Monday, December 9, 2013

Extemp Oct. / Nov. 2013

  • What effect would a US government shutdown have on the global economy?
  • Should Obama give ground to prevent a government shutdown?
  • What would be the long-term effects of a US det default?
  • What does suspension of US aid to Egypt signal about the future of US foreign policy?
  • Is brinksmanship over the debt ceiling good for American politics?
  • Are significant election reforms needed to remove the partisanship from US politics?
  • What would it take to bring the Muslim Brotherhood back into the politial system in Egypt?
  • How long can China continue at it’s current rate of economic growth?
  • Will repeated brinksmanship between Congress and the President have significant negative impacts for the US economy?
  • Will history view Edward Snowden as a hero for privacy?
  • Can Iran’s new President Rouhani work out a deal with the International community for sanctions relief?
  • Is China doing enough to clean up it’s environmental record?
  • Should China be doing more to reduce its carbon footprint?
  • Should additional constraints be placed on placed on US intelligence data gathering methods?
  • Does the US need to make greater effort to repair its reputation in the international community?
  • Is the Middle East at significant risk of a nuclear arms race?
  • How can the Federal government repair the rollout of Obamacare?
  • Is a military solution possible in Syria?
  • How can the Indian government continue to fuel economic growth?
  • How significantly has the government shutdown impacted US military readiness?
  • Does continued political brinksmanship over the US budget harm the global economy?
  • What measures should be taken to control American entitlement spending?
  • Does the end of the current government shutdown only delay resolution of the partisan fight?

  • How can President Obama best preserve the legacy of his second term?
  • Does Puerto Rico face a significant debt crisis?
  • When will public opinion of Washington hit bottom?
  • Does the declining perception of America in the global community harm US national security?
  • Has the government shutdown harmed America’s credibility on the international stage?
  • What does the future hold for the Republican Party?
  • Will an end to the M23 insurgency in the DR Congo lead to a lasting peace?
  • What does India’s mission to Mars signal about the future of space exploration?
  • Are the Euro zone economies doing enough to curb unemployment?
  • Does new leadership of the Pakistani Taliban create a significant threat for the Pakistani government?
  • Should the Obama Administration pay more foreign policy attention on emerging Asian economies?
  • What can be done to reign in the drug cartels in Mexico?
  • Is a nuclear deal with Iran really possible?
  • Would a nuclear deal with Iran be good for the Persian Gulf region?
  • Can Germany elect a stable government?
  • Is political instability in Germany having negative impacts on European economies?
  • Have Democrats in Congress begun to lose confidence in the sucessfulness of Obamacare?
  • Do Democrats face serious risk of losing seats in Congress over Obamacare?
  • Will China be able to implement planned reforms in the next five years?
  • Can the new Chinese leadership implement real reforms?
  • Will Chile’s new leadership move the government far to the left?
  • Will divisions among the goals of Western nations prevent an agreement with Iran over nuclear development?
  • Can President Maduro restore economic stability in Venezuela?
  • Will continued daily hardships reduce the power of the Chavista movement in Venezuela?
  • Is it too early to understand the long term effects of the Affordable Care Act?
  • Should the US Congress push for greater sanctions against Iran while a nuclear deal is still being negotiated?
  • Will the Republican Party split further during the 2014 election cycle?
  • Should more be done to combat piracy along the Somali coast?
  • Is political reconciliation possible in Thailand?
  • Will Thaksin Shinawatra be allowed back into Thai politics?
  • Will peace talks between the FARC and Colombian government succeed?
  • Is a lasting peace between the government and the FARC impossible

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