Thursday, December 1, 2011

Extemp Questions Sept/Oct/Nov 2011

Sept/Oct 2011
•What should the federal government do to minimize US market volatility?
•How reliable are the stress tests used by European banks?
•Do western economies need another round of quantitative easing?
•Can the new Libyan government maintain security & stability?
•What does the future hold for Libya?
•What can Mexico do to grow its economy?
•What should the international community do to help stabilize Libya?
•Is Japan’s government capable of stable leadership?
•Will the LDP rise to power again in Japan?
•Can President Sarkozy win reelection in France?
•Should the UN recognize the statehood of Palestine?
•Has the Ukrainian democratic revolution lived up to its promises?
•What do Augusts riots in London say about social stability in Britain?
•Can the UK coalition government survive?
•Will Italy’s austerity measures be enough to protect its economy?
•Can the government of Silvio Burlesconi rebuild the Italian economy?
•Does the global economy face recession?
•Do western economies face a double-dip recession?
•Can European governments agree on appropriate financial policy?
•When will the US housing market recover?
•What should the federal government do to curb unemployment?
•Will the 2012 election create gridlock in Congress over passing a job program?
•Should the federal government do more to promote higher education in the US?
•Can the Obama Administration rebuild Americans’ trust in their government?
•What can be done to improve Americans’ trust in their government?
•\Is America’s higher education system failing?
•Can President Obama build an effective partnership with Republicans in Congress?
•Can President Obama get re-elected despite the state of US unemployment?
•Will Congress act on a jobs bill before the election?
•Does Palestine’s/move for UN recognition of statehood mark an end to the Middle East peace process?
•Should the federal government have a large role in the public school system?
•What role should the federal government play in America’s public education?
•Should US troops be deployed to Mexico to aid in the drug war?
•How can President Obama rally the Democratic voter base in 2012?
•Does the Democratic party need more activism to counteract the Tea Party movement on the right?
•How stable is the Russian middle class?
•Is Russia too dependant on petroleum?
•Will a payroll tax cut entice American businesses to create new jobs?
•Should the IMF push for stronger financial reforms in Greece and Italy?
•How can the Afghan government effectively combat the Taliban forces in the tribal regions?
•Can Greece afford to default on their debt payments?
•Will the Arab Spring result in lasting democratic change in Islamic nations?
•How well are European businesses dealing with the Euro crisis?
•Can the Republican Party count on the support of Latino voters?
•How can the Republican Party rally the support of Latino voters in 2010?

Nov 2011•How much can the clean energy sector restart America’s economy over the long term?
•Are the policies of the Obama Administration to anti-business?
•Can the Occupy Wall Street movement effect real political change?
•Will the Republican candidates view on immigration alienate Hispanic voters?
•Can Herman Cain’s campaign survive all the way to the Republican primaries?
•What can be done to restore Americans’ trust in government?
•How quantitative easing programs worked in the US?
•Will the Occupy Wall Street movement reinvigorate the Democratic Party for the the 2012 election?
•Can President Obama gain politically from the failure of the debt super-committee?
•Will Greek financial problems break the back of the rest of the Euro Zone?

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