- Is El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin as a national currency doomed to failure?
- Can the Taliban successfully run the government of Afghanistan?
- Is Afghanistan facing an impending humanitarian crisis?
- Are EU nations losing trust in America as an international ally?
- What measures should EU nations enact to get COVID under control?
- Will the new child tax credit be made permanent?
- Will Senate Democrats end the filibuster?
- Is Congress headed for another last-minute showdown over the debt ceiling?
- Will the Taliban live up to their promises to keep Afghanistan from becoming a safe haven for international terrorism?
- Is the international threat posed by ISIS-K growing?
- Will opposition to Texas’ SB8 anti-abortion law motivate voters to turn out in the 2022 midterms?
- What more should the international community be doing to help stabilize Haiti?
- Can the Biden White House find a way to build partnership with China on fighting climate change?
- Will Mexico’s decision to decriminalize abortion encourage other Latin American countries to follow suit?
- Will Texas SB8 law backfire politically on Gov. Greg Abbott?
- Will the Supreme Court overturn Roe?
- How much influence will America be able to assert over the human rights practices of the Taliban?
- Who will follow Yoshihide Suga as Japan’s Prime Minister?
- Is Japan entering a period of instability in political leadership?
- Will Merkel’s exit mean a stronger Green Party in Germany?
- Is Germany moving further to the right politically?
- Can Europe do anything to push Russia out of Crimea?
- What more should state and federal governments be doing to expand COVID vaccination uptake?
- Will the expanded Child Tax Credit be made permanent?
- Will the federal government default on its debt?
- Will the fight over fresh water undermine California’s economic growth?
- Will Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro crack down more on political opposition ahead of next year’s elections?
- Is there anything the US can do to revive the stalled Israel-Palestine peace process?
- Is Nigeria becoming more successful at fighting Boko Haram?
- Can the EU still apply leverage to change the human rights practices of the Belarusian government?
- What lessons should America take for the 2022 midterms from California’s failed gubernatorial recall?
- Should America take a stronger stance with Egypt over human rights violations?
- Has America learned anything from twenty years in Afghanistan?
- How much is partisan political polarization slowing America’s recovery from COVID?
- How far will China go to achieve reunification with Taiwan?
- How much influence will Pakistan have over the new Taliban government in Afghanistan?
- Will the federal vaccine mandate get America to herd immunity for COVID?
- Should the international community put strong human rights conditions on humanitarian aid to Afghanistan?
- Will the Biden Administration’s employer mandate harden the resolve of vaccine skeptics not to get the shot?
- Is the US labor market starting to cool down?
- How big of a deal is the semiconductor chip supply shortage for the US economy?
- Can the new AUKUS defense pact successfully contain China’s growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region?
- What steps should the US take to prepare for the next big pandemic?
- Will Sen. McConnell’s decision to oppose raising the debt limit backfire politically in the 2022 midterms?
- Has the chance for real immigration reform disappeared?
- Will Mario Dragi be able to implement the reforms he wants in Italy?
- Will China’s ban on bitcoin entice other nations to put restrictions on the use of cryptocurrency?
- Will Pres. Biden be able to usher his legislative agenda through Congress?
- Can Congressional Democrats get to an agreement on a spending bill?
- What more should Japan be doing to close the gender gap in their society?
- Is COVID delaying the economic shock of Brexit on the UK?
- Is China’s wolf warrior diplomacy backfiring?
- What will the AUKUS pact mean for the balance of military power in the Indo-Pacific?
- Will Iran’s new hardline government be willing to return to the JCPOA?
- What will be Angela Merkel’s legacy for Europe?
- How much will America’s chaotic exit from Afghanistan damage the Biden White House on the international stage?
- Should America be sharing more COVID vaccinations globally?
- How worried should America be about the emergency of new COVID variants?
- How should the Biden Administration change America’s relationship with Pakistan?
- What has the Taliban learned from the takeover of Afghanistan?
- Has the Supreme Court become too political?
- Is the UN still a useful international forum?
- Has the WTO been undermined to the point of becoming useless?
- Is the Biden Administration normalizing and cementing Trump’s foreign policy?
- Will internal party politics kill Congressional Democrats’ spending plans?
- Will the EU follow Pres. Biden’s lead on policy towards China?
- Should the EU build up an independent military force separate from NATO?
- Is the US a reliable global leader and partner on climate change?
- Will China be able to meet its own goals on carbon emissions?
- Is QAnon the future of the Republican Party?
- Is France’s far-right on the rise politically?
- Should the US be doing more to pressure Ethiopia into ending the fighting in Tigray?
- Will the exit from Afghanistan make the Biden Administration shy away from other international engagements?
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Extemp Questions 2021 Sept
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