s actions in Hong Kong?
- Where does China turn next to compete with America on the global stage?
- Does American national security strategy need to refocus attention back onto great power conflict?
- How will Republicans define themselves in the post-Trump era?
- How long will COVID dominate the agenda of the incoming Biden administration?
- Should the US launch retaliatory cyberattacks against Russia?
- Is the peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan at the brink of collapse?
- How much will remote learning set back the education of America’s school children?
- Will the Biden administration push for additional COVID stimulus spending?
- What’s next for the relationship between the EU and the UK?
- Is it time for Turkey’s membership in NATO to end?
- What will another election mean for Israel’s political future?
- Will Bibi Netanyahu survive another election?
- Should the federal government establish a regulatory agency for tech companies?
- Is Macron marginalizing France’s muslims?
- Can Boris Johnson stave off another Scottish independence referendum?
- How much damage will Brexit do to the UK economy in the short term?
- What is the endgame for the ongoing conflict in the Horn of Africa?
- Can Biden bring Iran back to the table to renegotiate the JCPOA?
- Is a sustainable peace in Afghanistan possible?
- Are cryptocurrencies the future of money?
- Is the US abandoning the issue of human rights around the world?
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