- How much will the GOP tax plan deepen the problem of income inequality?
- Can Russia negotiate a lasting peace for Syria?
- Will Congress be able to avoid a government shutdown?
- Will Congress change the way it deals with accusations of sexual harassment?
- Will the political fight over the leadership of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau backfire against the Trump Administration?
- Is Rex Tillerson on the way out?
- How quickly can Saudi Arabia diversify and reinvigorate its economy?
- Should the federal government do more to encourage Americans to increase their recycling?
- Can Syria find a permanent peace if Assad remains inpower?
- Will the indictment of Michael Flynn force a political showdown between Congress and the Trump Administration?
- Has the Republican Party lost the moral authority to speak on family values?
- Has the Democratic Party dropped the ball on mobilizing opposition to the GOP tax plan?
- Does Prince Harry’s engagement modernize the Royal family to the British public?
- Should Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies face international financial regulation?
- How should the Trump Administration respond to continued North Korean weapons tests?
- Will China do more to rein in North Korea?
- Should the federal government do more to clean up lead in the water of American cities?
- What more should California do to address the growing problems of homelessness?
- Can the international community find a way to clean up space debris in Earth orbit?
- Can President Uhuru Kenyatta find a way to unite the Kenyan people?
- Wll political discord in Kenya result in new rounds of violence?
- Is the Trump White House waging a war on the First Amendment?
- What will it take for politicians accused of sexual harassment and assault to face the same consequences as leaders in the private sector?
- Can the special relationship between the US and the UK survive the Trump Administration?
- Does the Republican Party still have a long-term problem with national demographic changes?
- Will the GOP tax bill be good for Republicans to run on in 2018?
- What more can Congress do to protect Americans from cyber-attack?
- Can the international community hold the Syrian regime accountable for war crimes?
- Is the West in decline on the global stage?
- Is China prepared to take on a larger geopolitical role?
- Is America repeating the mistakes that caused the financial crisis of 2008?
- Can Theresa May’s government work out a mutually agreeable Brexit deal with the EU?
- Should the UK cancel President Trump’s planned state visit?
- Is America headed towards preemptive war against North Korea?
- Is General Flynn’s indictment the beginning of the end of the Mueller investigation?
- Will the Republican tax bill cost the GOP in the 2018 midterm elections?
- Has the Republican Party lost its credibility on fiscal conservatism?
- How much will the GOP tax plan help the American middle class?
- Is Robert Mueller’s investigation an existential threat to the Trump White House?
- Will the GOP tax cut boost the wages of America’s workers?
- Is the Trump Administration pushing the Iranian public to support political hardliners?
- Should the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election put more focus on the national security threat of future Russian interference?
- Should primary and secondary education in America include more training on media literacy?
- Has the Trump Administration made a Mideast peace deal less likely to happen?
- Is Trump Administration policy creating a power vacuum in the Middle East?
- Has Saudi Arabia overplayed its hand across the region?
- Is Russia’s growing influence in the Middle East a threat to long-term US national interest in the region?
- Will the Venezuelan government’s purge of the PDVSA make the economic and humanitarian crisis worse?
- Should the national Democratic Party put more resources into winning seats in the deep south?
- Could Donald Trump function politically without Twitter?
- Is the bubble in the cryptocurrency market ready to burst?
- Can the Department of Justice do more to crack down on police overreach and abuse?
- Has Donald Trump’s presidency destroyed the integrity of the Republican Party?
- Is there an upside in President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?
- Was the International Olympic Committee’s penalty against Russia too severe?
- Why do Republicans believe that an unpopular tax plan will be a winning political strategy?
- Should America respond more aggressively to continued North Korean weapons tests?
- Is the Trump Administration doing long-term damage to the effectiveness of the State Department?
- Is President Trump giving license to America’s white supremacists?
- Will Roy Moore be a political albatross around the neck of the GOP in the 2018 midterm elections?
- Do President Trump’s temperament and instability pose a significant risk to long-term US national interest abroad?
- Should the US do more to help Iraq build a functional government?
- Will Robert Mueller’s investigation expand into the personal finances of President Trump and his family?
- Was the International Olympic Committee's punishment against Russia for it’s state-sponsored doping program appropriate?
- Is President Trump’s continued use of a Twitter a political mistake?
- What more should the international community do to clean up plastics from the world’s oceans?
- Is it still possible for American voters to overcome political tribalism?
- Is Europe overly dependent on Russian oil?
- Will the special relationship between the US and the UK survive the Presidency of Donald Trump?
- Is the “gig economy” the future of American labor?
- What measures should the international community take to push for a resolution of the ongoing Rohingya crisis?
- Is Russia’s growing influence in the middle east a serious threat to US interests in the region?
- Can the Russian government do more to combat the spread of AIDS?
- Will the upcoming Catalan elections provide a boost to the independence movement?
- Will electoral corruption in Honduras lead to protectracted violence?
- Will President Trump’s decision to recognize Palestine as the Israeli capital add to regional instability?
- What effect will moving the US embassy to Jerusalem have on the Israeli-Palestine peace process?
- How much international backlash will the US face for its recognition of Palestine as the capital of Israel?
- Can anyone mount a viable political opposition to Vladimir Putin in Russia?
- Can Saudi Arabia stave off looming financial problems?
- Can Saudi Arabia successfully diversify its economy amidst growing regional instability?
- How will the independence movement affect the economy of Catalonia?
- Should the Fed raise interest rates?
- Will Doug Jones’ election in Alabama change how the Trump legislative agenda is pushed in Congress?
- Is America giving Vladimir Putin too much credit as a strategic mastermind?
- Is lack of diversity a problem for the Trump White House?
- Is Congressional Republican support of the Trump Administration waning?
- Can anything be done to solve government corruption in South Africa?
- Can Theresa May still make a good Brexit deal?
- Will the momentum behind the #MeToo movement translate into lasting change around workplace sexual harassment?
- Is President Trump beginning to lose the support Evangelical voters?
- How much does President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital strengthen the regional influence of Hamas?
- Can President Trump politically afford to keep playing to his base instead of reaching across the aisle?
- Should political campaigning on the Internet be more tightly regulated?
- How much will the Republican tax plan grow the US economy?
- What can be done to strengthen Americans’ trust in government?
- Is the Russian public beginning to show fatigue over ongoing military engagement in Syria?
- Will President Trump fire Robert Mueller?
- How will the Trump Administration’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel change America’s relationship with its Arab allies?
- Will new leadership be able to grow the South African economy?
- What role will America play in future Israel-Palestine peace talks?
- Should Congress put a higher priority on rebuilding America’s aging infrastructure?
- What does President Trump’s new security strategy mean for America’s changing role in the global community?
- Will the Trump Administration do more to directly address the opioid epidemic?
- Is the idea of international diplomacy in danger under the Presidency of Donald Trump?
- Can the national Democratic Party sustain their electoral wave through the 2018 midterms?
- Is the Trump White House on a collision course with Robert Mueller’s investigation?
- Is the Trump Administration doing lasting damage to core American democratic institutions?
- Has the chance for Rex Tillerson to be an effective Secretary of State passed?
- What long term effects is the Trump Administration having on the American judiciary?
- Are Congressional Republicans becoming more willing to openly oppose President Trump?
- Have Republicans given up the ability to run as the party of fiscal responsibility?
- Will the new tax law be a political win for the GOP in 2018?
- What would it take to overcome political polarization in Congress?
- Is public support for South Africa’s ANC party falling away?
- Has the international community lost the opportunity to intervene in Myanmar on behalf of the Rohingya?
- Has the federal government failed the people of Puerto Rico?
- Does the mass exodus after hurricane Maria pose a long-term existential threat to the health of Puerto Rico’s economy?
- Is it still possible to get a DACA deal through Congress before March?
- Can infrastructure spending be a basis for bipartisan compromise in 2018?
- Is an anti-Trump message a winning political startegy for Democrats to run on in the 2018 midterms?
- Is President Rouhani getting Iran’s economy back on the right track?
- Are Iran’s political hardliners gaining ground?
- Will staff changes to the EPA under Scott Pruitt do lasting damage to the agency’s effectiveness?
- What will American cuts to UN funding mean for US national security interests abroad?
- Has President Trump had a successful first year in office?
- Does Obamacare face an existential threat in the passage of the GOP tax law?
- Does China’s shadow banking system pose a significant risk to sustained economic growth?
- Will Russian voters heed Alexi Navalny’s call for an electoral boycott?
- Will President Trump make further cuts to foreign aid spending?
- Is President Trump throwing away America’s international influence?
- Is the Trump Administration changing international geopolitical norms?
- What does the recent rash of North Korean defections signal about the conditions within the rogue nation?
- Can new leadership of the ANC root out government corruption in South Africa?
- Has the federal government held a double standard with hurricane relief for Puerto Rico?
- Will the Trump Administration face political consequences for the handling of disaster relief for Puerto Rico?
- Can anything be done to bring lasting peace to South Sudan?
- What should the independence movement in Catalonia hope to accomplish in 2018?
- What can the international community do to get the Cholera outbreak in Yemen under control?
- Is an escalation of force against Houthi rebels in Yemen necessary?
- Is government corruption in Brazil an impossible problem to solve?
- Is Russia preparing to escalate the violence in Eastern Ukraine?
- Is a bipartisan compromise on healthcare still possible?
- Will middle class Americans really see the benefits of the new tax law?
- Has the Mueller investigation become irreparably tainted?
- Will the pardoning of Alberto Fujimori have political consequences for the current leadership in Peru?
- Is there hope for peace between the Ukrainian government an pro-Russian separatists in 2018?
- Are increased sanctions making any headway on reining in the North Korean weapons programs?
- Can the Mueller investigation be relied on to carry out their work objectively and effectively?
- Has the regulatory enforcement capability of the EPA been critically damaged under the Trump Administration?
- Can the Democratic Party develop a unifying message for 2018 beyond being anti-Trump?
- Does the national Democratic Party need new leadership?
- What can the GOP do to win over younger voters?
- Is Italy able to adequately cope with the continuing migrant crisis?
- Is the Italian economy getting back on track?
- Is the relationship between the US and Turkey improving?
- How long can the UK economy remain immune to damage from Brexit?
- Will the roots of the Syrian refugee crisis become solvable with the military defeat of ISIS?
- Can Donald Trump reset his presidency to expand beyond his core supporters?
- Will President Trump pardon Michael Flynn?
- Will any amount of sanctions convince North Korea to stop its weapons development programs?
- Is political reform in Russia impossible while Vladimir Putin remains in power?
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Extemp Questions 2017 Dec
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