Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Extemp Questions for May, June and July 2009

One of these days I'll actually start typing these out on a normal basis istead of jotting them in my omnipresent notepad so that I never get around to clearing out

• Should former Bush Administration officials be held legally accountable for torture to detainees?
• What should be done with Guantanamo detainees?
• Is a two state solution the key to successful peace in the Middle East?
• Is a resolution over the future of Palestine key to successful diplomacy with Iran?
• How will the BRIC nations cope with the global economic problems?
• Should the US ratify the nuclear test ban treaty?
• Does the world economy need a global central bank?
• Should the UN impose new sanctions on North Korea?
• Should the Obama Administration push for a new dialogue with Cuba?
• How safe is America’s border with Mexico?
• How can Mexico’s President Calderon win in his war against the drug cartels?
• Can China create an affordable and comprehensive health care system?
• Can additional NATO troops ensure a stable election in Afghanistan?
• What more should the UN do to slow the spread of AIDS in Africa?
• Is Iranian development of nuclear weapons inevitable?
• Can the US economy survive without GM?
• How can the Republican Party make itself more appealing to younger voters?
• Does voter outrage over bank executive’s pay make it difficult to provide necessary bailout funds?
• Is cyber=warfare a real threat to American infrastructure?
• Who should oversee America’s cyber-security efforts?
• Should US stimulus spending include funding for student debt relief?
• How should the Treasury overhaul the US financial regulatory system?
• Is the federal government ignoring the growing problem of homelessness?
• Is the US doing enough to stem the flow of Afghani opium?
• Should US do more to stem the flow of drugs and guns with Latin America?
• Should China take the lead in the six party talks with North Korea?
• Is Palestine the key to a de-nuclearized Iran?
• Is the worst over for the global economy?
• How long will it take for the US housing market to recover?
• Why is America’s voter turnout so low?
• How can Europe establish sustainable fisheries?
• How will a global outbreak of flu impact the global economy?
• What effects will GM’s bankruptcy have?
• What significance will GM’s bankruptcy have to the US economy?
• What kinds of people should Barack Obama appoint to the federal judicial system?
• Will Pres. Obama’s Supreme Court pick get approved by the Senate?
• Will the US economy need more federal stimulus money?
• Is the American military losing the fight in Afghanistan?
• Does the rise of Internet based news services signal the end for print newspapers?
• Should the EU push France to reform its prison conditions?
• How much will the financial crisis impact America’s long term economic health?
• How long will it take for America’s financial services industry to recover?
• What role should the US play in supporting the Iranian protesters?
• Will President Obama get health care reform accomplished in his first term?
• Is the White House doing enough to control federal spending?
• Is California’s prison system beyond repair?
• What plans should Sri Lanka have for post war reconciliation?
• What does Indonesia’s July election mean for the future of national politics?
• Does North Korea’s continued development of long range missiles pose a significant threat to the US?
• Can Britain’s Labour Party survive the next general election?
• Should African nations do more to subsidize small and subsistence farming/
• Do African Union nations need to take a more active role in Zimbabwe?
• How long can Robert Mugabe continue to exert his control over Zimbabwe?
• Should the compensation of American companies’ executives have federal government oversight?
• How should the US engage with the Iranian government?
• What support should the US provide to Iranian protesters?
• Is Chinese currency manipulation a threat to US economic recovery?
• Do charter schools work?
• Should America’s public schools have longer days and shorter summers?
• Does a strong Real mean long term economic growth for Brazil?
• How aggressive will the Chinese government be in its carbon emission reduction targets?
• Can the Pakistani government effective rein in the ISI?
• Is human trafficking a significant problem in Southeast Asia?
• Is militant Islam gaining strength in Central Asia?
• How can the international community get Sudan’s President Bashir to adhere to peace agreements?
• Why is anti immigrant attitude on the rise in Europe?
• Is Obama’s health care plan overreaching?
• Will Iran’s clerics be forced to choose between a legitimate government and uncontested power?
• Should the US push Netanyahu to accept a two state solution with Palestine?
• How can Argentina turn itself around?
• Do President Obama’s proposed reforms to US financial regulation give the Federal Reserve too much power?
• How can Japan encourage greater competition among its businesses?
• Will Iran’s leadership be forced to hold new elections?
• Can Mexico’s President Calderon really crack down on drug related government corruption?
• How can the US encourage greater foreign investment in Afghanistan?
• How will North Korea change after Kim Jong Il?
• What can be done to improve the world’s view of Zimbabwe?
• Should the World Bank provide more funding for infrastructure development in Africa?
• Can Israel afford to stop expansion of its settlement areas?
• Does the current state of Palestinian life in Gaza damage Israeli security?
• Should the US make it easier for third world refugees to apply for political asylum?
• What can President Obama do to encourage more publically funded elections?
• Will European unemployment continue to rise?
• Should the remaining US automobile industry be forced to adhere to even stricter CAFE standards?
• Are biofuels a viable stepping stone to a nationwide fleet of electric cars?
• Is America in decline around the globe?
• What should be the goal of America foreign policy in Africa?
• Does a multipolar world mean a decline for US influence globally?
• Why is American health care so expensive?
• Should health care reform incorporate more managed care?
• Are the welfare reforms of the 90’s being undone by federal economic stimulus?
• Will Obama push to reverse the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy?
• Are relations between Taiwan and China improving?
• Is security in Iraq getting worse?
• Should America set a timetable to withdrawal its forces from Afghanistan?
• Will aging populations prolong the global economic downturn?
• Should the EU be more involved in peacekeeping efforts in Africa?
• Should the US military devote more resources towards international peacekeeping efforts?
• Can the LDP still survive on the national political stage in Japan?
• Will Italy’s public debt mean a longer lasting economic crisis?
• Should Balkan nations be admitted into the EU?
• Is piracy sill a major threat for the American entertainment industry?
• Should the Chinese government crack down harder on counterfeit goods?

Extemp attention getter

Don't remember exactly where I heard this but thought it could pretty easily be twisted to apply to a number of different situations and questions.

An old man is fishing one day when he catches a mermaid. The mermaid says that if he lets her go, she'll grant him three wishes. "Alright," he says, and thinks for a few minutes then says "I wish to be young and handsome. I wish to be married to a beautiful woman. Finally, I wish to be a very important man."

"done." Says the mermaid and with a flick of her tail she knocks the man unconscious. The next thing he knows he's being gently shaken awake by a beautiful woman who tells him "wake up Ferdinand, we have to go to Sarajevo today."

You could do something about "be careful what you wish for." It's appropriate to anything in the Balkans...

Of course it's only funny if you know WWI history and that killing Franz Ferdinand kicks off trench warfare, so maybe not for the mommy judges, but still, I found it amusing.

Elene Gabre-Madhin on TED.com talking about the development of markets


In specific she's talking about developing a market in Ethiopia but as a former World Banker she also goes through some economic theory that it behooves extempers to know well. In particular, think aout how she describes and explains the link between sellers access to markets and economic development. The development of a futures market and a rating system for grain that allowed purchase (and sale) of commotidites over long geographical distances (and time) is an important concept for developing nations, particularly Africa and Asia. Latin America, perhaps as well, though I have my doubts that the concept applies as well in the region.

Books I'm Reading 25) On The Wealth of Nations by PJ O'Rourke


I tried once, over a decade ago, to actually read Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations. Figured it was good material to learn when I was doing debate in high school and afterwards when I was coaching. I never did make it through the entire thing. It was better at putting me to sleep than the ABA's Guide to Wills and Estates. I'm glad to know that somebody who's writing I've always enjoyed actually managed to wade through the entire thing.

Ironically enough i think I started reading The Atlantic and O'Rourke when I was in high school as well. I still thinks it's one of the best magazines around and the content for the book was published as a review by the Atlantic a couple of years ago.

The real gem of the work isn't so much O'Rourke's explanation of Adam Smith, it's in the explanations of the 'diversions' that Smith takes and the ancillary people surrounding Smith, like David Hume and other thinkers of the day. Oh and yes, I do recognize the irony of my writing what amounts to a short review of a review of a book that was published nearly two and a quarter centuries ago.

We're I still coaching debate, I'd make this required reading for my LD kids. It's an easy read of complex subjects and provides a solid foundation for me to drill them on Hume, Kant even Locke and other social contract theorists. Locke's ideas on property and justice would have probably made a nice contrast to some of the other viewpoints like Hume that O'Rourke goes into, come to think of it.

Regardless, it was well worth the weekend going through this even if I don't put it to much actual use anytime soon. And I do agree that it's somewhat annoying that the term "bullshit" didn't come into the vernacular sooner.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Extemp Questions May 2009

Been a while...I've been jotting these down and haven't had much time until this week to type them all out.

• How much will America’s economic slowdown curb illegal immigration?
• Is President Hugo Chavez losing control of the Venezuela’s government?
• Is Hugo Chavez losing his dream of Bolivarian Socialism?
• Can Afghanistan successfully develop an economic alternative to growing opium poppies?
• Will Wal-Mart be forced to allow its employees to unionize?
• When will an HIV vaccine be developed?
• Is the global community doing enough to curb the spread of AIDS in the developing world?
• What effect will the retirement of the baby boomers have on the US economy?
• What effect will Obama’s presidency have on US race relations?
• Should the federal government subsidize the development of new nuclear power plants?
• What effect will falling oil prices have on political stability in the Middle East?
• Can global philanthropy use business practices to effect social change?
• Should the US implement a cap and trade system on carbon emissions?
• Is the Indian government doing enough to combat urban poverty?
• What direction will Cuba take under the leadership of Raul Castro?
• Who can lead the push for a strong, unified Latin American political bloc on the world stage?
• Is normalization of diplomatic relations between India and Pakistan possible?
• What should the US do with detainees currently in Guantanamo Bay?
• Is there a way back for the Republican Party?
• Does Silicon Valley still have its economic magic?
• Has a single currency been good for European economies?
• Should the UK adopt the Euro as its currency?
• What should the federal government do to get displaced American workers employed again?
• Should Kashmir be granted its independence?
• What political fallout will come from Russia’s current economic slide?
• How much is Internet shopping eroding the sales of American brick and mortar retailers?
• What can President Obama learn from Bill Clinton’s failed attempt at Mideast Peace?
• What impact will aging populations have on the global economy?
• Will the American tech sector prove resistant to the economic downturn?
• Does Britain’s Labour Party have a solid plan to break out of the current economic slump?
• Should the US postpone plans for missile defense systems in Europe?
• Is America’s Department of Homeland Security doing enough to guard the infrastructure of Cyberspace?
• What legacy will the second Bush Administration be remembered for?
• What should the federal government do to revive the lagging US housing market/
• Has mark to market accounting failed the US financial system?
• Should the FDIC form a ‘bad bank’ to absorb troubled assets?
• How should the US now define victory in Iraq?
• Can the British Army sustain its operations across the globe?
• Has the US troop surge in Iraq created a climate that permits political reconciliation?
• Does continued US engagement in Iraq strengthen the regional power of Iran?
• Does Pakistan pose a larger risk to US interests than Afghanistan?
• How can European nations get out from under the thumb of Russia’s Gazprom?
• How can the US federal government get financial institutions to restart the flow of credit to the economy?
• Should US taxpayers bear the risk of insuring banks’ lending?
• How can the British government restore banks’ capital levels?
• Why is single malt scotch so awesome?
• Does the current economic crisis set the stage for another round of class warfare in America?
• Should American universities do more to recruit foreign students?
• How can American automakers remain globally competitive?
• How will the global economic woes change the flows of migrant workers?
• How can the US best put terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda on the defensive?
• Can the US afford to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay?
• Can President Obama give the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the attention it requies?
• Could a unity government administer Palestine effectively?
• Should Obama reverse President Bush’s decision to block US participation in the ICC?
• Does the economic stimulus plan move to slowly to effect economic recovery?
• What more should the federal government do to trim the rising costs of higher education?
• Should the EU loosen it’s economic requirements for membership?
• Can the UK government shore up struggling British banks?
• Is the US successfully combating the global movement of radical Islam?
• When will America’s efforts towards a European missile defense shield come to fruition?
• Should the WHO be more ambitious in combating global diseases?
• Should US law enforcement agencies be prohibited from storing the DNA samples?
• When will Chinese car makers be able to push into the US auto market?
• Should American multinationals be allowed to repatriate money made abroad without facing taxes?
• Will global philanthropy survive the economic crisis?
• Can the Republican Party successfully rebrand itself to American voters?
• Can Japan’s LDP party recover voters’ support?
• How can the Japanese government restore consumer confidence?
• Are bigger tax cuts needed in the US economic stimulus package?
• Are America’s financial sector executives morally as well as financially bankrupt?
• Should the European Central Bank lower interest rates?
• How can financial institutions add clarity and transparency to derivatives markets?
• Can bipartisanship win out in Congress?
• Will the US economic stimulus package create another round of global trade wars?
• How can the Republican Party rebuild its public image?
• Should individual states be required to disclose how federal stimulus money is spent?
• Can India keep up its economic growth amidst global downturn?
• Should the UN push for stricter sanctions against Myanmar?
• Will the government of Thailand loosen les magistre prohibitions on free speech?
• Can a free, independent press survive in Russia?
• Will a draw down of US troop presence in Iraq respark sectarian violence?
• Is the Iraq public disillusioned with the political process?
• Have the economies of the Asian Tigers been overly dependant on exports?
• Should developing nations have more say in the IMF?
• What more should the federal stimulus plan do for developing a comprehensive energy plan?
• Has American policy failed in the war on drugs?
• How will the new Israeli government affect the peace process?
• What place does ‘abstinence only’ sex education have in American education policy?
• Should the UN offer more aid to Haiti?
• Will revenues from newly discovered oil fields strengthen government corruption in Brazil?
• Is the Department of Homeland Security doing enough to secure America’s borders?
• Should the US renegotiate NAFTA?
• Should the US continue to support Hamid Karzai?
• Can additional American troops improve the security situation on the ground in Afghanistan?
• Should America’s foreign policy strategy in Central Asia be rethought?
• How can Taiwan best weather the economic downturn?
• Can a power-sharing government successfully run Zimbabwe?
• Can China sustain strong economic growth against the fall in global markets?
• Will the economic downturn strengthen the power of US labor unions?
• Does nuclear deterrence still have a place in US foreign policy?
• Will China’s growing middle class push for political change?
• Is Obama’s strategy for Iraq realistic?
• Does America need significant prison reform?
• Should the federal government impose net neutrality rules on American broadband providers?
• Should the federal government nationalize failing banks?
• Is political reform in Saudi Arabia moving too slowly?
• How should the US define victory in Afghanistan?
• Is the risk of a failed Palestinian state a significant worry for US policy in the Middle East?
• Does the US military need to put more effort into expanding it’s Civil Affairs force?
• How can the US combat Islamist insurgency in AfPak?
• Should the US do more to support Pakistan’s President Zadari?
• Is peace between India and Pakistan impossible?
• Should the EU have a larger voice on the world stage?
• Should American automakers be allowed to go bankrupt?
• Should Europe put more focus on the development of nuclear power?
• What does the future hold for EU expansion?
• Is there a chance for political consensus in Pakistan?
• Can new leadership build a functional government in Somalia?
• Does Europe need a unified industrial policy to survive the economic downturn?
• Has the UK been successfully addressing the concerns of its Muslim citizens?
• Is the EU effectively integrating Muslims immigrants into new cultures?
• Does the US still face significant threats of domestic terrorism?
• How large of a threat does a nuclear armed Iran pose for the region?
• Does Europe’s energy market require further consolidation to counter Russia’s influence?
• Will more Eastern European nations require IMF bailout?
• Should the federal government do more to encourage the recycling of household waste?
• Is America committed to a two-station solution in the Israel-Palestine conflict?
• Should the US government limit the size of banks to prevent failures that pose a systemic risk?
• Can the FDIC cope with the scale of bank failures?
• How will the Chinese government expand its economic stimulus to keep growing the economy?
• Should the Chinese government spend more on rural health care?
• How will Obama’s Presidency change America’s role in the Middle East?
• Should the ICC prosecute Sudan’s President Bashir?
• Is the Obama Administration doing enough to stimulate confidence in the economy?
• Should the federal government allow AIG to fail?
• Does the Obama stimulus plan need to be bigger in the short term?
• Does American news media work hard enough to ask the tough questions?
• What reforms are necessary in the American prison system?
• Is Mexico’s drug war moving to the US?
• How well has Latin America coped with the global economic downturn?
• Is political stability in Thailand still far off?
• Will corruption ruin South African democracy?
• Can Jacob Zuma retain support among South African voters?
• Can a coalition government lead Israel effectively?
• What can the Middle Eastern nations learn from Saudi Arabia’s success in combating radical Islam?
• Can the Iraqi government keep former Sunni insurgents from picking up arms again?
• Could fighting in the Balkans still flare up again?
• Who can take over leadership of Britain’s Labour Party?
• Does Europe’s economy show a glimmer of hope among global depression?
• Are the Torries poised to take power from the Labour Party?
• Has Russia’s Dimitri Medvedev shown himself to be the shadow of Vladimir Putin?
• Should the US continue to push for a draw down in the global number of nuclear weapons?
• How will Russia respond to NATO expansion into Eastern Europe?
• Can the US convince China and Russia to assist in dealing with Iran’s nuclear program?
• Does the Internet need a global legal framework to address international cybercrime?
• What kind of long term viability do American auto-makers have?
• Can GM avoid bankruptcy?
• When will American consumer spending begin to pick back up?
• How is Japan faring in the global economic crisis?
• How can Asian economies become less dependent on exports?
• Has Afghanistan become a true narco-state?
• Will the “green” stimulus money have lasting effects on US unemployment?
• Should the US push for further domestic development of bio-fuels?
• Will American unemployment get worse before the next mid-term elections?
• When will a Malaria vaccine become a reality?
• Is outrage over expensive bonuses undermining efforts to stimulate the economy?
• Can additional NATO troops ensure a stable election in Afghanistan?
• What more should the UN do to combat the spread of AIDS in Africa?
• Is Iranian development of nuclear weapons inevitable?
• Can the US economy survive a deep, long-term recession?
• How can the Republican Party in the US reinvent itself?
• Should National Guard troops be used to enforce border security?
• What role will Michelle Obama play in the Administration?
• What does Iran’s upcoming Presidential election mean for the future of the Middle East?
• Will the risk of accidents slow the global adoption of nuclear energy?
• Is American military spending out of control?
• Will Congress cut defense spending?
• Has Web 2.0 lived up to the hype?
• Is bankruptcy the best choice for American carmakers?
• How well is Obama doing thus far?
• What should the world do about the situation in Sudan?
• Is the ICC an effective body for adjudicating world crimes?
• What should Congress do to encourage cuts in American carbon emissions?
• Would a cap and trade system for carbon emissions work in the US?
• Are African nations improving in the fight against AIDS?
• Can democracy succeed in the Persian Gulf?
• Should the US unilaterally draw down its stockpile of nuclear weapons?
• How well are developing nations weathering the economic storm?
• What is the future of Iran’s theocratic regime?
• Does Iraq face an inevitable resurgence of sectarian violence?
• What can be done to curb corruption in African governments?
• Is the Sudan effectively a failed state?
• What should the UN do to ease the suffering of the Sudanese populace?
• How can the Pakistani government beat the insurgency in the North?
• Can new militias offer a real solution to the security situation in Afghanistan?
• Does rising unemployment pose a risk to China’s economic growth?
• Will Europe pass the Lisbon Treaty?
• Does the EU need a full time President?
• Can Britain maintain its stimulus spending levels?
• Will the current economic crisis be the downfall of the Labour Party in Britian?
• Is America moving fast enough on a global stage to combat global warming?
• Is the US ready to commit to significant reductions in carbon emissions?
• Has the Taliban found a safe new home in Pakistan?
• Does the global economy need new mechanism for regulating international banking?
• Is organized crime on the rise again in the US?
• Should the federal government pus to expand broadband Internet access across the US?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Extemp Questions through Dec. 08

sorry, kinda forgot to post these. Had them in MS Word for a while, just never got around to the actual posting.

• Is the UK lacking in economic leadership?
• Can the economic issue trump the effect of Sarah Palin in conservative voters?
• Ten years after Pinochet has Chile’s army finally regained its legitimacy?.
• Can the Democratic Party of Japan lead an effective opposition to the LDP?
• Should the federal government subsidize nuclear energy development?
• Are European banks insulated from America’s current financial crisis?
• Is universal health care necessary to keep America’s economy competitive?
• Will the airline industry be the next to seek major federal bailout?
• Does the federal bailout of the financial sector set a precedent for the rescue of other industries?
• Can farming keep pace with the global population boom?
• Is American media biased in favor of the left?
• Can America effectively compete in a rapidly growing global economy?
• Does the federal bailout of the financial sector unfairly burden American taxpayers?
• Are UN peacekeepers needed in Somalia?
• Will Russia seek closer ties with Latin American nations?
• Should a new organization be created to oversee the US finance markets?
• Can a government plan save the US economy?
• What will the finance rescue plan really cost American taxpayers?
• In the government rescue plan, do American taxpayers bear too much burden for the irresponsible behaviors of the finance sector?
• Will the government financial rescue plan be adversely effected by the political changes of a new President?
• Can the baby boomers afford to retire with the economy in its current condition?
• Will the current credit crunch cause consumers to increase savings?
• Does the US face a shortage of doctors in its rural areas?
• Is financial globalization itself part of the problem in the current economic crisis?
• Will Barak Obama push congress for additional bailouts to the financial sector?
• Does South Africa face long term political instability?
• Can the global community eradicate the threat of Malaria by 2040?
• Can emerging economies change the shape of global financial markets?
• Can Afghanistan’s President Karzai work out a deal with the remaining Taliban insurgents?
• Is global free trade once again under threat?
• Should the US cut its farm subsidies?
• How can the US best promote global carbon emission reductions?
• Does the US face a serious shortage of primary care physicians?
• Is increased globalization good for the American economy?
• Are government bailouts of banks an unnecessarily expensive way to solve the global economic problems?
• What is the right way to reform global finance?
• Is deregulation to blame for the current market crisis?
• Does President elect Obama have a clear political mandate from the American people?
• Can President Obama govern effectively in a bipartisan manner?.
• How can the Republican Party rebuild itself by 2012?
• Are corporate bonds once again “junk”?
• Will China’s export economy stay strong amidst a global credit crisis?
• What business models can the music industry follow to curb the financial damage caused by Internet piracy?
• Will US government intervention be enough to curb the growing scale of the global economic crisis
• What does the future hold for Sarah Palin’s political career?
• What does Barak Obama’s Presidential victory tell about the status of race as a political issue for the US?
• Should the Canadian government take more action to stave off the impacts of the current economic crisis?
• Does Thailand’s government face another coup?
• When will Kashmir gain its independence?
• Is peace in Sri Lanka finally at hand?
• What more should the international community do to curb the flow of arms to chaotic African nations?
• Has Kosovo gain international legitimacy since it declared independence?
• Should the central banks of individual nations be made to cooperate and coordinate their efforts for the sake of the global economy?
• Can the economies of sub-Saharan Africa improve with the failing global financial markets?
• Should the IMF and the World Bank put more pressure n African antions to reform their human rights practices?
• Will the population booms in Africa worsen the poverty crisis across the continent?
• What should Congress do to simplify the US health care system?
• Should President elect Obama offer Hillary Clinton a role in his Administration?
• Will the current American financial crisis inevitably cause a global economic depression?
• Will American consumer spending continue to fall in 2009?
• Will China’s economic growth be able to cushion the global credit crunch?
• Will the economic slow down in rich nations allow developing economies the chance to grow?
• Does Africa need to integrate more into the global economy to prosper?
• Will America’s weakened economy continue to attract foreign investment?
• Will the Euro take over as the world’s primary reserve currency?
• What role has free trade played in creating the current economic crisis?
• Is immigration still poised to be a key policy issue for the new President?
• Is it feasible to secure the entire US-Mexico border from illegal immigration?
• How can No Child Left Behind be reformed to more effectively help states with primary and secondary education?
• Do mandatory minimums for drug sentencing effectively combat drug crimes?
• Is General Petraeus capable of leading the war on terror under a new President?
• Will the US military resist a large scale withdrawal from Iraq?
• How can the US make better use of the troops and resources it has in Afghanistan?
• Will new leadership in South Africa be capable of healing the political rifts that arose under Thabo Mbeki?
• Will the failing public health system be a main focus for President Obama’s first term?
• Can the international community effectively police the trafficking of weapons grade nuclear materials?
• Can the music industry find a business model that will let is sucessfuly adapt to the Internet?
• Can government intervention keep European banks solvent?
• What should the international community do to stabilize the government in Somalia?
• Are African Union troops sufficient for peacekeeping efforts in sub-Saharan Africa?
• What is behind European nations move towards the political right?
• Will EU nations begin to get tough on immigration and political asylum?
• Is illegal immigration out of control in Europe?
• Should Latin American nations push to privatize the development of energy resources?
• Is the quality of American higher education falling against the global norms?
• Why was the Obama campaign so successful at engaging the typically apathetic younger voters?
• What will history remember about the second Bush term in office?
• Can Pakistan’s ISI purge itself of Taliban loyalists?
• What should the US do to resolve do to resolve the conflict between India and Pakistan over the disputed Kashmir region?
• Can Japan keep its export economy strong?
• Is religion in China growing?
• What impact will religion have on the future of Chinese politics?
• Is the UN paying enough attention to the chaos in Somalia?
• Does international fixation on North Korea’s nuclear development programs prevent real progress on improving the quality of life for North Koreans?
• Should the US push for an official end to the war between North and South Korea?
• Can the Six-Party Talks help find a way towards eventual Korean reunification?
• What kind of contingency plans should the US have in place for the failure of the North Korean state?
• Will America’s lagging economy curb illegal immigration from Mexico?
• Will the current economic crisis create the impetus for Congress to reform the US healthcare system?
• Should Congress push for large infrastructure projects as a means to counter the economic depression?
• How well will the Euro cope with its first major economic depression?
• Is a political compromise with the Taliban still a viable option?
• Should the US push for he demolition of unauthorized Israeli settlements in the disputed territories?
• Should the UN rethink its mandate in the Congo?
• What can African nations do to make the continent friendlier to international business?
• Will the Obama Administration push for stricter gun control legislation from Congress?
• Does Europe need the Lisbon Treaty?
• Can Ireland be persuaded to reverse its decision on the Lisbon Treaty?
• Should the UN be brought in to negotiate the power sharing arrangement in the new government of Zimbabwe?
• Does China’s continued economic growth depend on additional economic reforms?
• Will Britian pull its support from the war in Afghanistan?
• When will the Kurds get their own nation?
• How can the US auto industry survive in the long run?
• What more can the Japanese government do to combat the growing problem of homelessness?
• Can emerging economies avoid catastrophe in the global market?
• When will the US begin to draw down its troop presence in Iraq?
• Does the US government’s foreign debt obligation pose a risk to national security?
• What does Barack Obama’s victory show about the future of public campaign financing?
• Has the US lost its influence in Latin America?
• Is Saudi Arabia ripe for political reform?
• Can the US rely on Saudi Arabia as an ally in the fight against radical Islam?
• What does the EU expect of the new American President?
• How can President elect Obama find common ground with Republicans in Congress?
• Will the Obama Administration have to defer some of its campaign promises because of the state of the US economy?
• Can the Republican Party get back in touch with Hispanic voters?
• Will international economic woes slow intra-European migration?
• What objectives does Venezuela have for it’s role in the future of Latin American politics?
• Can the strength of the Chinese Yuan help to stabilize Asian economies during the current crisis?
• Is the IMF still a key part of the international economy?
• Who should replace Ted Stevens in representing Alaska in the US Senate?
• Will Medicare reforms be a priority for the Obama Administration?
• Should the federal government raise the minimum age on Social Security benefits?
• What does the Obama victory show about the youth vote in America?
• Should US carmakers get an emergency bailout from the federal government?
• Should the US provide more aid to Central America?
• Will China make efforts to reduce carbon emissions?
• Has China made enough progress in protecting international intellectual property?
• Can Japan’s Prime Minister Aso revitalize the nation’s lagging economy?
• Should the LDP in Japan push for an early election?
• Is Congress taking appropriate measures to address prison overcrowding?
• Will Google be the next big tech firm to face antitrust lawsuits?
• Should American companies be held liable in US courts for their human rights practices in foreign countries?
• Can the Japanese economy weather the current global credit crisis without international bailout?
• Is there significant political bias in American news media?
• Is there an upside to the current economic downturn?
• Is greater international action needed for he preservation of fisheries and other marine resources?
• Should the federal government subsidize the development of clean coal energy?
• Will short term government bailout lead to long term profitability for the US automobile industry?
• Can federal spending curb rising US unemployment?
• Does nuclear energy development have a future in Europe?
• What would it take to disarm the world of nuclear weapons?
• Should large pharmaceutical companies focus more on developing world markets?
• Can US carmakers survive by pushing into the Chinese automobile market?
• Are the worlds richest nations headed for a deflationary spiral?
• How can the US effectively combat the global threat of non-state sponsors of terrorism?
• Has South Korea’s “Sunshine Policy” with the North been successful?
• Does South Korea face imminent economic implosion?
• Will Iran’s hard line government continue to thrive against the new Obama Administration/
• Can a workable power sharing deal in Zimbabwe be negotiated in good faith?
• Should the US support missle defense initiatives in Europe?
• How will America bear out the hidden costs of the war in Iraq?
• How competitive is the US in the overall global economy?
• What should America’s economic strategy be for improving long term global competitiveness?
• What will it take to restore Iraq’s middle class?
• Is a lasting peace in Sri Lanka on the horizon?
• Is a gradual withdrawal from Iraq in the best interest of the United States?
• Is security in Iraq finally turning around?
• Can the Iraqi government successfully block infiltration by Syrian Jihadists?
• Have Iraqi Kurds overreached on their ambitions for independence?
• Can Sunni leaders be drawn back into participating in Iraqi politics?