Monday, December 9, 2013

Extemp Oct. / Nov. 2013

  • What effect would a US government shutdown have on the global economy?
  • Should Obama give ground to prevent a government shutdown?
  • What would be the long-term effects of a US det default?
  • What does suspension of US aid to Egypt signal about the future of US foreign policy?
  • Is brinksmanship over the debt ceiling good for American politics?
  • Are significant election reforms needed to remove the partisanship from US politics?
  • What would it take to bring the Muslim Brotherhood back into the politial system in Egypt?
  • How long can China continue at it’s current rate of economic growth?
  • Will repeated brinksmanship between Congress and the President have significant negative impacts for the US economy?
  • Will history view Edward Snowden as a hero for privacy?
  • Can Iran’s new President Rouhani work out a deal with the International community for sanctions relief?
  • Is China doing enough to clean up it’s environmental record?
  • Should China be doing more to reduce its carbon footprint?
  • Should additional constraints be placed on placed on US intelligence data gathering methods?
  • Does the US need to make greater effort to repair its reputation in the international community?
  • Is the Middle East at significant risk of a nuclear arms race?
  • How can the Federal government repair the rollout of Obamacare?
  • Is a military solution possible in Syria?
  • How can the Indian government continue to fuel economic growth?
  • How significantly has the government shutdown impacted US military readiness?
  • Does continued political brinksmanship over the US budget harm the global economy?
  • What measures should be taken to control American entitlement spending?
  • Does the end of the current government shutdown only delay resolution of the partisan fight?

  • How can President Obama best preserve the legacy of his second term?
  • Does Puerto Rico face a significant debt crisis?
  • When will public opinion of Washington hit bottom?
  • Does the declining perception of America in the global community harm US national security?
  • Has the government shutdown harmed America’s credibility on the international stage?
  • What does the future hold for the Republican Party?
  • Will an end to the M23 insurgency in the DR Congo lead to a lasting peace?
  • What does India’s mission to Mars signal about the future of space exploration?
  • Are the Euro zone economies doing enough to curb unemployment?
  • Does new leadership of the Pakistani Taliban create a significant threat for the Pakistani government?
  • Should the Obama Administration pay more foreign policy attention on emerging Asian economies?
  • What can be done to reign in the drug cartels in Mexico?
  • Is a nuclear deal with Iran really possible?
  • Would a nuclear deal with Iran be good for the Persian Gulf region?
  • Can Germany elect a stable government?
  • Is political instability in Germany having negative impacts on European economies?
  • Have Democrats in Congress begun to lose confidence in the sucessfulness of Obamacare?
  • Do Democrats face serious risk of losing seats in Congress over Obamacare?
  • Will China be able to implement planned reforms in the next five years?
  • Can the new Chinese leadership implement real reforms?
  • Will Chile’s new leadership move the government far to the left?
  • Will divisions among the goals of Western nations prevent an agreement with Iran over nuclear development?
  • Can President Maduro restore economic stability in Venezuela?
  • Will continued daily hardships reduce the power of the Chavista movement in Venezuela?
  • Is it too early to understand the long term effects of the Affordable Care Act?
  • Should the US Congress push for greater sanctions against Iran while a nuclear deal is still being negotiated?
  • Will the Republican Party split further during the 2014 election cycle?
  • Should more be done to combat piracy along the Somali coast?
  • Is political reconciliation possible in Thailand?
  • Will Thaksin Shinawatra be allowed back into Thai politics?
  • Will peace talks between the FARC and Colombian government succeed?
  • Is a lasting peace between the government and the FARC impossible

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Extemp Questions July / Aug 2013

July • Has the Arab Spring failed to materialize real progress? • Do race relations still pose an area of conflict in American politics? • Should senate rules be modified to override filibusters by simple majority vote? • Will comprehensive immigration reform come out of Congress this year? • Will European unemployment continue to rise? • Has the Tea Party turned the Republican Party into an ineffective political organization? • Does American trade policy need more protectionist measures to balance trade deficits with Asia? • Will the LDP return to power in Japan’s Diet?? • How will Venezuela change after the death of Hugo Chavez? August • How can America create more middle class jobs? • Is the class divide in the US greater than the racial divide? • Will Egypt fall into military dictatorship? • Can President Obama meet his second term economic objectives? • Has BP failed in in it’s response to the gulf oil spill? • Does the conviction and sentencing of Bradley Manning set a significant precedent for journalists? • (alternative) what significance does the decision in the Bradley Manning case have for journalists? • Are free and fair elections in Zimbabwe possible? • Does the conviction of Silvio Berlusconi signal a new era for Italian politics? • Should the US continue drone strikes in Pakistan’s territory? • Is a sense of personal shame missing in American politics? • Are the chances for a Middle East peace deal better or worse today than previously? • What is needed to release Zimbabwe from the control of the Zanu-PF party? • Will an Iran under the leadership of new President Rouhani be more open to negotiate on matters of nuclear development? • Is Iran ready to be serious about nuclear negotiations? • Should the US withhold military aid to Egypt? • Should America take any reactive steps to Russia’s grant of asylum to Edward Snowden? • Will Republicans in Congress and President Obama come to a budget agreement? • Has the Obama Administration done enough to shape the public debate between privacy and security in American intelligence policy? • has the Japanese government done enough to clean up after Fukushima? • What are the prospects of Congress passing immigration reform in the upcoming session> • What does growing nationalist sentiment mean for Japanese policymakers? • Will continued violence lead to another political revolution in Egypt? • Should American foreign policy towards Egypt change? • Should the US cut off aid to Egypt? • How should the world react to Syria’s possible use of chemical weapons? • Will the release of former Egyptian President Mubarak help stabilize the embattled nation? • Should the US use stronger diplomatic leverage to block Iran from continued nuclear development? • Hae BP and Halliburton been held properly accountable for the Deep Water Horizon oil spill? • Should the US take military action in Syria?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Belated Extemp Questions

March 2013
  • Has the moment already passed to get effective gun control legislation through Congress?
  • How secure are America’s borders?
  • Will Congress be able to pass comprehensive immigration reform in this session?
  • How significant of a threat to the US is North Korea?
  • Will increased tension between the US and North Korea strain the US relationship with China?
  • What can the US do to bring North Korea back to the diplomatic table?

  • Does the Department of Veteran’s Affairs need new leadership?
  • Should America arm Syrian rebels?
  • What role should America play in the ongoing Syrian civil war?
  • Can America create an international coalition to remove Bashir Assad from power?
  • Is the American government ignoring cyber-security?
  • Is Obama already a lame duck President?
  • What legacy will Obama leave in his second term?
  • What political impacts will the continued Benghazi hearings have on the Obama Administration?
  • Is the military leadership failing o prevent sexual assault in the armed forces?
  • Will recent controversies make it impossible for Obama to accomplish his second term agenda?

  • What should the Obama Administration do to restore Americans’ faith in government?
  • Will the scandal around the IRS targeting of conservative tax-exempt organizations prompt Congress to enact a simplification of the US tax code?
  • Has the Obama Administrations credibility been irreparably damaged by the recent scandals?
  • Is Peggy Noonan just bat-shit insane?
  • Should Attorney General Holder resign?
  • What economic legacy will the Obama Administration leave in it’s second term?
  • What role should the US play in the ongoing Syrian conflict?
  • What should European economies do to combat high unemployment?
  • How much longer will the Euro Zone economies stay in recession?
  • Will the \constitutionality of the NSA’s Prism program be challenged in the courts this year?
  • What can Obama do to make his second term successful?
  • Will Obamacare be effective in controlling inflation in health care costs?
  • Has Putin’s return to power in Russia resulted in significantly greater political oppression?
  • How should US foreign policy be restructured to address growing Russian anti-American rhetoric.
  • Should the Federal Reserve back off of quantitative easing programs?
  • How well are emerging market economies faring in the current global economy?
  • Should social media play a larger role in American diplomacy and foreign policy?
  • Will new leadership bring reforms to Iran?
  • Should America’s foreign policy stance towards Iran change?
  • How long will the dollar remain the default global currency?
  • Is it time for a change in American policy towards Cuba?
  • When will Congress pass comprehensive immigration reform?
  • What effect will Obamacare have on rising health care costs?
  • Are minimum sentencing guidelines and effective tool in the war on drugs?
  • Should American energy policy encourage further exploration of domestic fossil fuel resources?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Extemp Questions Feb 2013

Forgo to post these. Kinda easy to forget when I only do it once a month or every other month...

Feb. 2013

  • How can the Obama Administration promote economic growth?
  • Is Congress on the brink of gridlocking the federal government?
  • Can Congress avoid sequestration?
  • Can the Republican Party court immigrant voters?
  • What can be done to make Washington less dysfunctional?
  • Will economic concerns outshine gun control legislation for Congress’ attention?
  • Should Congress pass immigration reform legislation that allows for a path to citizenship for those currently in America?
  • Will the DREAM Act be signed into law?
  • Should Congress change the broad executive military powers the President has in fighting the war on terrorism?
  • Will growth in the Asian consumer markets become the driver of the global economy within the next decade?
  • How much will China’s consumer spending grow this year?
  • Will Europe continue to see high unemployment and growing debts?
  • Does America face the real possibility of a government shutdown over disagreements between the White House and Congress?
  • What can be done to grow African economies?
  • Is Israel committed to creating a two-state solution with Palestine?
  • Does North Korea’s continued development of it’s nuclear weapons program pose a serious risk to regional stability?
  • Have European austerity measures worked?
  • Is the influence of the Tea Party waning?
  • What steps are necessary to end Israeli occupation of Palestine?
  • Does the PLO provide effective leadership to the Palestinian people?
  • Can Congress pass meaningful debt reduction this year?
  • Does the sequester pose a significant risk for essential government services?
  • Would letting the sequester move forward pose a threat to national security?
  • Will a universal background check on firearms sales pass Congress this year?
  • Have there been significant changes to the Republican Party’s beliefs since the last election?
  • Will Congressional Republican’s bear the majority of the blame for the state of the US budget?
  • What impact will the sequester have on national economic growth?
  • Is Italy ungovernable?
  • Will the issues of budget and sequestration derail the rest of Obama’s second term political agenda?
  • What impacts will sequestration have on the US economy?
  • Should President Obama done more to avoid the sequestration cuts?
  • Will Republicans in Congress be more likely to compromise with President Obama on tax revenues?
  • How long can the federal government continue to jump from one fiscal crisis to the next?
  • What Medicare reforms can be implemented by Congress?
  • What political impacts will the sequester cuts have for the Republican Party?
  • What effect will Germany’s upcoming elections have on the European economy?
  • How much will the Indian economy grow in 2013?

March 2013

  • Would a balanced budget actually hurt the American economy?
  • Can Congress agree on a budget plan this year?
  • Does the NRA still have significant influence in Washington?
  • Can an assault weapons ban pass Congress this year?
  • Can the Republican Party reinvigorate membership by lowering it’s tone on social issues?
  • Is there a significant generation gap in the Republican Party?
  • What effects will a Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage have on the social landscape of the US?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Extemp Questions - Nov., Dec., Jan.

From Nov/Dec. 2012

  • Can Obama’s second term bring bring cooperation with Republicans in Congress?
  • Can the President and Congress find a workable compromise to avoid the fiscal cliff?
  • Can the Republican Party maintain loyalty among it’s members on tax policies?
  • Can the Democrats unify around a set of entitlement and spending cuts to compromise with Republicans in Congress?
  • What is the near term outlook for the American economy?
  • What effects would the American economy face if Congress can’t reach a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff?
  • Is closing tax loopholes enough of a reform to get a compromise between Republicans and Democrats in Congress?
  • What should President Obama’s priorities be for his second term?
  • Is Egypt’s President Morsi an ally of the US or a problem for the US?
  • Should the US be more engaged in the Middle East?
  • Can President Obama convince Congress to pass effective gun control legislation?
  • Should America put armed guard or police in public schools?
  • Can the NRA be a part of the solution to the problems of American gun violence?
  • Wll America fall off the fiscal cliff?
  • How difficult will it be for Obama’s cabinet changes to be confirmed by Congress?
  • Can the President and Congress reach a long term fiscal compromise?
  • What is the economic outlook for America in 2013?
  • Will President Obama win the political fight with Speaker Boehner over the budget?
  • What should the Obama Administration’s priorities be for the second term?
  • Should entitlement reforms be a high priority for Obama’s second term?
  • Does the pro-gun lobby still have significant influence in Washington?
  • Is comprehensive immigration reform a realistic goal for Obama’s second term?
  • How bad of a shot are you that you need a thirty round clip to kill a deer or hunt a quail?
  • Will Congress face a significant fight over rasng the debt ceiling?

Jan 2013
  • Will Congressional Republicans hold the debt ceiling vote hostage for further spending cuts?
  • Is President Obama dealing effectively with increases in American government spending and debt?
  • Does America face another downgrade of it’s credit rating because of the debate over federal spending?
  • Will the President’s second term agenda be held hostage by Congressional Republicans over the spending debate?
  • What key reforms are necessary to bring Medicare to long term fiscal solvency?
  • Is there a significant division within the Republican Party over how ot engage with the Obama Administration?
  • Is the US dollar at risk of being demoted as the global reserve currency?
  • What is the global economic outlook for 2013?
  • What role will China play in international negotiations aimed at reducing global greenhouse gas emissions?
  • What can the Obama Administration do to bridge the partisan divide in Congress?
  • Should Congress re-enact Glass-Steagall?
  • Will Sen. Chuck Hagel be confirmed as Secretary of Defense?
  • Should cuts be made to the US defense budget to counter fiscal deficit concerns?
  • Are universal background checks an integral part of the solution to gun violence?
  • Will the single European currency survive in the long term?
  • What does the LDP’s return to power in Japan mean for the Japanese economy in the near term?
  • Can President Obama and Congress agree on a deal that solves America’s long term fiscal problems?
  • Should NATO countries draw down their troop presence in Afghanistan ahead of schedule?
  • is the long term political stability of Afghanistan secure?
  • How can Greece successfully restructure its debt?
  • Has the government of Sri Lanka been successful in reconciliation with the Tamil Tigers?
  • Will Palestinian refugees be granted a right of return?
  • Has the Bank of japan done enough to grow the Japanese economy?
  • Should Britain leave the EU?
  • Is maximizing shareholder value still a valid metric for successful businesses?