- What can Trump do to win a general election against Clinton or Sanders?
- Should the international community put more pressure on the Egyptian government to release political prisoners?
- Should the rising cost of higher education be a higher priority for Congress?
- Will the “Panama Papers” leak incite international business and banking reforms?
- Should US strengthen military defense ties with allies in Asia?
- Would a Trump nomination do lasting damage to the Republican Party?
- Is the Republican Party prepared for the reaction of his supporters if Trump is denied the nomination?
- Should the US dedicate more resources to combating terrorist groups in Yemen?
- What role should Israel play in combating ISIS?
- What strategic role should Turkey play in combating ISIS?
- Do the Kurdish forces in Iraq and Turkey pose a rise to regional stability?
- Is the global economy’s dependence on the Internet growing faster than our ability to properly secure the Internet?
- What chance does the US economy have of regaining its manufacturing strength?
- Should the federal government do more to regulate the payday loan industry?
- Will the British EU referendum cause regional economic instability?
- Is the Russian economy set for another dramatic fall?
- What effect should the US Presidential election have on the forthcoming “Brexit” vote in the UK?
- What has been the real effects of the Snowden leaks?
- Will the Panama Papers leak result in any international tax reforms?
- How much damage would a contested convention do to the Republican Party?
- Does Donald Trump’s presumptive nomination signal a fundamental shift for the Republican Party base?
- How much will an unconventional candidate like Trump affect voter turnout in the general election?
- Will the Republican Party unite behind Trump?
- Will Greece leave the EU? What should be done to grow the Greek economy?
- Is a solution to the Greek debt problem on the horizon? Does China face a major debt crisis?
- What steps should Congress take to provide economic relief to Puerto Rico?
- Does “shadow banking” in China pose a serious economic risk?
- Does modern media inadequately cover the nuance of important political issues?
- How much will social media affect the general election?
- Will Brazilians be able to put their trust in new government leadership?
- Would Britain be better off leaving the EU?
- Does the Republican Party face an uphill battle with voter demographics?
- What is necessary for the Iraqi government to establish lasting security?
- Are the current Syrian peace talks a waste of time?
- Should the international community put greater pressure on the Egyptian government for the protection of journalists?
- What should be done to abate the economic crisis in Venezuela?
- Are Venezuelan President Maduro’s days numbered?
- Does government corruption in Balkan nations pose a risk to regional stability?
- Should the federal government do more to protect American cybersecurity?
- Does Boko Haram still pose a significant threat to regional security in Africa?
- Will civil unrest and violence in Venezuela continue to escalate?
- Is the international community doing enough to curb the spread of the Zika virus?
- Have the Panama Papers disclosures been helpful in rooting out government corruption?
- In the wake of the Panama Papers, should the US reform its financial disclosure requirements?
- Should the US push for closer economic ties with Vietnam?
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