Been a while...I've been jotting these down and haven't had much time until this week to type them all out.
• How much will America’s economic slowdown curb illegal immigration?
• Is President Hugo Chavez losing control of the Venezuela’s government?
• Is Hugo Chavez losing his dream of Bolivarian Socialism?
• Can Afghanistan successfully develop an economic alternative to growing opium poppies?
• Will Wal-Mart be forced to allow its employees to unionize?
• When will an HIV vaccine be developed?
• Is the global community doing enough to curb the spread of AIDS in the developing world?
• What effect will the retirement of the baby boomers have on the US economy?
• What effect will Obama’s presidency have on US race relations?
• Should the federal government subsidize the development of new nuclear power plants?
• What effect will falling oil prices have on political stability in the Middle East?
• Can global philanthropy use business practices to effect social change?
• Should the US implement a cap and trade system on carbon emissions?
• Is the Indian government doing enough to combat urban poverty?
• What direction will Cuba take under the leadership of Raul Castro?
• Who can lead the push for a strong, unified Latin American political bloc on the world stage?
• Is normalization of diplomatic relations between India and Pakistan possible?
• What should the US do with detainees currently in Guantanamo Bay?
• Is there a way back for the Republican Party?
• Does Silicon Valley still have its economic magic?
• Has a single currency been good for European economies?
• Should the UK adopt the Euro as its currency?
• What should the federal government do to get displaced American workers employed again?
• Should Kashmir be granted its independence?
• What political fallout will come from Russia’s current economic slide?
• How much is Internet shopping eroding the sales of American brick and mortar retailers?
• What can President Obama learn from Bill Clinton’s failed attempt at Mideast Peace?
• What impact will aging populations have on the global economy?
• Will the American tech sector prove resistant to the economic downturn?
• Does Britain’s Labour Party have a solid plan to break out of the current economic slump?
• Should the US postpone plans for missile defense systems in Europe?
• Is America’s Department of Homeland Security doing enough to guard the infrastructure of Cyberspace?
• What legacy will the second Bush Administration be remembered for?
• What should the federal government do to revive the lagging US housing market/
• Has mark to market accounting failed the US financial system?
• Should the FDIC form a ‘bad bank’ to absorb troubled assets?
• How should the US now define victory in Iraq?
• Can the British Army sustain its operations across the globe?
• Has the US troop surge in Iraq created a climate that permits political reconciliation?
• Does continued US engagement in Iraq strengthen the regional power of Iran?
• Does Pakistan pose a larger risk to US interests than Afghanistan?
• How can European nations get out from under the thumb of Russia’s Gazprom?
• How can the US federal government get financial institutions to restart the flow of credit to the economy?
• Should US taxpayers bear the risk of insuring banks’ lending?
• How can the British government restore banks’ capital levels?
• Why is single malt scotch so awesome?
• Does the current economic crisis set the stage for another round of class warfare in America?
• Should American universities do more to recruit foreign students?
• How can American automakers remain globally competitive?
• How will the global economic woes change the flows of migrant workers?
• How can the US best put terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda on the defensive?
• Can the US afford to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay?
• Can President Obama give the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the attention it requies?
• Could a unity government administer Palestine effectively?
• Should Obama reverse President Bush’s decision to block US participation in the ICC?
• Does the economic stimulus plan move to slowly to effect economic recovery?
• What more should the federal government do to trim the rising costs of higher education?
• Should the EU loosen it’s economic requirements for membership?
• Can the UK government shore up struggling British banks?
• Is the US successfully combating the global movement of radical Islam?
• When will America’s efforts towards a European missile defense shield come to fruition?
• Should the WHO be more ambitious in combating global diseases?
• Should US law enforcement agencies be prohibited from storing the DNA samples?
• When will Chinese car makers be able to push into the US auto market?
• Should American multinationals be allowed to repatriate money made abroad without facing taxes?
• Will global philanthropy survive the economic crisis?
• Can the Republican Party successfully rebrand itself to American voters?
• Can Japan’s LDP party recover voters’ support?
• How can the Japanese government restore consumer confidence?
• Are bigger tax cuts needed in the US economic stimulus package?
• Are America’s financial sector executives morally as well as financially bankrupt?
• Should the European Central Bank lower interest rates?
• How can financial institutions add clarity and transparency to derivatives markets?
• Can bipartisanship win out in Congress?
• Will the US economic stimulus package create another round of global trade wars?
• How can the Republican Party rebuild its public image?
• Should individual states be required to disclose how federal stimulus money is spent?
• Can India keep up its economic growth amidst global downturn?
• Should the UN push for stricter sanctions against Myanmar?
• Will the government of Thailand loosen les magistre prohibitions on free speech?
• Can a free, independent press survive in Russia?
• Will a draw down of US troop presence in Iraq respark sectarian violence?
• Is the Iraq public disillusioned with the political process?
• Have the economies of the Asian Tigers been overly dependant on exports?
• Should developing nations have more say in the IMF?
• What more should the federal stimulus plan do for developing a comprehensive energy plan?
• Has American policy failed in the war on drugs?
• How will the new Israeli government affect the peace process?
• What place does ‘abstinence only’ sex education have in American education policy?
• Should the UN offer more aid to Haiti?
• Will revenues from newly discovered oil fields strengthen government corruption in Brazil?
• Is the Department of Homeland Security doing enough to secure America’s borders?
• Should the US renegotiate NAFTA?
• Should the US continue to support Hamid Karzai?
• Can additional American troops improve the security situation on the ground in Afghanistan?
• Should America’s foreign policy strategy in Central Asia be rethought?
• How can Taiwan best weather the economic downturn?
• Can a power-sharing government successfully run Zimbabwe?
• Can China sustain strong economic growth against the fall in global markets?
• Will the economic downturn strengthen the power of US labor unions?
• Does nuclear deterrence still have a place in US foreign policy?
• Will China’s growing middle class push for political change?
• Is Obama’s strategy for Iraq realistic?
• Does America need significant prison reform?
• Should the federal government impose net neutrality rules on American broadband providers?
• Should the federal government nationalize failing banks?
• Is political reform in Saudi Arabia moving too slowly?
• How should the US define victory in Afghanistan?
• Is the risk of a failed Palestinian state a significant worry for US policy in the Middle East?
• Does the US military need to put more effort into expanding it’s Civil Affairs force?
• How can the US combat Islamist insurgency in AfPak?
• Should the US do more to support Pakistan’s President Zadari?
• Is peace between India and Pakistan impossible?
• Should the EU have a larger voice on the world stage?
• Should American automakers be allowed to go bankrupt?
• Should Europe put more focus on the development of nuclear power?
• What does the future hold for EU expansion?
• Is there a chance for political consensus in Pakistan?
• Can new leadership build a functional government in Somalia?
• Does Europe need a unified industrial policy to survive the economic downturn?
• Has the UK been successfully addressing the concerns of its Muslim citizens?
• Is the EU effectively integrating Muslims immigrants into new cultures?
• Does the US still face significant threats of domestic terrorism?
• How large of a threat does a nuclear armed Iran pose for the region?
• Does Europe’s energy market require further consolidation to counter Russia’s influence?
• Will more Eastern European nations require IMF bailout?
• Should the federal government do more to encourage the recycling of household waste?
• Is America committed to a two-station solution in the Israel-Palestine conflict?
• Should the US government limit the size of banks to prevent failures that pose a systemic risk?
• Can the FDIC cope with the scale of bank failures?
• How will the Chinese government expand its economic stimulus to keep growing the economy?
• Should the Chinese government spend more on rural health care?
• How will Obama’s Presidency change America’s role in the Middle East?
• Should the ICC prosecute Sudan’s President Bashir?
• Is the Obama Administration doing enough to stimulate confidence in the economy?
• Should the federal government allow AIG to fail?
• Does the Obama stimulus plan need to be bigger in the short term?
• Does American news media work hard enough to ask the tough questions?
• What reforms are necessary in the American prison system?
• Is Mexico’s drug war moving to the US?
• How well has Latin America coped with the global economic downturn?
• Is political stability in Thailand still far off?
• Will corruption ruin South African democracy?
• Can Jacob Zuma retain support among South African voters?
• Can a coalition government lead Israel effectively?
• What can the Middle Eastern nations learn from Saudi Arabia’s success in combating radical Islam?
• Can the Iraqi government keep former Sunni insurgents from picking up arms again?
• Could fighting in the Balkans still flare up again?
• Who can take over leadership of Britain’s Labour Party?
• Does Europe’s economy show a glimmer of hope among global depression?
• Are the Torries poised to take power from the Labour Party?
• Has Russia’s Dimitri Medvedev shown himself to be the shadow of Vladimir Putin?
• Should the US continue to push for a draw down in the global number of nuclear weapons?
• How will Russia respond to NATO expansion into Eastern Europe?
• Can the US convince China and Russia to assist in dealing with Iran’s nuclear program?
• Does the Internet need a global legal framework to address international cybercrime?
• What kind of long term viability do American auto-makers have?
• Can GM avoid bankruptcy?
• When will American consumer spending begin to pick back up?
• How is Japan faring in the global economic crisis?
• How can Asian economies become less dependent on exports?
• Has Afghanistan become a true narco-state?
• Will the “green” stimulus money have lasting effects on US unemployment?
• Should the US push for further domestic development of bio-fuels?
• Will American unemployment get worse before the next mid-term elections?
• When will a Malaria vaccine become a reality?
• Is outrage over expensive bonuses undermining efforts to stimulate the economy?
• Can additional NATO troops ensure a stable election in Afghanistan?
• What more should the UN do to combat the spread of AIDS in Africa?
• Is Iranian development of nuclear weapons inevitable?
• Can the US economy survive a deep, long-term recession?
• How can the Republican Party in the US reinvent itself?
• Should National Guard troops be used to enforce border security?
• What role will Michelle Obama play in the Administration?
• What does Iran’s upcoming Presidential election mean for the future of the Middle East?
• Will the risk of accidents slow the global adoption of nuclear energy?
• Is American military spending out of control?
• Will Congress cut defense spending?
• Has Web 2.0 lived up to the hype?
• Is bankruptcy the best choice for American carmakers?
• How well is Obama doing thus far?
• What should the world do about the situation in Sudan?
• Is the ICC an effective body for adjudicating world crimes?
• What should Congress do to encourage cuts in American carbon emissions?
• Would a cap and trade system for carbon emissions work in the US?
• Are African nations improving in the fight against AIDS?
• Can democracy succeed in the Persian Gulf?
• Should the US unilaterally draw down its stockpile of nuclear weapons?
• How well are developing nations weathering the economic storm?
• What is the future of Iran’s theocratic regime?
• Does Iraq face an inevitable resurgence of sectarian violence?
• What can be done to curb corruption in African governments?
• Is the Sudan effectively a failed state?
• What should the UN do to ease the suffering of the Sudanese populace?
• How can the Pakistani government beat the insurgency in the North?
• Can new militias offer a real solution to the security situation in Afghanistan?
• Does rising unemployment pose a risk to China’s economic growth?
• Will Europe pass the Lisbon Treaty?
• Does the EU need a full time President?
• Can Britain maintain its stimulus spending levels?
• Will the current economic crisis be the downfall of the Labour Party in Britian?
• Is America moving fast enough on a global stage to combat global warming?
• Is the US ready to commit to significant reductions in carbon emissions?
• Has the Taliban found a safe new home in Pakistan?
• Does the global economy need new mechanism for regulating international banking?
• Is organized crime on the rise again in the US?
• Should the federal government pus to expand broadband Internet access across the US?
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