What is the outlook for Obamacare in 2014?
Should the individual mandate in Obamacare be delayed?
Is security in Iraq still a primary concern for stability?
Will a deteriorating security situation in Sudan cause the international community to intervene?
Does the deal to freeze Iran’s nuclear development mean real progress?
Are international peacekeeping forces necessary to maintain stability in the Central African Republic?
What is needed to maintain peace in the Central African Republic?
Will new peace talks make any headway in South Sudan?
Should the international community reduce sanctions against Iran?
Is it time for the US to end the embargo against Cuba?
Are French President Hollande’s proposed spending cuts a distraction from personal allegations against him?
Will a compromise US budget deal encourage further bipartisan cooperation in the US Congress?
Has America’s foreign policy lost touch with the world?
How important will the fight against global poverty be in bringing peace to conflict zones?
Will renewed protests in Egypt create a path to stability or just more violence?
Can the new round of Syrian peace talks in Geneva succeed?
Do the protests in Ukraine signal a major government revolution?
Should the US be more actively engaged in the Syrian peace talks?
Is 2014 the year the Chinese economy slows?
Can the Colombian government and the FARC reach a peace deal?
Can the Taliban retake Afghanistan?
What’s next for Syria?
Is online privacy essential for the future of the Internet?
Should the UN take a more active role in the Central Aftrican Republic crisis?
Should the US be more concerned about protests and growing dissent in the Ukraine?
What does the future hold for electronic privacy in the United States?
Do electronic surveillance programs in the US pose a significant risk to economic growth?
How long will oil prices remain so high?
Should the Fed tighten up its loose monetary policies?
Will Scotland vote for independence?
Should the international community impose sanctions against the Ukraine?
Does the UK government need to take drastic measures to reform its education system?
Can America afford for Congress to keep delaying on immigration reform/
Is Thailand’s political system rigged against real reforms?
Will the political crisis in Thailand lead to a split of the country?
Should the central banks of G-20 nation give their effects on developing nation’s economies greater consideration?
What does the future hold for US-Russia relations?
Does Ukraine’s new leadership fac serious questions to their legitimacy?
What should the EU do about the ongoing problems in the Ukraine?
What role should the US play in the Ukraine crisis?
What steps are necessary for reconciliation in the Ukraine?
Can the US and Russia cooperate effectively on the international stage?