Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Extemp Questions for May, June and July 2009

One of these days I'll actually start typing these out on a normal basis istead of jotting them in my omnipresent notepad so that I never get around to clearing out

• Should former Bush Administration officials be held legally accountable for torture to detainees?
• What should be done with Guantanamo detainees?
• Is a two state solution the key to successful peace in the Middle East?
• Is a resolution over the future of Palestine key to successful diplomacy with Iran?
• How will the BRIC nations cope with the global economic problems?
• Should the US ratify the nuclear test ban treaty?
• Does the world economy need a global central bank?
• Should the UN impose new sanctions on North Korea?
• Should the Obama Administration push for a new dialogue with Cuba?
• How safe is America’s border with Mexico?
• How can Mexico’s President Calderon win in his war against the drug cartels?
• Can China create an affordable and comprehensive health care system?
• Can additional NATO troops ensure a stable election in Afghanistan?
• What more should the UN do to slow the spread of AIDS in Africa?
• Is Iranian development of nuclear weapons inevitable?
• Can the US economy survive without GM?
• How can the Republican Party make itself more appealing to younger voters?
• Does voter outrage over bank executive’s pay make it difficult to provide necessary bailout funds?
• Is cyber=warfare a real threat to American infrastructure?
• Who should oversee America’s cyber-security efforts?
• Should US stimulus spending include funding for student debt relief?
• How should the Treasury overhaul the US financial regulatory system?
• Is the federal government ignoring the growing problem of homelessness?
• Is the US doing enough to stem the flow of Afghani opium?
• Should US do more to stem the flow of drugs and guns with Latin America?
• Should China take the lead in the six party talks with North Korea?
• Is Palestine the key to a de-nuclearized Iran?
• Is the worst over for the global economy?
• How long will it take for the US housing market to recover?
• Why is America’s voter turnout so low?
• How can Europe establish sustainable fisheries?
• How will a global outbreak of flu impact the global economy?
• What effects will GM’s bankruptcy have?
• What significance will GM’s bankruptcy have to the US economy?
• What kinds of people should Barack Obama appoint to the federal judicial system?
• Will Pres. Obama’s Supreme Court pick get approved by the Senate?
• Will the US economy need more federal stimulus money?
• Is the American military losing the fight in Afghanistan?
• Does the rise of Internet based news services signal the end for print newspapers?
• Should the EU push France to reform its prison conditions?
• How much will the financial crisis impact America’s long term economic health?
• How long will it take for America’s financial services industry to recover?
• What role should the US play in supporting the Iranian protesters?
• Will President Obama get health care reform accomplished in his first term?
• Is the White House doing enough to control federal spending?
• Is California’s prison system beyond repair?
• What plans should Sri Lanka have for post war reconciliation?
• What does Indonesia’s July election mean for the future of national politics?
• Does North Korea’s continued development of long range missiles pose a significant threat to the US?
• Can Britain’s Labour Party survive the next general election?
• Should African nations do more to subsidize small and subsistence farming/
• Do African Union nations need to take a more active role in Zimbabwe?
• How long can Robert Mugabe continue to exert his control over Zimbabwe?
• Should the compensation of American companies’ executives have federal government oversight?
• How should the US engage with the Iranian government?
• What support should the US provide to Iranian protesters?
• Is Chinese currency manipulation a threat to US economic recovery?
• Do charter schools work?
• Should America’s public schools have longer days and shorter summers?
• Does a strong Real mean long term economic growth for Brazil?
• How aggressive will the Chinese government be in its carbon emission reduction targets?
• Can the Pakistani government effective rein in the ISI?
• Is human trafficking a significant problem in Southeast Asia?
• Is militant Islam gaining strength in Central Asia?
• How can the international community get Sudan’s President Bashir to adhere to peace agreements?
• Why is anti immigrant attitude on the rise in Europe?
• Is Obama’s health care plan overreaching?
• Will Iran’s clerics be forced to choose between a legitimate government and uncontested power?
• Should the US push Netanyahu to accept a two state solution with Palestine?
• How can Argentina turn itself around?
• Do President Obama’s proposed reforms to US financial regulation give the Federal Reserve too much power?
• How can Japan encourage greater competition among its businesses?
• Will Iran’s leadership be forced to hold new elections?
• Can Mexico’s President Calderon really crack down on drug related government corruption?
• How can the US encourage greater foreign investment in Afghanistan?
• How will North Korea change after Kim Jong Il?
• What can be done to improve the world’s view of Zimbabwe?
• Should the World Bank provide more funding for infrastructure development in Africa?
• Can Israel afford to stop expansion of its settlement areas?
• Does the current state of Palestinian life in Gaza damage Israeli security?
• Should the US make it easier for third world refugees to apply for political asylum?
• What can President Obama do to encourage more publically funded elections?
• Will European unemployment continue to rise?
• Should the remaining US automobile industry be forced to adhere to even stricter CAFE standards?
• Are biofuels a viable stepping stone to a nationwide fleet of electric cars?
• Is America in decline around the globe?
• What should be the goal of America foreign policy in Africa?
• Does a multipolar world mean a decline for US influence globally?
• Why is American health care so expensive?
• Should health care reform incorporate more managed care?
• Are the welfare reforms of the 90’s being undone by federal economic stimulus?
• Will Obama push to reverse the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy?
• Are relations between Taiwan and China improving?
• Is security in Iraq getting worse?
• Should America set a timetable to withdrawal its forces from Afghanistan?
• Will aging populations prolong the global economic downturn?
• Should the EU be more involved in peacekeeping efforts in Africa?
• Should the US military devote more resources towards international peacekeeping efforts?
• Can the LDP still survive on the national political stage in Japan?
• Will Italy’s public debt mean a longer lasting economic crisis?
• Should Balkan nations be admitted into the EU?
• Is piracy sill a major threat for the American entertainment industry?
• Should the Chinese government crack down harder on counterfeit goods?

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