- Should the federal government do more to support cancer research and treatment?
- Is Jacob Zuma’s Presidency near its end?
- How will the results of the 2016 election affect US race relations?
- What would it take to make Saudi Arabia’s economy less dependent on oil exports?
- Would a delayed Brexit be good for the UK economy?
- Should the international community do more to curb air pollution?
- Are Germany’s policies towards the ECB changing?
- How has the news media coverage of the campaigns affected the 2016 elections?
- Does the difficulty with the CETA deal show that free trade is becoming more difficult globally?
- What does the election of Donald Trump indicate about the American electorate?
- How has the growth of the Jihadi movement changed the West’s foreign policy stance towards Africa?
- Should the US make voting compulsory?
- What more should the international community do to curb government corruption in Africa?
- How will the relationship between the President-elect and the new Congress affect Trump’s plans for his first hundred days?
- What does the future hold for news media in the US? Seriously America, Trump. Seriously?
- What more should the US do to improve its cyberwarfare capabilities?
- Is the Western democratic model of government losing its legitimacy around the world?
- How will Brexit change the UK’s relationship with Russia?
- How will Trump’s election change the US relationship with Russia?
- What does 2017 hold for the US economy? Has the Democratic Party in the US permanently lost the labor vote?
- How does President Trump heal a divided America?
- What effect will anti-Trump protesters have on the incoming President’s first 100 days?
- Will the US renege on the Paris climate change agreement?
- Should the lame duck Congress push to pass the TPP?
- How will the role of Vice President change in the Trump White House?
- How does the Democratic Party rebuild after the 2016 election?
- Does a solution to America’s heroin epidemic require more federal regulation of prescription painkillers?
- Will the opioid epidemic be a priority for the Trump Presidency?
- Does Russia’s withdrawal from the ICC cause significant harm to the court’s credibility on the international stage?
- What should be done to bring India’s banking crisis back under control?
- What does Donald Trump’s election signal about the growth of nationalist movements in western Europe?
- Will Trump’s election meet up to the expectations of its supporters?
- Is corruption a solvable problem for the Russian government?
- What does the Green Party hope to achieve by calling for an audit and recount of some States’ elections?
- Will the relationship between the EU and Turkey continue to darken?
- Is India’s continued economic growth at risk?
- How will the death of Fidel Castro reshape the relationship between Cuba and the US?
- Is it time for the US to lift the Cuban embargo?
- Does the revised Colombian peace deal with the FARC have enough substantive changes to be approved?
- Should social media sites do more to curb the spread of fake news?
- Do food shortages in Malawi pose a risk to regional stability?
- How has social media changed the shape of political conversation in the US?
- Should the international community put more pressure on the Myanmar government to end attacks against the rohingya Muslim population?
- Is poor workplace safety holding back China’s economic growth?
- Should the UN do more to protect rohingya muslims in Myanmar?
- How will Trump’s Presidency change America’s engagement in Syria?
Friday, December 9, 2016
Extemp Questions 2016 November
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Extemp Questions 2016 October
- Can Colombia’s President Santos save the peace deal with the FARC?
- What does the “No” vote mean for the future of Colombia’s peace agreement?
- Will the German government need to bail out Deutsche Bank?
- What does the future hold for Kashmir?
- How can wealthier nations be encouraged to take in more Syrian refugees?
- Is the DR Congo facing serious risk of falling into instability?
- Does the continuation of the Trump campaign risk imploding the GOP?
- Does Trump’s splitting of the GOP pose a serious risk to the Republican majority in Congress?
- Will the next President be able to move Congress beyond partisan gridlock?
- What effect will the implosion of the Trump campaign have on down-ballot races?
- Is the monarchy still essential to stability in Thailand?
- Is the government of Nigeria making progress in the fight against Boko Haram?
- Will the incoming UN Secretary General have enough international support to make real progress on the Syrian refugee crisis?
- How should Russia respond to accusations of war crimes in Syria?
- What should the Chinese government do to address the gender imbalance in their population?
- Is the battle for Mosul key to defeating ISIS in Iraq permanently?
- Will there be a serious push for Scotland to leave the UK and rejoin the EU?
- Is anti-white racism in South Africa getting worse?
- Should “Internet of Things” device manufacturers bear some liability when their devices are used in massive denial-of-service attacks?
- How should the US respond to Russian hacking of US politicians and government systems?
- Should the campaign seasons in the US be shortened?
- What does the closure of “the jungle” camp in Calais mean for the future of asylum seekers who are already in Western Europe?
- Does the Philippines’ realignment of ties away from the US and towards China pose a serious risk to regional stability?
- How should the UK’s Brexit plans deal with the question of immigration?
- Is Russian involvement key to making sure Syria doesn’t become a failed state?
- Should the Trump campaign spend more effort in the final weeks bolstering down-ballot Republicans?
- How is Russia’s status in the world changing?
- Should the US pass the TPP agreement?
- Should the federal government place greater restrictions on the use of drones in urban areas?
- Is election fraud a major threat to the democratic process in the US?
- Will the FBI reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails have a measureable effect on election day?
- What should be the strategic priorities of the Syrian government?
- Is the Turkish government using the failed coup and state of emergency to clamp down on political opponents?
- Will corruption scandals bring down the Presidency of Jacob Zuma?
- Should the federal government declare elections’ systems as critical national infrastructure?
- What long-term implications does Donald Trump’s discussion of a rigged election have for the state of US politics?
- Should the US do more to curb the international human trafficking business?
- What more should the UN be doing to combat human trafficking?
- Does the US electorate as a whole represent an ungovernable population no matter who the next president is?
- Will new currency help restore stability to the economy of Zimbabwe?
- How well is Greece coping with the migrant crisis?
- Does failure to pass the TPP have serious national security implications for the US in the long run?
- Would a Brexit delay be a benefit to the UK economy?
- What should be done to ease growing tensions between India and Pakistan?
- What does the future hold for the Yazidi people in Iraq?
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Extemp Questions 2016 Sept
- Is the EU migration crisis getting worse?
- What more should African nations do to curb animal poaching?
- Does the rise of nationalist right-wing parties risk making the migrant crisis worse for Europe?
- Can Germany’s Angela Merkel regain the public trust?
- Is this the beginning of the end for Angela Merkel’s leadership of Germany?
- Is US ratification of the Paris climate change agreement a diplomatic coup for China?
- Should the US cut back on the sale of military weapons to Saudi Arabia?
- Are recent anti-drug measures in the Philippines too heavy handed?
- What should be done to reduce gun violence in Chicago?
- Is China ready to shift to a green-energy economy?
- Has Trump’s campaign fundamentally changed the Republican Party?
- Is it time for the US to seriously consider a proportional representation system for Congressional elections?
- Has the experiment of a single European currency failed?
- Will ongoing protests force Venezuelan President Maduro from power?
- Does a power vacuum in Uzbekistan pose risk worsening regional instability?
- Should the federal government do more to regulate wastewater disposal from oil drilling?
- What does the removal of President Rousseff mean for the future of democracy in Brazil?
- Will the lessons of Brazil and Venezuela reshape the future of leftist governments in South America?
- Are South Korea’s ‘chaebols’ in crisis?
- Is consumer spending in China on the brink of major growth?
- Should the international community impose sanctions against the Philippines over the sudden rise in drug-related extrajudicial killings?
- How much should OPEN cut oil production in the short term?
- Is American media doing a poor job when it comes to fact checking Donald Trump?
- What does the future hold for the Labour Party in Britain?
- Should border enforcement be the primary focus of US immigration reform?
- Has Hillary Clinton been able to adequately deal with the controversy around her State Department emails?
- Should the international community do more to improve the human rights situation in South Sudan?
- Will the current Syrian ceasefire deal succeed?
- Will Brazil’s new privatization plan revive the economy?
- How large of a threat does North Korea pose to regional security?
- Does North Korea represent a significant global threat?
- Will Brexit strengthen the relationship between the remaining EU member states?
- Are migration quotas the key to establishing trust among EU member states?
- Does federal law enforcement need greater powers to prosecute revenge porn cases?
- What should the next President do to help Americans adapt to the persistent threat of terrorism at home?
- What effect is social media having on the 2016 Presidential election?
- How much will lack of trust government prevent the next President’s ability to govern?
- \What will be David Cameron’s legacy for the UK?
- Should more be done to ensure delivery of humanitarian aid throughout Syria?
- Should the US take a more active role in Yemen?
- Should the Russian government do more to curb international cybercrime?
- Does cooperation between the US and Russia in Syria build tension between those nations elsewhere in the world?
- Should Britain invoke Article 50 sooner rather than later?
- Is there still a way forward in the Syrian crisis?
- How should the international community react to the failure of the cease-fire agreement in Syria?
- Should US companies face stricter regulation over how they secure customer’s online data?
- What should customers and companies learn from the number of high-profile online data breaches?
- Is Angela Merkel on the way out?
- Will the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong face greater crackdowns from the Chinese government?
- Should the US place more restrictions on the non-medical use of antibiotics?
- \Will continued protests force Uganda’s President Kabila to step down?
- Would an FARC political party be able to find success among the Colombian electorate?
- What should the DOJ do to improve the relationship between local law enforcement and African Americans?
- What steps should the federal government take to remedy the growing opiate addiction crisis?
- Should the US increase humanitarian aid to Yemen?
- Does Ted Cruz’s endorsement add anything to the Trump campaign?
- What does the future hold for former Colombian FARC rebels?
- How has the Trump campaign changed the Republican Party?
- What does the future hold for global free trade?
- Does a slowdown in the Chinese economy pose a major risk for the US?
- Is the end in sight for the Islamic State group in Iraq?
- Are the Presidential debates still a useful tools to help voters make a decision?
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Extemp Questions 2016 Aug
- Is Rio ready for the Olympics?
- Should India’s PM Narendra Modi do more to protect the rights of Dalits?
- Why have South Africans pulled away their support from the ANC?
- Is Russian involvement in Armenia a risk to regional stability?
- Should the federal government do more to protect Americans/ cybersecurity?
- Should America have a federal law for data breach disclosures?
- Is it time to establish federal laws to standardize the decriminalization of Marijuana?
- Should the US change its foreign policy stance towards Russia?
- Has Turkey’s President Erdogan overreacted in the wake of the failed coup attempt?
- Is human rights protection a growing concern for the Chinese government?
- Should Germany change its refugee policy?
- Should the federal government do more to directly address homelessness?
- Is Boko Haram still a major threat in Nigeria?
- Is modern Indian society capable of overcoming the caIs caste system?
- Is the Indian government doing enough to curb violence and discrimination against lower caste citizens?
- Is the bottom falling out of the Trump campaign? (alt) Is the Trump campaign imploding?
- With her public perception as untrustworthy, would Hillary Clinton be able to govern effectively as President?
- With is public perception as unstable, would Donald Trump be able to govern effectively as President?
- Should Congress authorize additional military action against ISIS in Syria?
- Are relations between Russia and Turkey warming?
- Has corruption lost the ANC control of South Africa?
- Should the use of body cameras be standard practice for urban police departments”?
- What can the Department of Justice do to change the culture of racial bias in policing?
- Should the international community do more to help revitalize African nations in the wake of the Ebola crisis?
- Do continued Saudi airstrikes in Yemen risk increasing support for anti-Saudi terror groups?
- Will moderate politicians stand up to growing anti-Muslim sentiment in France?
- Does the escalation of fighting in Aleppo indicate that the war in Syria is nearing a definitive victory?
- Should the federal government completely end its use of private prisons?
- Should the US take a more active stance to improve the humanitarian situation in Syria?
- What does rexit say about the effects of globalization on contemporary politics?
- What long term effects will the ongoing political house-cleaning hae on Turkey?
- How can Theresa May improve strained race relations across the UK?
- How soon should Britain invoke Article 50?
- Will OPEC curb oil production?
- Should Saudi Arabia face more substantial international criticism over airstrikes in Yemen?
- What should the federal government do to improve America’s electrical grid?
- Is America’s national policy too heavily dependant on renewable energy subsidies?
- Is election fraud still a major concern for Russia?
- Will the history of the Clinton Foundation e an albatross around the neck of Hillary’s Presidential campaign?
- What does the cease fire between the FARC and the Colombian government mean in the long run?
- Will Dilma Rousseff be impeached?
- What would the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff mean for the future of Brazil?
- How should the West react to Turkey’s ongoing political crackdown?
- Does America’s mortgage debt still pose a major risk to the global economy?
- Is the TPP in the best long-term interests of the US?
- Will violence between Turkish forces and Kurdish militants continue to escalate?
- Is fighting between Kurds and Turks helping ISIS?
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Extemp Questions 2016 July
- What effect will the Brexit have on the NATO alliance/
- Will the scandal around her State Department emails be an albatross around the neck of Hillary Clinton’s campaign?
- Will the release of the Chilcot report create any political fallout in the UK?
- Will the relationship between race and police use of force be a key issue for the 2016 election?
- How should the Bank of England best support the British economy post-Brexit
- How will the British exit changge the EU?
- Should the UN do more to combat international human trafficking?
- Should the UK delay invoking Article Fifty as long as possible?
- Is Bipartisanship in the US Senate dead?
- How much will “Emailgate” hurt the Clinton campaign?
- Should Congress do more to address racial disparity among America’s incarcerated populations?
- Should the federal government enact stricter regulations on private prisons and jails?
- Is the rampant mistreatment of inmates at Riker’s Island a problem that New York City can solve?
- Will Italy be the next to leave the EU?
- How will the special relationship between the US and the UK change with Brexit?
- Is the low price of oil slowing the adoption of renewable energy sources in the US?
- Is progress on global climate change being slowed by the low cost of oil?
- Will the growing Chinese middle-class push the government for democratic reforms?
- Will continued economic problems end the reign of the Zanu PF in Zimbabwe?
- Does Zimbabwe face imminent economic collapse?
- What should be done to solve Italy’s banking crisis?
- What steps should the European Central Bank take after Brexit to ensure economic stability?
- Are important constitutional changes on the horizon for Japan?
- Has “Abe-nomics” been successful for Japan?
- How soon will the new British PM push forward with Brexit negotiations?
- Are Italy’s economic woes about to get a lot worse?
- Is the American justice system incapable of adequately dealing with drug users?
- Is it time for federal laws on marijuana to change?
- Is South Africa in need of major political reform?
- Will political turmoil in Turkey encourage Kurds to declare an independent state?
- Should the UN impose sanctions on South Sudan?
- Can the US and Russia find a way to cooperate against ISIS forces in Syria?
- Is the US facing the rise of a new Civil Rights Movement under the mantle of the black lives matter movement?
- Does the failed coup in Turkey risk worsening the crisis in Syria?
- What should China do to get a handle on the air pollution in its major cities?
- Will Turkey’s President Erdogan use the failed coup attempt to strengthen his grip on power?
- How can Prime Minister Theresa May make Brexit successful?
- Can Hillary Clinton unite the factions of the Democratic Party?
- Is Robert Mugabe’s time near an end?
- Where do Bernie Sanders’ supporters go from here?
- Does the record unfavorable numbers of the nominees signal a failure of the two-party system in the US?
Friday, July 8, 2016
Extemp Questions June 2016
- Should the summer Olympics in Brazil be moved or postponed?
- What can the international community do to grow the middle class in sub-Saharan Africa?
- What will the Trans-Pacific Partnership mean for President Obama’s legacy?
- What should reasonable campaign finance reform look like for the US?
- What would it take for Congress to pass universal background check legislation on gun sales?
- Will local and state legislation prompt new federal laws on background checks for gun sales?
- Will Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails be an unbearable weight for her Presidential campaign?
- What does the upcoming Brexit vote mean for the European economy?
- Should the US government do more to provide humanitarian aid to Syrian civilians?
- Will this year’s Presidential election drive a surge in third-party voters?
- What strategy will the Trump campaign adopt towards Latino voters?
- Should the international community do more to combat al-Shabab militants in Africa?
- What steps should the Bangladeshi government take to combat ongoing militant Islamic violence?
- Will Venezuela’s President Maduro be removed from power?
- What role will the Libertarian Party play in this year’s Presidential election?
- How will the high negative approval ratings for the two main party’s presumptive Presidential nominees effect down-ticket races in this year’s election?
- Is block-chain technology key to the future of banking and finance?
- Will Britain leave the EU?
- Would a Brexit put peace in Northern Ireland at risk?
- Does the UN need to be strengthened in order to adequately deal with today’s migration crises?
- Should NATO take a more active role in Syria?
- Does the economic crisis in Venezuela pose a risk to regional stability?
- Is President Assad’s departure necessary for a stable Syria?
- Should Japan take in more international asylum seekers?
- What does the resurgence of right-wing nationalism mean for the future of the EU?
- What role will the current migrant crisis play in the British EU referendum?
- Will Republicans continue to fall in line behind Trump?
- Will protests in Kenya bring about election reforms?
- Will Greek debt problems become a lasting issue for the EU?
- What does Trump and Clinton’s negative poll numbers mean for the next President’s ability to govern?
- What should Hillary Clinton do to win over Sanders’ supports for the general election?
- Should America’s two main political parties establish nationwide rules and procedures for primary elections?
- Will Zika virus fears reduce tourism to Brazil for the 2016 Olympics?
- Is the CFAA an effective tool for the US government to deal with cybercrime?
- Do federal whistleblower protections need to be expanded to accommodate modern digital communication?
- What’s next for the Sander’s campaign?
- What does Gary Johnson’s Libertarian candidacy mean for Donald Trump?
- Should the regular occurrence of mass shooting events America generate new federal gun control legislation?
- Will the killings in Orlando change the national conversation around gun control?
- What should the Japanese government do to bolster falling birth rates?
- Is the Chinese economy too heavily dependent on State-owned enterprises?
- Can the Trump campaign successfully pivot to a general election strategy?
- What does a successful fundraising strategy look like for the Trump campaign?
- Is the Trump campaign alienating the Republican Party leadership?
- Will Trumps unfavorable rating hurt Republicans in down ticket races?
- Does the migrant crisis risk unraveling the EU?
- Will the ceasefire between the Colombian government and the FARC establish long-term peace?
- What global economic repercussions will Brexit have?
- Does the British vote to leave pose an existential risk to the future of the EU?
- What will a post-Brexit UK look like politically?
- What effect will Brexit have on the US economy?
- Does Putin’s Russia pose a risk to the western Europe?
- Do western sanctions strengthen nationalist sentiment in Russia?
- What does Brexit mean for safety and security in Europe for the long term?
- Does the Brexit vote signal a surge in support for the UKIP party in the next election?
- Should America get rid of private prisons?
- What effect will an expanded Panama canal have on global trace?
- Is the Iraqi government capable of effectively dealing with Daesh?
- Should Turkey restart peace talks with the PKK?
- Is a Zika vaccine on the horizon?
- What does normalized relations with the US mean for the future of the Cuban people?
- Is the international mission for peacekeeping in Somalia on the brink of collapse?
- How will Trump’s religious convictions affect his ability to connect with Republican voters in the fall?
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Extemp Questions April/May 2016
- What can Trump do to win a general election against Clinton or Sanders?
- Should the international community put more pressure on the Egyptian government to release political prisoners?
- Should the rising cost of higher education be a higher priority for Congress?
- Will the “Panama Papers” leak incite international business and banking reforms?
- Should US strengthen military defense ties with allies in Asia?
- Would a Trump nomination do lasting damage to the Republican Party?
- Is the Republican Party prepared for the reaction of his supporters if Trump is denied the nomination?
- Should the US dedicate more resources to combating terrorist groups in Yemen?
- What role should Israel play in combating ISIS?
- What strategic role should Turkey play in combating ISIS?
- Do the Kurdish forces in Iraq and Turkey pose a rise to regional stability?
- Is the global economy’s dependence on the Internet growing faster than our ability to properly secure the Internet?
- What chance does the US economy have of regaining its manufacturing strength?
- Should the federal government do more to regulate the payday loan industry?
- Will the British EU referendum cause regional economic instability?
- Is the Russian economy set for another dramatic fall?
- What effect should the US Presidential election have on the forthcoming “Brexit” vote in the UK?
- What has been the real effects of the Snowden leaks?
- Will the Panama Papers leak result in any international tax reforms?
- How much damage would a contested convention do to the Republican Party?
- Does Donald Trump’s presumptive nomination signal a fundamental shift for the Republican Party base?
- How much will an unconventional candidate like Trump affect voter turnout in the general election?
- Will the Republican Party unite behind Trump?
- Will Greece leave the EU? What should be done to grow the Greek economy?
- Is a solution to the Greek debt problem on the horizon? Does China face a major debt crisis?
- What steps should Congress take to provide economic relief to Puerto Rico?
- Does “shadow banking” in China pose a serious economic risk?
- Does modern media inadequately cover the nuance of important political issues?
- How much will social media affect the general election?
- Will Brazilians be able to put their trust in new government leadership?
- Would Britain be better off leaving the EU?
- Does the Republican Party face an uphill battle with voter demographics?
- What is necessary for the Iraqi government to establish lasting security?
- Are the current Syrian peace talks a waste of time?
- Should the international community put greater pressure on the Egyptian government for the protection of journalists?
- What should be done to abate the economic crisis in Venezuela?
- Are Venezuelan President Maduro’s days numbered?
- Does government corruption in Balkan nations pose a risk to regional stability?
- Should the federal government do more to protect American cybersecurity?
- Does Boko Haram still pose a significant threat to regional security in Africa?
- Will civil unrest and violence in Venezuela continue to escalate?
- Is the international community doing enough to curb the spread of the Zika virus?
- Have the Panama Papers disclosures been helpful in rooting out government corruption?
- In the wake of the Panama Papers, should the US reform its financial disclosure requirements?
- Should the US push for closer economic ties with Vietnam?
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Extemp Questions March 2016
- Is an end to FIFA corruption in sight?
- How can the international community best handle the humanitarian crisis in Syria?
- Are America’s security agencies doing enough to ensure cybersecurity?
- What impact has Obamacare had on the US healthcare system?
- To what extent is the Assad regime in Syria still inciting sectarian violence?
- What can EU nations do to better manage the migrant crisis?
- How like is a BREXIT in 2016?
- Is the Republican party imploding?
- How likely is a third-party candidate to split the Republican vote in the general election?
- Is the Trump campaign redefining the Republican Party for the long term?
- Does China face a significant risk of long term economic instability?
- Should the Republican Party leadership have a plan to deny the candidacy to Trump?
- Will the Senate and the President be able to find a compromise for filling the Supreme Court vacancy?
- What long term effects will this year’s Presidential primary have on the Republican Party?
- What does President Obama’s trip to Cuba signal for the future of the relationship between Cuba and the US?
- Does Europe have the ability to prevent further ISIS attacks?
- What effect will the ISIS attacks in Europe have on the US Presidential race?
- Should US software vendors be given legal protection from having to break encrypted customer data for law enforcement agencies?
- Is Argentina ready for closer ties with the the US and Europe?
- What is needed to bring political stability to Brazil?
- Can government corruption in Brazil be curbed?
- Should the US dedicate more military resources to fighting Boko Haram?
- Is greater cooperation among European law enforcement agencies necessary to prevent further attacks from IS militant cells?
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Extemp Question Jan/Feb 2016
January/February 2016
- Will President Obama’s unilateral gun control changes result in partisan from Congress?
- What effect will Chinese economic turmoil have on developing economies globally?
- Will new leadership in the House mean bipartisan cooperation for the last year of the Obama Administration?
- What will it take to get the Democrats excited over Hillary Clinton?
- Will 2016 see a surge of nationalist movements across Europe?
- Should the UK vote for greater autonomy from the EU?
- What are US unemployment numbers saying about the health of the American economy?
- Can anyone beat out Donald Trump for the Republican nomination?
- Is the Trump campaign damaging the Republican Party?
- What steps should the Chinese government take to calm stock market volatility?
- What effect will economic instability in China have on the US economy?
- Should the federal government enact stronger whistleblower reforms?
- Is the SEC doing enough to curb financial corruption?
- Will the escalating conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia worsen sectarian violence across the region?
- Will the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran prolong the crisis in Syria?
- Should the US Dept. of Justice take more proactive measures to curb racism among America’s police?
- Is Iran a national threat to America?
- Does Afghanistan face an existential threat from ISIS?
- Does China face the real prospect of disastrous currency devaluation?
- Will the continuation of low oil prices have a chilling effect on the global economy in 2106?
- Should greater attention be given to displaced refugees who remain in Syria?
- Does continuing violence in Syria represent a failure of the international community?
- Will the lifting of sanctions against Iran keep global oil prices low?
- Will new nuclear tests force China to take a strict stance against North Korea?
- Can US security agencies find a way to make social media less effective for ISIS?
- Does the US have to lower its corporate tax rate to remain competitive globally
Monday, January 4, 2016
Extemp Questions Q4 2015
These are pretty late, but I got kind of busy in the last quarter of 2015....
October 2015
October 2015
- Is there still a risk that fighting will flare back to life in the Ukraine?
- Does the Euro still face a long term existential threat?
- Should the US impose a No-Fly Zone over Syria?
- Should the US stop training moderate rebels in Syria?
- Will Russia’s involvement in Syria prolong the chaos and violence there?
- Would a Biden run hurt Bernie Sanders more than Hillary Clinton?
- Will disarray among House Republicans have a negative effect on the Presidential primary?
- Will Paul Ryan’s election as House Speaker unify Congressional Republicans?
- Can Paul Ryan’s election as House Speaker bring bipartisan compromise to Congress?
- What does the change to China’s one-child policy mean to its long-term economic growth prospects?
- Is the removal of President Assad a prerequisite for any solution to the conflict in Syria?
- Is a large-scale, long-term American military presence in Syria necessary?
- Do Russian airstrikes in Syria undermine the fight against ISIS?
- Will internal opposition derail the peace talks between the Colombian government and the FARC?
- What does the future hold for nuclear power globally?
- What is the future of nuclear power in America?
- Does the election in Myanmar have a larger, regional significance?
- What does a pro-democracy vote mean for the future of Myanmar?
- Should the federal government do more to address the problem of homelessness?
- Do the Paris attacks signal a resurgence in the capabilities of Al Qaeda to attack the West?
- Is the killing of ‘Jihadi John’ mostly a public relations victory?
- Does the ability of ISIS to attract foreign fighters make it a more significant threat than other terrorist groups?
- Should the US treat more of the Internet as critical infrastructure for the purposes of national security?
- Have western intelligence agencies significantly underestimated ISIS?
- Can ISIS forces in Syria be defeated with a large influx of US troops?
- Will the Paris attacks prompt a larger NATO military response to ISIL?
- Have privacy advocates undermined the ability of intelligence agencies to effectively monitor terrorists’ communications?
- Does cyber-crime pose a significant threat to economic development in Africa?
- Does the US have sufficient security architecture in place to safely take in Syrian refugees?
- Should the US immigration visa program have stronger security screening measures? How will the attitude of the West towards Syria change after the Paris attacks? Does the US Visa program pose a greater threat to security than accepting Syrian refugees?
- Is a global carbon tax system needed to counteract climate change?
- What effects will the Paris attacks have on the European economy?
- Do the climate change controls emerging from Paris need stronger enforcement mechanisms?
- Should the Muslim nations of the world do more to curb Islamic extremism?
- Is Angela Merkel spending too much political capital on the current migration crisis?
- Can America and France find common ground on a strategy for Syria?
- Is sustained military action from NATO necessary to defeat ISIS in Syria?
- Will the Kurds use the ongoing strife in Syria to try and establish an independent state?
- Can the US and Russia cooperate in the fight against ISIS?
- Does Vladimir Putin have a viable plan for Russia’s role in Syria?
- What is needed to fix corruption in FIFA?
- What does 2016 for the Spanish economy?
- Will further arrests help restore international trust in FIFA?
- What should South Africa do to curb its growing national debt?
- Does the US clean power plan presented at Paris do enough to curb America’s carbon emissions?
- Should a new international organization be formed to govern and manage on-line currencies such as bitcoin?
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