• Should America adopt a system of proportional representation for congressional elections?
• Should the US adopt instant run-off voting for federal level elections?
• Are effective election reforms possible in the US?
• Should the US get rid of the electoral college for Presidential elections?
• Should national level elections be standardized and regulated by the federal government?
• How can the US overcome the different conflicts of interest in the process of running elections?
• Should the same sex marriage debate be left to the individual states to decide?
• How can the US become the global leader in environmental protection?
• Can a single-payer system work for the health care system in the US?
• Is enough being done to combat homelessness in the US?
• What reforms to mental health care would most benefit the US?
• What more should be done to combat global hunger?
• Can the development help eradicate Malaria across the globe?
• What metrics should be used to determine a timeline for US troop withdrawals from Iraq?
• Is the federal government doing enough to ensure America’s cyber-security?
• Will Russian President Dmitri Medvedev continue the path laid by Vladimir Putin?
• Can President Medvedev end the rampant corruption in the Russian government?
• Has life for Israeli Arabs improved over the past few years?
• Should the US be willing to accept a long-term troop presence in Iraq?
• Is the primary campaign season in the US too long?
• Have attack ads in the Democratic primaries helped John McCain in the general election?
• Is America ready for an African American President?
• What steps are necessary for the US to return to a balanced budget?
• Can Israel survive as a Jewish democracy?
• Is an independent Palestine in the best interest of Israel?
• When will the US housing market rebound?
• Can Congress pass effective campaign finance reform?
• How significant of a problem are performance enhancing drugs in professional sports?
• Should Intelligent Design be taught in America’s public schools?
• How can the US most effectively wage the War on Terror?
• Should education be a more prominent issue in the Democratic primaries?
• How well has General Patraeus been doing in Iraq?
• How should the role of the US in the Middle East change?
• Why have the Kyoto protocols been so ineffective at promoting environmental controls?
• Will the rest of the global economy fall under the US recession?
• Should federal government contributions to school funding be raised?
• Is online file sharing bad for musicians?
• Should the federal ban on stem cell research be lifted?
• What dos the future hold for Cuba?
• Is the black market trade of nuclear materials being combated effectively?
• Can Afghanistan effectively police the narcotics trade within its borders?
• Would Obama be a stronger candidate than Clinton in the fall elections?
• Can the stranglehold of special interests in Washington be broken?
• Does Hillary Clinton still have a viable path to the Democratic nomination?
• Is universal health care a viable solution to the problems in the American Health Care System?
• Will values voters be a necessary block of voters for the Presidential nominees to court?
• Can the US afford to enforce its immigration policies?
• Is youth violence on the rise in the US?
• Does US foreign policy do enough to address international human rights issues?
• How large of a part should energy efficiency play in resolving America’s energy independence?
• Is America’s high education staying competitive with the rest of the world?
• Will America’s economy right itself in the second half of 2008?
• Is the development of corn based ethanol hurting the US economy?
• Is Colin Powell a viable running mate for John McCain?
• Are free trade agreements good for the US economy?
• Will Kosovo’s declaration of independence recreate the regional instabilities of the 1990’s?
• Should the US increase the number of H1-B visas?
• Is state sponsored terrorism on the rise?
• What has been the impact of the Brown v. Board decision on American society?
• Is Barak Obama capable of running an effective national campaign against John McCain?
• How can the US become more energy efficient?
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