Sunday, April 3, 2016

Extemp Questions March 2016

  • Is an end to FIFA corruption in sight? 
  • How can the international community best handle the humanitarian crisis in Syria? 
  • Are America’s security agencies doing enough to ensure cybersecurity? 
  • What impact has Obamacare had on the US healthcare system? 
  • To what extent is the Assad regime in Syria still inciting sectarian violence? 
  • What can EU nations do to better manage the migrant crisis? 
  • How like is a BREXIT in 2016? 
  • Is the Republican party imploding? 
  • How likely is a third-party candidate to split the Republican vote in the general election? 
  • Is the Trump campaign redefining the Republican Party for the long term? 
  • Does China face a significant risk of long term economic instability? 
  • Should the Republican Party leadership have a plan to deny the candidacy to Trump? 
  • Will the Senate and the President be able to find a compromise for filling the Supreme Court vacancy? 
  • What long term effects will this year’s Presidential primary have on the Republican Party? 
  • What does President Obama’s trip to Cuba signal for the future of the relationship between Cuba and the US? 
  • Does Europe have the ability to prevent further ISIS attacks? 
  • What effect will the ISIS attacks in Europe have on the US Presidential race? 
  • Should US software vendors be given legal protection from having to break encrypted customer data for law enforcement agencies? 
  • Is Argentina ready for closer ties with the the US and Europe? 
  • What is needed to bring political stability to Brazil? 
  • Can government corruption in Brazil be curbed? 
  • Should the US dedicate more military resources to fighting Boko Haram? 
  • Is greater cooperation among European law enforcement agencies necessary to prevent further attacks from IS militant cells?

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