- Should the Biden Administration push back more on Saudi Arabia?
- Does President Biden’s failure to punish the Saudi Crown Prince over the Khashoggi murder undermine America’s international authority?
- Should Congress end qualified immunity for police?
- Is COVID creating a large step backwards in the struggle for gender pay equity?
- Is public backlash to the coup making Myanmar ungovernable for the military?
- Will legislation targeted at the LGBTQ bring suburban voters back to the Republican Party?
- How much of President Biden’s infrastructure plan will make it through Congress?
- Will the Biden Administration’s infrastructure plan slow America’s economic recovery?
- How should college athletes be compensated?
- How much has COVID rolled back democratic rights around the world?
- Is vaccine nationalism impeding Europe’s recovery from COVID?
- Do the Palestinians need new leadership?
- Is Israel facilitating a dysfunctional government for the Palestinians?
- Will the Biden Administration offer any meaningful pushback on the completion of the Nordstream 2 pipeline?
- Should the Biden Administration restart engagement with Cuba?
- How should former Trump Administration officials be held accountable for political interference with the CDC during COVID?
- Will global vaccination efforts be able to stay ahead of new COVID variants?
- How long can Bibi Netanyahu continue to dodge his legal problems?
- Is the effect of YouTube getting overlooked in the conversation about online disinformation and extremist activity?
- How much of the migrant problem at the southern border is of the Biden Administration's own making?
- Is nationalism winning out against global cooperation in the fight against COVID?
- What should be done to push back against ongoing Russian aggressing in Ukraine?
- Will the US jobs recovery stay on track through 2021?
- Is Iran really prepared to come back into compliance with the nuclear deal?
- Has the long-term stability of the Jordanian government been brought into question?
- Will the Biden Administration’s plan to exit Afghanistan put the Taliban back in control?
- Should Ukraine join NATO?
- Will any amount of sanctions be able to deter Russia’s actions in Ukraine?
- How long can the Burmese public keep up the anti-coup protests?
- Is the era of large multinational companies dodging taxes by offshoring profits coming to an end?
- Will Congress take up the issue of gun control?
- Does the Biden Administration’s plan stretch the definition of infrastructure too far?
- Is Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement over?
- What will it take for the international community to end the Saudi-led blockade in Yemen?
- What will the end of the Castro era mean for the future of Cuba?
- Does Modi face a perilous political future because of the Indian government's handling of COVID?
- What will America’s departure mean for the future of the Afghan people?
- Does the verdict in the Chauvin trial signal a real change is comping in American policing?
- What role will Donald Trump play in the future of the GOP?
- Is it in the best interest of the US to return to the JCPOA deal with Iran?
- Is the Biden Administration taking the right approach towards Russia and Putin?
- What does China’s growing trade with Africa mean for the future of America’s influence on the continent?
- Can escalations in violence between Russia and Ukraine be avoided?
- Can Boris Johnson keep the support of the British public?
- What will the Chauvin trial mean for the DOJ’s oversight of law enforcement across the country?
- What can India do to bend it’s curve of COVID cases?
- Is America’s economy getting back on the right track?
- Is the US prepared to deal with another wave of COVID in the fall?
- Is America approaching the point where COVID vaccine supply will exceed demand?
- How much will vaccine hesitancy prolong the effects of COVID on the US economy?
Monday, May 3, 2021
Extemp Questions - 2021 April
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