Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Extemp: Old Extemp Questions from 2006

NX – January 2006
• How important should adherence to precedent be when selecting new Supreme Court Justices?
• What more should the federal government do to combat eco-terrorism?
• Should Democrats try to block the confirmation of Samuel Alito?
• What have we learned so far about the Roberts Court?

• Will tougher lobbying laws really curb corruption?
• How much will corruption play into this year’s midterm elections?
• How much will the scandal surrounding Jack Abranoff damage the Republican Party?
• Will Republican anti-corruption reforms be well accepted by politicians and the American public?
• How can we reduce the overwhelming amount of money in elections?
• Weill lobbying reform work?
• Should there be a new enforcement officer for lobbying and ethics rules in Washington DC?
• Should politicians be given free airtime for campaign advertisements?
• Who can the Republicans unite behind in 2008?
• Does the president have enough political capital to push through is agenda?

Foreign Policy
• Should the US be more actively involved in Pakistan?
• Why is the US still fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan?
• How can the Bush Administration ease tensions between the US and Europe?
• Will US military strikes in places like Pakistan cause a withdrawal of international support in the war on terror?
• Has the Bush Administration mishandled the ongoing nuclear disagreement with Iran?
• How should America react to Hugo Chavez?
• Should USAID foreign assistance be used to promote Bush Administration goals for spreading democracy?
• Will the reopening of universities in New Orleans help stimulate economic recover?
• Are traditional pension plans doomed?
• Should the US devote more resources to developing renewable energy sources?
• How can American energy policy become less dependent on Middle Eastern oil?
• What changes are needed to make an effective immigration policy?
• How high of a priority should schools be in the restoration of New Orleans?
• Is enough being done to combat homelessness?
• Should the federal government seek to overturn state laws allowing doctor assisted suicide?
• What more should the federal government do to help the millions of Americans without health insurance?
• Does the new Medicare drug plan need revision?
• Can America combat obesity?
• How should congress deal with the problems in Medicaid and Medicare?
• Is it time to consider universal health insurance?

• Is the goal of secular democracy in Iraq possible?
• What lessons can history provide to US forces in Iraq?
• What can the US do to repair Iraq?
• With all the resources thrown at him, why has Osama bin Laden been caught yet?
• What more should the US do to develop the Iraqi military?
• How much has corruption stifled progress in Iraq?
• How long can the US continue to sustain its level of deployment?

IX – January 2006
• What actions are necessary to end violent rebellion in Nigeria?
• Should the UN get out of the Ivory Coast?
• Should UN peacekeepers have a stronger mandate across Africa?
• Should NATO get more involved in Darfur?
• Should the international economy be concerned about China’s large trade surplus?
• Is Taiwan on the verge of a political shift in power?
• Is rapid market expansion causing social disturbance in China?
• Is Japan ready for a female to succeed to the throne?
• How can the Bush Administration ease tensions between the US and Europse?
• How can real democracy reestablish itself in Russia?
• Should Europe reduce its dependence on Russian oil?
• Does anyone else find it funny that people in a country named Turkey are dying of the bird flu?
• How can Europe reduce its dependence on Russian oil and gas?
• Will the withdrawal of Italian troops from Iraq by the end of 2006 further chill relations between the US and Europe?
• Is Europe Al Qaeda’s new front?
Global Issues
• Should there be international sanctions against Iran?
• What lies behind rising global oil costs?
• How should the global community work together to combat bird flu?
Latin America
• Should the global community be more concerned about the world’s oil supply?
• Is a resurgence of violence in Haiti inevitable?
• Is Colombia doing enough to combat coca farming?
Middle East
• What would happen if American forces left Iraq?
• Would the withdrawal of US troops ignite a civil was between Iraq’s Sunnis and Shiites?
• If American troops withdrawal from Baghdad what would stop Iraqi Sunnis from launching an attack to try to control the city?
• Would a withdrawal of US troops embolden the Iraq insurgency?
• Would a reduction of US troop levels in Iraq cause an increase in the number of foreign Jihadi fighters?
• Would the Kurds in Iraq try to secede if US troops left?
• If US forces leave Iraq would Iran try to gain control?
• Is the goal of secular democracy in Iraq possible?
• What lessons can history provide to US forces in Iraq?
• What can the US do to repair Iraq?
• Can sabotage and covert assassination stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power?
• What more should be done to develop the Iraqi Defense Force?
• Why does Iraq not have enough trained military and police forces?
• How much has corruption stifled progress in Iraq?
• What will history say about Ariel Sharon?
• Should Israel remove voting rights for Palestinians associated with any terrorist organization?
• Will the death of the Kuwaiti Emir create any significant shift in that nation’s policies?
• Should the Israel military be used to forcefully remove settlers that refuse to relocate?
• Would international economic sanctions against Iran be effective?
• Can diplomacy resolve the nuclear tensions with Iran?
• Can Saddam get a just trial?
• Can Mahmoud Abbas gain the upper hand over militant Palestinian groups like Hamas?
• Can Hamas manage the Palestinian government?
• Should the US deny aid to Palestine until Hamas changes its charter?
• Will the new Palestinian government seek peace with Israel?
• Who should preside over the trial of Saddam Hussien?
• What does the election of Hamas mean for the Palestinian people?

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