- Will the way the government shutdown ended eat away at President Trump’s political base?
- Are protesters a real threat to the rule of Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir?
- What are the chances for a peaceful transition of power in Venezuela?
- Can growing international pressure achieve regime change in Venezuela?
- Can the Congress Party win back power from the BJP in India?
- Is the anti-vaccine movement a significant public health threat to America?
- Can Congress find a compromise solution for border security?
- Does America have the clout to act as an honest broker in Venezuela?
- Should Theresa May move to delay Brexit?
- Is the UK headed for a no-deal Brexit?
- Can Theresa May build enough support to get her Brexit deal passed?
- Can the President and Congressional Democrats learn to compromise with each other?
- Is Jared Kushner a liability for the Trump White House?
- Would a third-party run by Howard Schultz help or hurt President’s Trump’s re-election bid in 2020?
- Is it time for Congress to review and revise the 2001 AUMF?
- Is American withdrawal from the INF treaty a mistake?
- Has the Trump Administration been successful at bringing manufacturing jobs back to America?
- Can coal still make a comeback?
- Does the US walking away from the INF treaty make the world less safe?
- Are deradicalization programs an effective tool to use against Nigeria’s Boko Haram militants?
- Is the gap between the American intelligence community and the Trump White House a serious threat to national security?
- Can Juan Guaido win over the support of Venezuela’s military leaders?
- Will US lawsuits against Huawei make a trade deal with China impossible?
- Can regime change bring an end to economic hyperinflation in Venezuela?
- Is the UK ready to leave the EU?
- Is Donald Trump permanently changing the American Presidency?
- What does the trial of El Chapo signal about the status of America’s war on drugs?
- Is it too late for President Trump to build bipartisan cooperation in Congress?
- Is US policy towards North Korea headed in the right direction?
- Will President Trump get a good deal from his second North Korea summit?
- What role should America play in the Northern Triangle region?
- Will threats from the President stave off further investigations into the Trump and his allies in Congress?
- Does the US military rely too heavily on Special Forces soldiers?
- What does American withdrawal from the INF mean for the future of international arms control?
- What can Theresa May do to break through the deadlock over Brexit?
- Will Brexit incite a new call for independence in Scotland?
- Will the Democrats’ Green New Deal get real consideration in Congress?
- Will the Trump Administration be able to strike a good deal with China?
- What consequences will Purdue Pharma face for the role of OxyContin in the opioid epidemic?
- Should the Trump Administration hold off on plans to lift regulations on the payday loan industry?
- Has the American public become immune to lies from President Trump?
- Is the BDS movement gaining ground in Congress?
- Will US pressure keep Europe from sidestepping sanctions against Iran?
- Has the hollowing out of the State Department under Rex Tillerson started to turn around?
- What can be done to calm the rising tensions between India and Pakistan?
- Will the issue of the Irish backstop force a No-Deal Brexit?
- How much damage will Brexit do to the Irish peace process?
- Will the issue of Catalan independence bring snap elections in Spain?
- Can a minimum basic income work in America?
- Can Europe keep the JCPOA deal with Iran alive?
- What is needed to break through the stalemate over Venezuela’s Presidency?
- How much of Robert Mueller’s final report should be made public?
- Is consumer debt a looming crisis for the American economy?
- Is support for Israel becoming a partisan issue in American politics?
- Should America do more to counter growing anti-semitism around the world?
- Will the JCPOA deal with Iran outlast the Trump Administration?
- Is the denuclearization of North Korea still a feasible goal?
- Will President Trump face a serious primary election challenge in 2020?
- Will the Senate vote to cancel the President’s emergency declaration?
- How much worse off will the UK be because of Brexit?
- Is the US selling out the Afghan government to the Taliban?
- Will declaring a national emergency add delay to actual construction of President Trump’s border wall?
- Are House Democrats pushing the national party too far to the left?
- Has the American public become desensitized to mass shootings?
- Is Australia’s treatment of refugees and asylum seekers on Nauru improving?
- Is declaring a national emergency a sign of political weakness from President Trump?
- How much have investigations into sexual misconduct by clergy damaged the standing of churches in America?
- How much have sexual abuse scandals damaged the Catholic church around the world?
- Will Virginia’s Gov. Northam be forced to resign?
- Should NASA’s funding be expanded?
- Has the movement started in the wake of the Parkland shooting managed to sustain the moment it originally had?
- Has the Arab Spring made conditions across the Middle East worse?
- Has the US Congress reached its limit with Saudi Arabia?
- Has the leadership of MBS been bad for Saudi Arabia?
- Has the Trump Administration pushed Iran closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon?
- What consequences will the death of the INF treaty have for the rest of the world?
- Does Canada’s Justin Trudeau face real political problems ahead of upcoming elections?
- What does the conviction of El Chapo mean for America’s war on drugs?
- Can Mexico’s President Lopez-Obrador find a way to fight the war on drugs more successfully?
- What can be done to counter the growing trend of crackdowns on press freedoms around the world?
- Can new violence in Kashmir be prevented from spiraling out of control?
- Is there a rising antisemitism among the new left?
- What should America’s role be in Venezuela?
- What’s next for Haiti?
- Is a new humanitarian crisis brewing in Haiti?
- Should Temporary Protected Status be extended for Haitians in the US?
- Have sexual abuse scandals in the Catholic Church reached a major turning point?
- Can President Trump get a real agreement towards denuclearization out of Kim Jong-un?
- Has the President overstepped in declaring a national emergency to build a border wall?
- Can President Trump rely on the economy to keep up his political base of support through the 2020 election?
- Will court battles over wall funding help President Trump keep the support of his base?
- What effects would a No-Deal Brexit have on the global economy?
- Should foreign-born ISIS brides be allowed to return to their countries of origin?
- How long will the effects of the government shutdown linger on the American economy?
- Can Imran Khan do more to stop Pakistani terrorism in Kashmir?
- Can Bernie Sanders win the Democratic nomination for 2020?
- What steps should Congress take to crack down on employers who hire undocumented workers?
- Does China’s military build-up in the South China Sea pose a serious threat to international stability and security?
- Can the Catholic Church be trusted to reform itself?
- What should the US be willing to give up for a real denuclearization deal with North Korea?
- Is international acceptance of North Korea as a nuclear power inevitable?
- Should federal law enforcement dedicate more resources to combating right-wing extremism?
- Can anything be done to curb public corruption in Iraq?
- Should the US treat climate change as a national security threat?
- How long can Maduro hold onto power in Venezuela?
- Is there still room for negotiation between Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and Juan Guaido?
- Should the west cut ties with Saudi Arabia?
- What does the surge of public school teacher strikes signal about the future of public education in America?
- Can William Barr as Attorney General maintain the DOJ’s independence from the White House?
- Will the expansion of Executive Power under President Trump last beyond his tenure in office?
- Should the DOD be doing more to remove white supremacists and far-right extremists from active military ranks?
- How much worse will the crisis in Venezuela get?
- Will the second summit with Kim Jong-un do anything of substance to advance the denuclearization of North Korea?
- What will it take to get Venezuela’s military leaders to flip on Nicolas Maduro?
- Will the end of the INF treaty lead to a modernization of international arms control?
- How big of a factor will Huawei be in a US-China trade deal?
- Can diplomatic pressure from the international community force Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir to step down?
- What will public protests against Omar al-Bashir in Sudan realistically accomplish?
- Can a new currency stabilize Zimbabwe’s economy?
- Has the Islamic States ideology gained a solid foothold in Africa?
- Is Africa poised to become the next major front in the fight against Islamic extremism?
- Should foreign ISIS fighters be allowed to return to their home countries?
- Will the territorial defeat of ISIS mean a return to insurgent terrorist strategies?
- Is Germany still a force for stability across Europe?
- Has real progress been made in resolving the trade conflict between the US and China?
- What further steps should Congress take to resolve problems if redlining in America’s housing markets?
- Will sex abuse scandals define the tenure of Pope Francis?
- Is Netanyahu pushing Israeli politics too far to the right?
- Is American wage growth getting back on track?
- Is America’s labor market starting to lose steam?
- What steps should the Modi government take to improve the long-term economic growth prospects for India?
- What role should the US play in Kashmir?
- What can the international community do to calm tensions between India and Pakistan?
- Should Congress take action to reform the US patent system for pharmaceuticals?
- Will Congress do more to hold Trump Administration officials for the family separation policy at the border?
- What actions should Congress take to reduce prescription drug prices?
- Should the Trump Administration do more to counteract Russian interference in European elections?
- What should be done to better prepare the American economy for increases in automation technology?
- Will the rise of populism be good for Europe in the long run?
- Is Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party becoming populist?
- Can the UK’s Labour Party force a second Brexit referendum?
- Should the non-medical use of antibiotics be restricted?
- Will commercial space travel reinvigorate NASA?
- What should be done to counter rising antisemitism in Europe?
- Will President Trump deliver on his campaign promise to drain the swamp?
- Will corruption and conflicts of interest by senior administration officials damage President Trump’s re-election bid in 2020?
- How much does successful North Korean denuclearization depend on US-China trade talks?
- Is the US running out of options for how to deal with Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro?
- Has America’s recognition of Juan Guaido made the situation in Venezuela worse?
- How far is the US willing to go to remove Nicolas Maduro from power?
- Does North Korea still pose a nuclear threat?
- Are tensions between India and Pakistan spiraling out of control?
- Will the resignation of Iran’s Foreign Minister lead to the end of the JCPOA deal?
- What steps should elite American universities take to better address the needs of students from low-income backgrounds?
- Does China’s growing movie industry pose a threat to America’s cultural influence around the world?
- Should Brexit be delayed?
- Has Michael Cohen’s testimony before Congress exposed the President to new areas of liability?
Saturday, March 2, 2019
Extemp Questions 2019 Feb
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