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Extemp Questions - Nov / Dec. 2014
- How well is Germany coping with the influx of immigrants?
- Should Congress pass “right to die” protections for terminally ill patients?
- Should the international community provide more food aid to South Sudan?
- Who will be the new leader in Burkina Faso?
- Has the US military failed to properly address the issue of sexual assault?
- Should the EU do more to discourage Russian intervention in the Ukraine?
- Should banks that are “too big to fail” face additional regulatory scrutiny?
- What will Republican control of congress mean for the remainder of Obama’s presidency?
- Can President Obama and the Republican congressional majority work together?
- What is needed to push back the Islamic State militants?
- What does the fighting in Kobane represent in the fight against ISIS?
- Is Modi on track to be an effective leader for India?
- Will the new Republican majority in Congress be able to push forward legislation on the Keystone pipeline?
- Should the US be more actively engaged in Syria?
- Should the African Union take a more active role in the fight against Boko Haram forces?
- Does the defeat of ISIS require the agreement of Sunni leadership?
- What impact will demographic changes to America have on the future of the Republican Party?
- Is there a bright future for global economic growth?
- Will Catalan gain more autonomy from the central Spanish government?
- Is a nuclear deal with Iran still attainable?
- Has America underestimated the threat that ISIS poses?
- Will additional US ground troops be necessary to beat back Islamic State forces in Iraq?
- What does the future hold for the leadership if the Democratic Party?
- Is the justices stem failing African Americans?
- Would greater whistleblower protections be in the best interest of the American public?
- Is Japan's corporate culture holding back its economy?
- Why has the Colombian government aight with FARC guerrilla lasted so long?
- Will the Obama Administration's use of executive action on immigration have negative u it ended consequences?
- What can the EU do to solve problems with illegal immigration?
- What effect will the changing demographics of age have on the US economy in re next decade?
- What impact will falling oil prices have in the global economy?
- What role should the Army play in Thailand's politics?
Will Hong Kong's Umbrella Revolution lead to any real reforms?
- Should the African Union employ greater military force in the fight against Boko Haram?
- Do rebel forces in Syria pose a real threat to the Assad regime?
- Is federal financial regulation of a Wall Street too weak?
- Will President Obama face political fallout for his foreign policy changes towards Cuba?
- What effect will US foreign policy changes towards Cuba have on the future of the Castro regime?
- Does the falling value of the ruble pose a serious economic risk for Russia?
- What effect will normalized relations with Cuba have on the American political landscape for 2016?
- Will Japan’s national elections result in significant structural reforms to the Japanese economy?
- Should the federal government do more to improve public cybersecurity?
- Should businesses do more to protect the cybersecurity of their employees, clients and customers?
- Does American intellectual property law need significant reform?
- How should the American government respond to North Korean cyberattack against Sony?
- Is the US government doing enough to combat cyberterrorism?
- Will America’s change in diplomatic status achieve any real political change in Cuba?
- Should America increase sanctions against Venezuela?
- Does Greece’s debt still threaten Europe’s economy?
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