- Is the federal government doing enough to mitigate the risks of extreme weather events related to climate change?
- Is a deteriorating relationship between the US and Turkey a major problem for NATO?
- What steps should the DOJ take to better regulate the private prison industry?
- As America withdraws internationally will Europe stand in to fill the gap?
- How much will the Trump Administration’s embassy move to Jerusalem block progress on an Israel-Palestine peace deal?
- Does America’s long-term economic health need stronger organized labor?
- Should India’s Prime Minister Modi be worried about re-election in 2019?
- Is it time to establish an independent Kurdish state?
- Is it too soon to discuss what a post-war Syria will look like?
- Will the Trump White House move to quash the Mueller investigation?
- Is the looming Brexit deadline exacerbating conflicts within the UK’s Conservative Party?
- Should the US be more assertive with China in ensuring open access through the South China Sea?
- What further steps should Facebook and Twitter be taking to prevent foreign interference in US elections?
- Will Congress pass additional legislation restricting the ability of the President to remove the Special Counsel?
- Are American tech companies ready for the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation?
- Should the US adopt privacy regulations along the lines of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation?
- Is President Trump’s “fake news” rhetoric providing international cover for authoritarian regimes to violate human rights?
- Will Evangelical voters continue to support President Trump?
- Should governments more tightly regulate the trade and use of cryptocurrencies?
- What measures should be taken to relieve the backlog in US immigration courts?
- Will accusations of corruption drag on the administration of Honduras’ President Juan Hernandez?
- Are the anti-corruption crackdowns in Saudi Arabia entering a new phase?
- Is Facebook acting against the public good?
- Will Congressional Republicans continue to push for ways to weaken the Affordable Care Act?
- Is passing an infrastructure deal through Congress still possible before the 2018 midterms?
- How should Congress deal with longer-term deficit spending?
- Will the US withdraw from NAFTA?
- Is the Taliban gaining legitimacy within the Afghan government?
- Has Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran reached the beginning of its end?
- Can Jared Kushner make a mideast peace deal?
- What changes can be made to improve the Iran nuclear deal?
- Is the Trump-Russia investigation too much of a distraction from other important national issues?
- Is it time for comprehensive peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban?
- Has enough been done to hold Russia accountable for doping in world athletics?
- Is President Trump’s strategy in Afghanistan failing?
- Has the Trump Administration’s approach to Pakistan backfired?
- Is a military solution for Afghanistan still possible?
- Is democracy failing in Kenya?
- Do the financial regulations in Dodd-Frank need to be strengthened?
- Will the Democrats take back control of Congress in 2018?
- Does the military defeat of ISIS mean a return to chaotic civil war in Syria?
- Are we at the end of the bull market?
- How big of a role does social media play in America's political polarization?
- What message can the national Democratic Party use to bring voters to the polls in the 2018 midterms?
- Is Paul Manafort still a liability for the Trump White House?
- Will the government of Benjamin Netanyahu face serious backlash for its alliance with the Trump Administration?
- Will the US stand by its Kurdish allies in Syria for the long term?
- Can anything be done to curb government corruption in Brazil?
- Is America facing a crisis in keeping community health centers open?
- Should Congress push harder to have the Trump White House impose additional sanctions against Russia?
- What steps should the federal government take to ensure disaster relief is delivered faster?
- How much will recovery from 2017 natural disasters hold back America’s economic growth in 2018?
- What more should the White House do to bring the opioid crisis under control?
- Is President Trump’s rhetoric driving North Korea from a diplomatic solution?
- What does fighting in Southern Yemen mean for the larger conflict between the Saudi-led coalition and Houthi rebels?
- Can the Saudi Crown Prince drive through his desired economic changes?
- Is illegal migration an existential threat to the future of the EU?
- What more should the EU do the end the ongoing migrant crisis?
- Can governments control cryptocurrencies?
- Will President Uhuru Kenyatta use a heavy hand against his political opposition?
- What should the international community do to get humanitarian aid into Yemen?
- Will the threat of further sanctions be enough to keep Russia from further interference in US elections?
- How far off are practical and legitimate uses of cryptocurrencies and the underlying blockchain technology?
- Is Prime Minister Modi doing enough to curb poverty in India?
- What further steps should the federal government take to mitigate the risk of Russian interference in the 2018 midterm elections?
- Are Trump administration policies protecting religious liberty reshaping American civil liberties for the long term?
- Should the Trump administration be doing more to ensure veterans access to quality healthcare?
- Can President Trump keep his campaign promises to bring back coal?
- Can a bipartisan deal be reached to lower prescription drug costs?
- Is it already too late for President Trump to build bipartisan unity?
- Will shifts in global economics force China to lower its trade barriers?
- Is America making real progress on the opioid epidemic?
- Can the US still be an honest broker in a Mideast peace deal?
- Will the Trump White House face political consequences for failing to implement congressionally mandated sanctions against Russia?
- Has the national Democratic Party lost the ability to speak with a single unified voice?
- What should the international community do to end the ongoing conflict in the Central African Republic?
- Is Turkey’s relationship with the US strained beyond repair?
- Does the release of the Nunes memo endanger the Mueller investigation?
- What should be done to mitigate the health risks of playing football for children?
- Can Cape Town learn to live without enough water?
- Does the world face a major crisis over lack of clean water?
- Can American labor policies adapt to the rising gig economy?
- Have the individual states done enough to ensure the security of the 2018 midterm elections?
- Is Hillary Clinton still an important part of the national Democratic Party?
- Is there still a generational gap in how workplace sexual harassment is addressed?
- Should Americans be worried about the US economic fundamentals?
- Is the federal government headed for another shutdown?
- Is Congress ignoring America’s transportation infrastructure?
- Has the Rohingya crisis permanently damaged the credibility and reputation of Aung San Suu Kyi?
- Are Trump Administration policies adding to the market volatilities?
- What does the ongoing crisis in Yemen mean for the future of Saudi Arabia’s Mohamed Bin Salman?
- What steps can the internatinoal community take to reduce Iran’s influence in Yemen?
- Should more attention be paid to ethics in the use of big data and artificial intelligence?
- Can South Africa’s Jacob Zuma be persuaded to step down?
- Has Rex Tillerson lost the trust and confidence of the President?
- Is President Trump making partisan polarization worse?
- Does President Trump’s rhetoric undermine the chance for a bipartisan immigration deal?
- Is the Rakhine state in Myanmar headed for more violence?
- What steps should be taken to help Puerto Rico recover?
- Can Congress do more to help rebuild Puerto Rico’s economy?
- Should congressional Democrats do more to push for a clean DACA fix?
- Can President Trump avoid being questioned by Robert Mueller’s investigation?
- How long will John Kelly last as Chief of Staff?
- Is the Trump Administration angling for pre-emptive military action against North Korea?
- How big of a problem is deficit spending for long-term US economic health?
- Is TV news equipped to properly cover the economy?
- Should the Trump White House remove staff who cannot obtain a security clearance in a timely manner?
- Is American democracy in decline?
- Will congressional Republicans push back more against the Trump Administration?
- Is President Trump being well served by his senior staff?
- Is Venezuela’s economy beyond the point where it can be saved?
- Is South Africa facing a major economic crisis?
- Has the Universal Declaration of Human Rights become an ineffective tool for international diplomacy?
- How much will Brexit change the British welfare state?
- Has the Republican Party become fiscally irresponsible?
- Has Congress done enough to raise America’s military readiness?
- Will market volatility have negative political consequences for the Trump administration?
- Will the Fed have to raise interest rates faster than previously planned?
- Will the federal judiciary be able to make significant progress on the problem of gerrymandering?
- Does the new budget deal signal a return of bipartisan cooperation in Congress?
- Are Tea Party Republicans losing power in congress?
- Is President Trump’s call for a military parade inappropriate?
- Has Jacob Zuma done permanent damage to South Africa’s ANC?
- Can a fractured opposition find a way to reunite against the Zanu PF in Zimbabwe?
- What should a coherent US strategy for Syria look like?
- Can a new coalition government in Germany restore strength and stability to the European Union?
- Can President Trump be persuaded to take a tougher stance on Russia?
- Is the diplomatic thaw between North and South Korea picking up steam?
- Is the conflict between Iran and Israel escalating?
- Should there be greater punishment levied against Equifax?
- Is America’s increased military and domestic spending reckless?
- Should Nunes lose his chairmanship of the House intelligence committee?
- Is the House Freedom Caucus losing its leverage?
- How much will deficit spending split the Republicans in Congress?
- What can be done to bridge the partisan divide in Congress?
- Will the Trump Administration’s handling of abuse allegations against White House staff have electoral consequences in the 2018 midterms?
- What steps should be taken to make America’s transportation infrastructure safer?
- Should entitlement reform be a priority for Congress?
- Should Jared Kushner be removed from his position in the Trump White House?
- Is Iran’s leadership facing a significant political crisis?
- Is there enough accountability in the actions of international NGO’s?
- Has President Trump’s strategy towards Pakistan failed?
- How are Netanyahu's legal and political troubles affecting Israel’s regional security?
- Will the resignation of Jacob Zuma restore trust in South Africa’s ANC party?
- Should the US be doing more to rebuild Iraqi infrastructure destroyed during the defeat of ISIS?
- Is Benjamin Netanyahu able to maintain a stable government while facing criminal accusations?
- What should be done with citizens of Western nations who were captured as foreign fighters in the fight against ISIS?
- What has kept America from making meaningful change after mass shootings?
- Are federal, state, and local regulations unnecessarily slowing the American economy?
- Can free market solutions find a way to solve for the effects of climate change?
- Should public higher education be free to students?
- Can the Democrats win back state legislatures and governorships in the 2018 midterms?
- What should be done to encourage more female and minority participation in STEM fields?
- Have the Democrats sacrificed a DACA solution for other objectives?
- Are India and Pakistan headed for a collision over Kashmir?
- Does Robert Mueller’s indictment of Russian entities for interference in the 2016 elections mean the investigation is nearing an end?
- Will protests from students motivate Congress to enact gun control legislation?
- Does America need to fundamentally rethink its strategy towards Iran?
- Is America ceding its influence in the Middle East to Russia?
- Should the US government increase its offensive cyberatcivity against Russia?
- Has deficit spending become the permanent norm in Congress?
- Has Congress given up on trying to find a solution for DREAMers?
- Can Benjamin Netanyahu survive the latest round of corruption charges?
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Extemp Questions 2018 February
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