Extemp Questions
Round 1 - Asia
1. Will Taiwan attempt to declare independence in the shadow of the 2008 Beijing Olympics?
2. Can China control its economy?
3. Can America shrink its trade deficit with China?
4. How dangerous are North Korea’s nuclear weapons?
5. Will a Nuclear North Korea be willing to return to the 6-Party talks?
6. Should the world provide more humanitarian aid to North Korea?
7. Is Thailand’s economy due for a makeover?
8. Will Thailand’s new cabinet enact significant new reforms?
9. Has South Korea’s “Sunshine Policy” with the North worked as it was intended to?
10. Is Internet censorship in China working?
11. Is Japan’s economy on the verge of a strong resurgence?
12. Can an increase in Japan’s birth rate secure the economy for another generation?
Round 2 - Europe, Africa and Latin America
1. Has Bosnia’s new constitution worked to keep the peace?
2. How effective were the reforms initiated by Ukraine’s Orange Revolution?
3. Should Turkey be admitted into the EU?
4. Will the Horn of Africa be ignored in the war on terror?
5. How can war-torn Africa move forward?
6. Does Nigeria have any hope for a stable future?
7. How much has Rwanda healed in the years since the genocide?
8. Would cheap retroviral drugs help African nations develop?
9. Will a larger force really prevent illegal border crossings from Mexico to the US?
10. Is the US embargo against Cuba still necessary?
11. How dangerous is Hugo Chavez to American interests?
12. Can Lula de Silva effectively combat poverty in Brazil?
Round 3 - US
1. How will the Republican controlled Congress fare in the wake of the Mark Foley scandal?
2. What will it take to have real campaign finance reform?
3. Can the Big Three American automobile manufacturers continue to compete in the global marketplace?
4. Does the US spend enough on primary and secondary public education?
5. Is a guest-worker visa program a tenable solution to the growing problem of illegal immigration?
6. How can the rising costs of higher education be curbed?
7. Is America positioned for a resurgence of centrist politics?
8. Is it time for the US to take another look at universal health care?
9. Should The Fed raise interest rates?
10. What should the Bush Administration do with Guantanamo Bay detainees?
11. Is the threat of homegrown terrorism overstated?
12. Which nation will pose the greatest threat to US security in the next decade?
Spare Round – Middle East
1. What steps are necessary to defeat the Iraqi insurgency?
2. Is a lasting Arab-Israeli peace a pipe dream?
3. What is preventing Iraq from establishing a viable domestic police force?
4. How can narcotics trafficking in Afghanistan be curbed?
5. Has the death of Yasir Arafat improved life for the Palestinian people?
6. Is the Israeli “security fence” still a good idea?
7. What can America learn from Israel’s experience in occupying Palestine?
8. What pieces are still missing to achieve peace in Iraq?
9. Is a lasting peace between Syria and Israel a real possibility?
10. Should Iraq be carved into Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish states?
11. Will expansion of Israeli settlements end hope for lasting peace with Palestine?
12. Will Iraq prove to be a training ground that will begin to export terrorists to other areas?
Final Round - Global Issues
1. Is America doing enough internationally to provide Humanitarian Aid?
2. Does the US exert too much influence in the UN?
3. Who does Fair Trade benefit the most in the global economy?
4. Is the UN World Food Program doing enough to reduce world hunger?
5. Who will be the next UN Secretary General?
6. Does free trade promote labor exploitation in third world countries?
7. Will the development of nuclear weapons in Iran prompt similar activities throughout the Middle East?
8. How should the world react to Iran’s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons?
9. Is the IAEA doing its job effectively?
10. What can the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation do to best help the world?
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