Feb. 2013
- How can the Obama Administration promote economic growth?
- Is Congress on the brink of gridlocking the federal government?
- Can Congress avoid sequestration?
- Can the Republican Party court immigrant voters?
- What can be done to make Washington less dysfunctional?
- Will economic concerns outshine gun control legislation for Congress’ attention?
- Should Congress pass immigration reform legislation that allows for a path to citizenship for those currently in America?
- Will the DREAM Act be signed into law?
- Should Congress change the broad executive military powers the President has in fighting the war on terrorism?
- Will growth in the Asian consumer markets become the driver of the global economy within the next decade?
- How much will China’s consumer spending grow this year?
- Will Europe continue to see high unemployment and growing debts?
- Does America face the real possibility of a government shutdown over disagreements between the White House and Congress?
- What can be done to grow African economies?
- Is Israel committed to creating a two-state solution with Palestine?
- Does North Korea’s continued development of it’s nuclear weapons program pose a serious risk to regional stability?
- Have European austerity measures worked?
- Is the influence of the Tea Party waning?
- What steps are necessary to end Israeli occupation of Palestine?
- Does the PLO provide effective leadership to the Palestinian people?
- Can Congress pass meaningful debt reduction this year?
- Does the sequester pose a significant risk for essential government services?
- Would letting the sequester move forward pose a threat to national security?
- Will a universal background check on firearms sales pass Congress this year?
- Have there been significant changes to the Republican Party’s beliefs since the last election?
- Will Congressional Republican’s bear the majority of the blame for the state of the US budget?
- What impact will the sequester have on national economic growth?
- Is Italy ungovernable?
- Will the issues of budget and sequestration derail the rest of Obama’s second term political agenda?
- What impacts will sequestration have on the US economy?
- Should President Obama done more to avoid the sequestration cuts?
- Will Republicans in Congress be more likely to compromise with President Obama on tax revenues?
- How long can the federal government continue to jump from one fiscal crisis to the next?
- What Medicare reforms can be implemented by Congress?
- What political impacts will the sequester cuts have for the Republican Party?
- What effect will Germany’s upcoming elections have on the European economy?
- How much will the Indian economy grow in 2013?
March 2013
- Would a balanced budget actually hurt the American economy?
- Can Congress agree on a budget plan this year?
- Does the NRA still have significant influence in Washington?
- Can an assault weapons ban pass Congress this year?
- Can the Republican Party reinvigorate membership by lowering it’s tone on social issues?
- Is there a significant generation gap in the Republican Party?
- What effects will a Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage have on the social landscape of the US?
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